Monday, July 11, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

Her camp claimed she was hospitalized for exhaustion this last time, but it was really for her fourth suicide attempt. The young star is so desperate to escape her life, but instead of taking her out of the limelight, her team keeps pushing her towards fame and exacerbating the problem.


  1. Selena Gomez?

    I hope not. She seems so sweet, unlike most of her peers. :(

  2. Wasn't Selena Gomez recently hospitalized for "exhaustion/dehydration"? I know she was one of the kids on Barney and Friends, so she's been in the spotlight almost her entire life. Sad.

  3. The team of whomever it is should be ashamed of themselves. Their actions are completely reprehensible.

    Poor girl.

  4. Very sad. Good luck to her.

    On a lighter note, I think we found Enty:

    It's a Facebook link so I hope you can see!

  5. Oh, so now we're supposed to think that Selena hates her life and is trying to off herself? I mean, isn't the wording kind of obvious?

    That said: yeah fucking right. Oooookaaaaaaaay.

    Buzzfoto seems to frequently cross a line with me, personally. Even Ted's more dubious blinds don't delve into the same level of dark and morbid nastiness. These blinds don't exactly lead to fun speculation. I dunno.

    Y'all have at it.

  6. It seems they are trying to say someone who has been hospitalized several times.

  7. Whoever it is, poor thing. What will her team do when she succeeds? Find another to feed off of?

  8. Seems like they want it to sound like Selena but wouldn't Demi Lovato (sp) make more sense? Plus Selena has the love of Bieber. ;)

    Either way, HORRIBLE.

  9. She needs to take a break, go back to school or something to regain the normal life she's lost...poor baby.
    Oh and what money hungry bastards....

  10. Re: Facebook link

    It's not working for me.

    Facebook says the content is unavailable.

  11. Who has been hospitalized lately? Not going with Selena, she seemsvery happy

  12. Demi because of the word camp...Camp Rock?

  13. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Demi supposedly had issues with self-cutting, so this could be her. Either way, it's sad that these leeches would push whoever it is like this. Give the kid a break and let them get healthy so they can decides if being a star is what they really want. But that involves leaving behind money and that can't happen. SMH.

  14. I am with Ida. F this blind - no fun speculation to be had with this one.

  15. @Layna Day --- self-mutilators very rarely want to commit suicide.

  16. who exactly is Buzz Photo? It seems like they are a bunch of random people making up crazy blind items. Like any of could.

  17. I totally agree Ida.

  18. katy perry she was in this weekend for OVER Exhaustion aka Coke binge or suicide alert

  19. Sounds like Demi to me.

  20. Demi Lovato...not Selena Gomez.

  21. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Facebook link is a phishing scam, DO NOT enter your info.

  22. Selena looks very hale and hearty. Smug, even (because she has that "catch" (Justin Bieber). Not her.

  23. I really do not think it is Demi or Selena. After he treatment stint, besides a few interviews and a new single. Demi has not been really playing the fame game. She has not been to any premiers or award shows. That might change with the upcoming TCA's and any show where her new single gets a nomination.

    Selena does not look all that worn out, from what I heard her parents are really good at taking care of her. Demi seems to be much improved after treatment.

  24. Not Amy Winehouse? She needs rehab again but they're pushing her to tour. (Should be in the past tense regrettably).
