Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dancing With The Stars Reaches Deep Into The Muck

You know, Dancing With The Stars is not a bad gig for C and D listers who need to get back to B list status. It is not like you are going to embarrass yourself or be ashamed to be on the show. I think more celebrities do not do it because it involves something most of them do not like to do. Work. All that practice for someone who is used to sitting around at home all day waiting for their agent to call so they can sit around all day on a set is not the same as practicing dance routines 10 hours a day for the length of the show.

So, because of this lack of wanting from some of the better known possibilities, we are left with the producers of the show considering making offers to not just Snooki which will be horrible enough because no one who watches the show knows who she is, and she will probably be drunk the entire time she she should be practicing. At least she is on a show though and she became famous from that show.

The other person that is embarrassing is Rob Kardashian. Yes, the producers are talking to a guy who is barely on the Lamar and Khloe show and is only famous for the amount of girls he somehow has sex with simply because he is Kim Kardashian's brother. When your pickup line involves the using of your sister, you know you do not deserve to be on any kind of network show and ABC already tried the Kardashian thing and it did not work. They also tried the Jersey Shore thing and it did not work.


  1. they should head to the east coast and try to talk some of our Broadway and soap talent. Soap stars have rabid followings.

  2. and seriously, would you ever go on that show during a season with any football player? Those guys always seem to win! Must be all that fancy footwork they practice.

  3. p.s. my dream DWTS prospect is totally Fabio. How great would that be? He'd be all giant and awkward. Fabulous.

  4. Hasn't this show always been dancing with the has-beens? Now it's the never-wases.

  5. OMG, Ms. Snarky! I would LOVE Fabio on DWTS! And also.....the Old Spice Guy. The REAL Old Spice Guy.

  6. Who's next, the Ty-D-Bol Man?

  7. New vs Old Spice. Im sure they could get some sponsor money for that

  8. They already had Scary Spice, so what the hell?

  9. Old Spice guy, new Spice and the Dos Equis guy.

    Never like Fabio.

  10. Snooki would be comical to watch, though. They are running out of options, though aren't they? I bet if Ashley doesn't pick a Bachelor, she'll end up on the show too.

  11. Ms Snarky- when you said Fabio I immediatly pictured him doing the dance moves on stage with his long crazy hair billowing out behind him and choking/blinding his partner! OMG, please.let.this.happen.

    p.s. is it weird that the instant someone says Fabio I think of two things simultaneously: HAIR and BUTTER in a tub. Weird and odd to picture at the same time ; P

  12. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I'm on the get-the-Dos-Equis-world's-most...guy on this show bandwagon.


    "He reportedly won a dance contest, without a partner."

    {cut to close up}

    "Stay cha-cha my friends."

  13. @Jasmine -
    that would be perfect. Especially if he can also be attacked by a seagull while spinning his partner out. Oh my god. I would be glued to my sofa all season.

  14. I've never actually watched Jersey Shore, but isn't Snooki more well-known than "The Situation," who has already competed on DWTS? Casting these morons doesn't bother me as much as casting the Kate Gosselin types, who are only known for exploiting their own children.

  15. @Ms Snarky- OMG Seagull attacks PLUS billowing hair?! for that crazy train

  16. @Jasmine - if only we could work in the roller coaster along with the seagull, for authenticity's sake. It would be a little piece of crazy heaven.

  17. hahaha, agreed Ms Snarky, agreed.

  18. I was a die-hard fan until the Bristol Palin season...then I said fuck 'em.

  19. And Robert's avatar pic is SCARE-EEE!

  20. This is a crass question, but if they book Snookie, who the heck are they going to find that's short enough to dance with her without having to stoop a ridiculous amount?

    I stopped watching the Kate Gosslin season. Can't stand that woman.

  21. Actually, the Fabio/seagull incident was more like an unfortunate intersection of a bird's flight path and Fabio's face...still a guilty pleasure to snicker about. I just picture him screaming, "Oh my God,
    not my FACE!!!!!"
