Have you ever been in a fight in a bar? I have been in some arguments but they were primarily because I tend to take up several stools when I sit and people find that annoying. Especially, when they are drinking. You have an ass the size of mine and that is something annoying. They should be congratulating me for getting out of the house or squeezing into a car and not complaining about the fact that my wideness needs special accommodation.
Anyway, one thing you used to be able to count on was that if you got into a bar fight it was going to be fists and the occasional bottle to the head. If someone wanted to use something more serious they were going to have to go to their car or home to get it and by then, everyone would scatter. Well, the Ohio governor changed all that yesterday. He decided that people needed to bring guns to bars to properly defend themselves. Yes, everyone knows nothing screams safety like booze and guns. Why do you need to bring a gun to a bar? Are you planning on getting into a fight?
There is this one scene in Friday. The original, not one of the 18 sequels. In that scene John Witherspoon, who played Ice Cube's father sees Ice Cube with a gun and gets mad at him not so much for having the gun, but because a gun is the less manly way to get into a fight. If you are going to get into a fight, then use your fists and be prepared to get hit with fists. Using a gun might make you feel like a man, but it is the wuss way to go about fighting.
So, next time you are in Ohio, watch out for breast milk squirting women and wear a bullet proof vest to the bars.
As a former restaurant worker, this enrages me. Bartenders and servers have to say sober and professional, and it really sucks that they have to put themselves in danger while at work. Are they allowed to pack heat, too? I doubt it.
ReplyDeleteI've seen MANY, MANY, MANY bar fights -- some of which involved knives -- and there could have definitely been fatalities if the police hadn't shown up immediately.
Ah. Sweet land of liberty, indeed.
reason #498 in my list of "Why I am glad I no longer live in Ohio"
ReplyDeleteI will never, ever go to a place where there's booze and guns.
ReplyDeleteCan you even imagine being a bartender trying to shut somene off that has a gun in front of them?
Or being a bouncer trying to break up a fight?
Um, criminals were already bringing their guns in bars...law or no law.
ReplyDeleteEven in gun loving Texas, bars/and or places where alcohol is served and guns are a big No-No. Ohio is NUTS.
ReplyDeleteSoooooo glad I never got that job in Ohio.
ReplyDeleteI live in Pa near the Ohio border. I guess we(my friends and I) will no longer be doing the dive bar tour in Ohio.
ReplyDeleteI'm all for 2nd amendment rights. Way to go, Ohio. something like 48 states have concealed carry laws, you don't see most shootings being done by a lawfully carrying gunowner. Criminals carry guns, concealed carriers protect citizens.
ReplyDeleteIf you read the law, it still allows businesses from banning firearms for safety purposes and also prohibits the carriers from drinking.
Guns and bars don't mix.
ReplyDeleteToday in MD, a 5 year old shot his 4 year old neighbor in the back. Something has to change.
Rose - was it in a bar?
ReplyDeleteIrresponsible parents do not stop their children from shooting their friends.
Flash mobs that are happening in Chicago will never happen in TX. Studies show that concealed carry laws actually results in decrease in crime. I wonder why.
Chicago had one of the most restrictive gun laws on the books that was overturned by the SCOTUS. During that time, Chicago also had the most gun violence. McDonald v. Chicago.
Look it up.
I'm sorry. I just don't like guns. Period.
ReplyDeleteWTF, Ohio???
I don't like cigarettes either. But I'm not going to argue with those who smoke.
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of being in Illinois and seeing drive-through liquor stores. They may have have them in other states, but that's the only place I remember seeing them. That and this seem like recipes for disaster.
ReplyDeleteMan, that's a BIG gun!
Oh Robert, we have drive-through liquor stores here in Ohio too. Good times! /sarcasm
ReplyDeleteAnd even though our precious little tyrant of a governor managed to get crap like this passed in the fricking BUDGET bill, I can assure you that there is so much ill will toward him that stuff like this won't last for long.
Lol! Only in America...