Monday, July 04, 2011

Blind Items Revealed

June 28, 2011

What former B list television actor and now, a C- list wannabe who lives off his residuals and what he did before, recently made a bet with his friends that he could have sex with five different women in one day. Hey, when you have nothing else to do with your day, I guess you come up with these things. The sad part is that he had no problems at all meeting his quota. Do women think they are going to be with this guy permanently? Do they want to say they had sex with a has been? Is he somehow going to help their career when he cannot fix his?

Wilmer Valderrama


  1. I have never wished Aids on anyone, but jesus h. christ Wilmer is disgusting and a disney tween star pedophile.

    It couldn't happen to a more deserving scumbag.

  2. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Ugh, that's just... demoralizing....

  3. Women can be just like men in that respect. If a guy seems like hes good in bed, then why not see if he rocks your world. Even if its just once! What's so hard to understand?!

  4. I thought for sure I had put in a Wilmer guess for this one, but it must have been a different item. No surprise this is Wilmer. He is just so icky.

  5. please for the love of god and all that is holy no more Wilmer reveals!

  6. Timebob, I don't know - I think that Enty's doing some public service here by continually outing was a creep Wilmer is. It's basically the same reason I've enjoyed all the A-Rod reveals too.

  7. Whitney your right, now if all the 15 year old Disney stars coming up would listen that would be a public service!

  8. LOL Whitney, too true.

    I can't watch That 70's Show reruns without turning the channel when he appears.

  9. Well, we had Warren Beatty, and now our kids have...Fez. Bwahahahahaha! We had, 'Say No To Drugs'. I guess our kids need, 'Fez. Don't do him!'

  10. This makes me sad for the state of girlhood. I can't imagine this fuck has any respect for women whatsoever, and this really doesn't help.

  11. Sorry to admit it, but I'm *kinda* impressed when a guy can have sex 5 times in a day. ;-P

  12. Urgh, he is awful!

    (Catching up on the last few reveals I missed, WOW! Enty has been kind to us today lol!)

  13. Timebob, wish something like testicular cancer on him instead. Or some disease that would rot off his penis, but isn't contagious. Knowing him, if he got AIDS he'd keep having unprotected sex and spread it to gaggles of naive, dumb young girls. :(

  14. @figgy I'm totally with u on that ;-)

  15. Bastard.
    I dont know why our species has continued to evolve downwards in respect towards women.
    The fact that in our society some men (and I use that term loosely here)try to establish their superior prowess/masculinity by degrading and demoralizing women is truly one of the most shocking and sad aspects of human nature today.
    I still dont wish AIDS on him though- that is some harsh shit.
    @Mooshki- testicular cancer sounds just about right though ;P

  16. I hope his pee pee withers and falls off.

  17. " appears your syphilis is infested with crabs that are carrying gonorrhea."

    -Dr. Zorders from 'Strangers With Candy'

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. ^Good summary. :)

    I just finished reading the Tucker Max book (Yeah, I don't know WTH i was thinking). This guy had a website and it was well documented about all the HORRIBLE things he did to women and he still had girls climbing all over each other just to sleep with him. And this guy wasn't a celebrity (or attractive, for that matter).

    So, if THAT guy can get as much ass as he (claimed) he was getting, I'm not at all surprised that someone like Fez could. Very sad, but not surprising.

  20. Why would anyone want a 'permanent' relationship with this guy, anyway.

  21. The scumbags girls also should be revealed, they deserve that.

    And if anyone is wondering what is his secret with women?
    Wilmer Valderrama is Drug Dealer!!.
    He should be in the Jail & with AISD.
