Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Does This Mean Ali Was Drunk Too?

Immediately prior to Lindsay Lohan serving her house arrest, Plum Miami magazine had arranged for a photo shoot and interview with Lindsay. Over the course of the weekend they managed to get some photos, but never did get that interview. The reason? Lindsay was pretty much hammered the whole time. Her hangers on were also hammered the entire time. The writer says that Ali was the most responsible of the bunch, but on Sunday, the writer said everyone was drunk, so I guess that means Ali too. Some childhood Ali has had. An evil mom; a sister who loves to pick fights when she is bored; no school; no friends; a failed reality show and parents who obviously only like the kids that make them money.

Apparently Lindsay was a pain in the butt the entire weekend. She was arrogant. No? Shocker! Incoherent much of the time. No? Shocker! She was a drama queen. No? Shocker!

My favorite part of the interview is when Lindsay is being driven up to a hotel and there is a cone blocking the driveway. She leans out the car and yells, "Move that thing, I'm Lindsay Lohan." Umm, so we need to move this crap for someone who is now more famous for repeatedly going to jail than anything in movies. When is the last time she made money from a movie? That bit part in Machete. That was a long time ago.


  1. Read this yesterday - anyone still clinging to hope for this girl needs to give that up right now. The best part was how the party was coming to an end and everyone was leaving, but Lindsay refused to let the party die. The writer said it was like when the lights come on at the end of the night when a bar closes...ugly.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. let them drink themselves into oblivion. how does this affect me? i'm still surprised people continue to want to waste their time forming opinions about this crap. it's not even fun to watch her anymore.

  4. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Apparently she still hasn't hit rock bottom...poor girl is in for a rude awakening!

    Then again, if RDJ can pull himself together and regain a career in acting maybe, and that's a HUGE maybe, she can too. After hitting rock bottom.

    So sad she has so many enablers and people who aren't helping hanging around.

  5. What cheap, brassy, horrible hair color. It's hard to look at.

  6. RDJ didn't have his own parents sucking the ever loving life out of them. Way too many enablers, including her parents!

  7. What Cheryl said.

    I still maintain that she should shipped off to a farm in Mongolia for a couple of years.

  8. saw her "bit part" in Machete....I still need therapy. That was the worst crap I have seen in years and I watch ALOT of bad movies on SyFy. (we take bets on who dies first, awesome rainy day game)

  9. ^^^BigMama, my hubby loves those awful movies!

    Another difference 'tween RDJ and Lohan was that people generally loved RDJ and were pulling for him to get better. No one (including her parents) cares about Lindsay.

  10. Same as me, BigMama and Momster!!

    As an aside, I would like to say thank you to the writer of CDAN. I live one block away from where the some of the remains of a nine year old boy was found this morning in Brooklyn (he was murdered by a psycho on Monday for asking directions to meet his mommmy and daddy). I have been staving off panic attacks all morning. This site distracts me from what is going on around me and for that I am very grateful. Ugh.

  11. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Agreed, RDJ had a great support network of people puling for him and parents who weren't leeching every drop of blood out of him.

    RDJ is also a good actor, can't really same the same of Lilo...

    Her only salvation with be long term rehab, disassociate from everyone she currently knows, do some volunteer work and mean it, and try to rebuild her career with a lot of humility and stop the diva behavior.

  12. All that video did was make me sleeeeeepy...the music was lovely. I will say this...oh honey, Venice is where cocaine got the very must of me. BE CAREFUL!

  13. Why hasn't Dina Lohen been visited by DFACS? (Or whatever they call it in her home state). As for Lindsay, she'll be in jail again in 6 months, if not sooner (or dead). It's a shame, but I can't waste any pity for her - saving all my pity for the poor family of the 9 year old boy in NYC.

    Also, my husband and I LOVE those bad SyFy movies!!!! The cheesier the better!

  14. I watched the video, she looks pretty sober to me and kind and gracious. What am I missing?

  15. Ocean Goddess??? HAHAHAHAHAHA

    She's definitely "washed up."


  16. The best part of this is the inevitable denial that will come from either her or her mother soon, as usual.

  17. Is this video supposed to back up the claim that she was drunk all weekend? Because not only does it never show her drinking, or even appearing to be drunk, but it also shows her sitting down giving an interview?
    I'm confused.

  18. She is a waste of a human being, I've heard repeatedly
    how very nasty she is.
    Funny I was just thinking yesterday how I haven't read or seen pictures of her....oh well.

  19. KLM, I just read that tragic story about Leiby a few minutes ago. May G-d rest his beautiful little soul, and may that guy Aron understand what he did and be tortured the rest of his life with it as he rots in jail.

  20. Klm, that is so sad. I can't believe his parents have to live with that for the Rey of their lives. That poor boy.

  21. Anybody who uses the words "comeback" in regards to Lindsay is an idiot. I'm tired of the RDJ comparisons. RDJ had to work at staying sober for years before Marvel would even consider him for 'Iron Man.' He had to prove himself to them. Lindsay can't stay sober for a goddamn weekend.

    I love how she told big-jaw Leno she was going to win an Oscar in 5 years. need to get a fucking acting job first, bitch. And it doesn't like like that will be happening anytime soon. That 'Gotti' movie? Turns out that won't even start filming until next year - if it ever gets made at all. I think this drunk idiot forgets the industry is crawling with actresses in their 20's. And a lot of them are actually talented - Hi, Emma Stone. And can be depended on to be on set and in the makeup chair at 6 in the morning. Lindsay's just getting home from clubbing and going to sleep at that time.

    I hope the industry writes this hag off for good.

    That is all.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. BigMama, you and your friends are invited to our place! We get together with friends for cheap wine, chocolate, and Mystery Science Theater-style snark on SyFy movies. We keep swearing that one day we're gonna get liquored up and write one of our own, but it hasn't happened just yet.

  24. her teeth are meth gray, she just looks like she smells so bad, even in those designer clothes!

  25. @Panda and Rose - I completely agree with you both. He was just asking for directions. I hope the man that did that suffers for the rest of his miserable life. It makes me, as a parent, really question living in NYC. Kids are chomping at the bit to exert independence and travel alone, but when something like this happens, it is just devastating.

  26. I hate to say it, but I still find her extremely good looking. Yes, the hair is burnt, but her eyes and cheekbones are killer.

  27. @KLM

    That is pretty tragic. I always worry when I see little ones travelling alone on the subway or what have you. What happened near you is exactly what I worry about happening here. Actually, I worry that I'll have seen the child and didn't make sure they got to where they were going in one piece.

    I guess the flip side is that you can't really cloister kids forever, but how can you not want to when there are maniacs on the loose?

  28. "Move that thing, I'm Lindsay Lohan." i like thast line and i'm going to use it! shes great comic relief. the sister will be on celebrity rehab at 18. sad, but no one will step in. here she is, in plain sight, people know what is happening and n action is taken.

  29. Anonymous1:16 PM

    RDJ seemed to be aware of the mistakes he was making and took the initiative to get clean. Also, he didn't blame anyone else for his problems. In spite of being messed up, RDJ came across as a good person with some demons to bear.

    LiLo is disgusting and vile. She points the finger at everyone but herself. She doesn't own her problems. She allows that leech she calls a mother to go on TV to defend her. It's sickening.

  30. I realize in my earlier post calling people who compared RDJ and Lindsay "idiots" was harsh. Sorry gang. Didn't mean it. I can see how people will compare the two but there are many, many differences. It took RDJ the prospect of losing his career and prison before he got clean. Lindsay faced both and - yeah, still a bigger mess then ever. RDJ cut out all the negative influences in his live - Lindsay can't survive without them.

    In fact I think the RDJ example could be hurting Lindsay. She see's his success now and thinks "Well, he partied and fucked up and they forgave him, so I can party and fuck up and they'll forgive me." But she's forgetting about the Natalie Portmans and Mila Kunis's and Anne Hathaways and all the other actresses that appreciate the oppertunities they were given and they never threw it away. This is what producers want when casting a role. Someone who will be DEPENDABLE and show up on time, every day and be good at it. Not someone who they worry about if they're even going to show up. And If she does show up what kind of state will she be in? Will she have to be sent home - shutting down production that day and costing tens of thousands of dollars.


  31. I loved your second last post, Jason :) I laughed out loud a couple of times!

  32. Thanks RQ. Lainey said it incredibly in her Lindsay piece today. I'm not the biggest Lainey fan - but this one was amazing.

    Love the "Black Swan" part. The Insane train just never stops with her.

  33. More like "delusional" train.

  34. Maybe jail would do her some good. It did do wonders for RDJ. I remember him saying in an interview that he got his ass kicked a lot in jail.

    Maybe it would knock sense into LiLo too.

  35. Anonymous7:22 PM

    RDJ is a very good actor, Lindsay is passable at best. Even if she cleaned herself up and was repentent, she will never have the career he does.

  36. She's a major talent since childhood.

    She lives a sex drugs and rock and roll lifestyle! The child of Sex and the City and adderall. The press loves hershe's enabled by the media.

    Comback? Of course. With the right script, director and editor & costume designer YES she'll win Oscar in five years Hollywood loves a good comeback... IF she survives her lifestyle, that is.

  37. OMG, I just saw the Black Swan part of this story, which I somehow missed before. Lohan's telling people SHE should have gotten the role?! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    That bitch is scary-delusional.
