Monday, July 11, 2011

Did You Love Friday? Wait Until Saturday!

Rebecca Black is debuting her new single and video next week on YouTube. There is no way she will ever approach the views she got from Friday, but she is going to give it a shot. I hope she did not spend her own money making the new video. That money she made from the first video should be invested wisely and last a lifetime. If you make that much money as a teenager there is no way you should not invest that wisely and never have to work past the age of say like 35. Of course she probably blew it on a signed Justin Bieber bottle of perfume and her very own 24 karat gold Friday necklace and Friday car.

The song and video are all about her fame and how lucky everyone is to know her and how famous she is and she took her cameras to school and showed all her friends how famous she is and then cuts to moments on the red carpet so she can show how famous she is. What it does not show are the moments where celebrities are like who the heck is that and why does she think she is famous?


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