Britney Overdosed On Heroin? Likes To Be Called Queen Bee
I need one of the fabulous nurses who reads the site to explain this one to me. According to court papers filed by that former Britney Spears bodyguard who is suing because he says Britney always made sexual advances to him and paraded around naked, he says Britney was using various legal drugs for which she had no prescription and also other illegal drugs. He specifically stated she used Narcon which supposedly is only given when you have overdosed on meth or heroin. Is this right or is it used also when someone is really depressed?
Britney also uses Ritalin and meth-amphetamines which she does not need because there is no way anyone in the world needs to see Britney after she has been on the go for 36 hours. In case you are curious, he also says she never showers, never wears deodorant and does not care about her hygiene. OK, that one is a no brainer to anyone who has ever seen a pap photo of her.