Friday, July 15, 2011

The Dirty Dancing Is Not What Bothers Me

The NY Post has an item today about Taylor Armstrong. I'm guessing they got the story from eyewitnesses and did not need to hack any phones or search bank accounts to get the information. Anyway, they said that Real Housewife, Taylor Armstrong was all over Hell's Kitchen chef Seth Levine. I can see that. Taylor is not exactly the happiest married woman in the world. Her husband was probably at home and I think Taylor has way more fun away from home than we think. Taylor's reps denied it. Whatever. You save your denials for the stories when someone says Taylor did something wrong after dinner, you know when she went back to her hotel.

Anyway, what bothers me most about all of this is this line from the article.
"Patron Dina Lohan told Armstrong, 'You better take care of him,' as she left the lounge, and Armstrong obliged."

Umm, Dina Lohan was there? I bet she heard Taylor was being followed by cameras and had to be seen on camera. Dina is probably ticked off that she has not been invited to be on Real Housewives. Can you imagine having to eat dinner with Dina? I guess Dina is upset also that she did not get to take care of Seth. Hell, for an extra $50, she probably would have thrown in Lindsay and a complimentary line of coke.


  1. Anonymous9:44 AM

    The really sad part is that you are probably right. About Lindsay and the coke, that is.

  2. The part that bothers me is THOSE LIPS. They scare me.

  3. That photo of her is pretty darned scary looking!!! This item should have included one of those warnings for us sensitive viewers LOL

  4. As a man, I am trying to figure out what would be so attractive about this woman? Lacking in anything worth calling a compelling personality. Sketchy personal history. Golddigger tendencies. And way too skinny for a good time. Unless you like riding corpses; which means that you have an Ed Gein kind of problem. Altogether, not even worthy of wasting a good Coyote Ugly moment.

    Honestly, Taylor and that sleazeball husband of hers (whose only saving grace is that he understands that kids like dogs, not elaborate Alice in Wonderland tea parties) are perfect for each other.

  5. Lol @ "patron Dina Lohan" instead of "mother of Lindsay Lohan" or some other such bullshit identifier. Like she's barely anybody.....;)

  6. Anonymous12:22 PM

    At first I thought that was a really weird picture of Julia Roberts. Serious fish lips. Yuck.

  7. I dont get it- what, is Dina a pimp for the celebs in clubs now? Uh, You better take care of him, and leave my cut on the that how it works now?
    Weird story

  8. "Move that chef. I'm Dina Lohan."

  9. She looks like a scary muppet. Dina Lohan is a patron??? You mean she actually bought something instead of trying to get it comp? Color me shocked!

  10. TMZ just reported Taylor is going to file for divorce by days end.

  11. Anonymous4:12 PM

    @JasonBlueEyes "move that chef..I am Dina Lohan!" lol hahhah haha lol

  12. Dina is supposedly in talks for Dancing With the Stars, which, if true, will mark yet another season I will not be watching.

    Hmmm...Taylor has a type. Seth appears to have more hair though.



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