Monday, July 18, 2011

Father & Daughter Keep Having Sex After Meeting For First Time Through Internet

I'm sure Ryan O'Neal must be reading this story repeatedly and thinking to himself that he too would love some father daughter loving.

Six years ago, Nicola Yates learned who her father was, found him on the internet and started chatting with him online. The next thing you know the pair is having sex and they both ended up in jail for incest.

Well, fast forward a few years and now the couple has admitted when they got out of jail they moved into together and had sex for a few years and were arrested again in September. Nicola says she is now done seeing her dad and never wants to see him again. No one interviewed the dad. I am just thankful the pair did not end up having kids together. I guess when you you do not grow up with someone as your parent you don't have those same boundaries you would otherwise. Still though, it is pretty sick.


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