Monday, July 04, 2011

Blind Items Revealed

March 21, 2011

This Golden Globe winning actress was A+++ list. She was primarily known for television and comedy and for a very distinctive voice. Prior to hitting it big though, our actress made ends meet not in the odd jobs she always claimed in her authorized biographies, but turning tricks. Supposedly it is also how she met her future husband.

Lucille Ball


  1. O.
    Luuuucy, you got some 'splaining to do!

  2. what @xoApril said




    OH MY GOD.


    Wow. That chocolate bonbon scene makes a HELLUVA lot more sense now.

  5. Oh crap!! For real?!!! :O

  6. Sometimes...........sometimes......

  7. this is one I'd have been happy not to know the answer to :(

  8. Anonymous4:08 PM

    And she's not around to defend herself. This reeks of misogynous. Of course all of those old school Hwood actresses were prostitutes, even the lauded, from a wealthy fam Katherine Hepburn, just for kicks!

    Rolls eyes...

  9. Not just because I am a fanatic of Lucy and i am very upset about this but she met desi when she was already established not an up and coming actress

  10. This one makes me sad.

  11. ...I'm buying the first round of drinks, everyone.

    Anyone else need a martini after reading that? Holy Santa Claus shit...


  12. she was a real party girl in her day, she had sex and paid the rent and met Desi who changed her life.

    She was just smart enough to go into TV when other actors turned their noses up at it.

  13. This is a GAGGER, WOW, I mean it was common knowledge that Desi was a known Hollywood gigolo and she was his mark but THIS?!??! I would never..... WOW

  14. Many of these old ones from that one guy are doubtful on the truth meter. Ditto for Hollywood Babylon from Kenneth Anger.

  15. They were both adults and didn't judge eachother.

    Could have heard worse.

  16. By now I have made my mark as incredibly open minded... So my opinion is, good for her! If she was able to do that, and not carry any issues into her relationships, why not? Worlds oldest profession.

    What's that quote? " pussy is the most expensive meal you'll ever eat " - we all get some sort of financial gratification, be it gifts, dinners or whatever. Some women are more about the immediate transaction and thats it.

    I suppose I'm so liberal because I know people from all walks of life.

  17. Anonymous4:15 PM

    If this came from that Hollywood Babylon book, then it's not credible. This book and its sequel were shot to shit.

  18. My great aunt and uncle used to see her every Sunday at Mass at Good Shepherd in Beverly Hills. She was considered a rather devout Catholic. This is a sad and disappointing reveal.

  19. I've heard this before. Good for her if she did. Girl's gotta eat.

  20. @yaca yada yuka - Do you have to post a novel every single time? I mean...jeez.

  21. @ Raven - I agree - It was a difficult book to try to get through.

  22. Wow!!
    Enty this time your not holding back.
    You must have found a legal loophole somewhere lol
    Good for you, Great for us!

  23. @reese

    The only part I find sad is that this is revealed after her death. However what she did at one point in time should not erase all the great things she's done as well as the fact that she was known as a good person and such.

  24. @the nightmare something


    How's that for a short comment?

  25. Noooooo! Not Lucy.

  26. @yaca yada yuka - We don't need your bleedin' biography nor do we need a long winded missive that somehow ties back to you. The occasional ancedote is OK, but I've been readin' all the blinds today and you have just been long-winded as all fuckin' get out. For the love of sanity, please stop and keep it concise. Thank you.

  27. Wow awesome blind, and doesn't change my opinion that she was amazing.

  28. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I'm enjoying everyone's comments today that includes Yaca's. She's no more long winded than the reader Ida somebody. Sorry, I can't remember her entire name.

  29. @joyce - Ida's comments are GREAT and she's been around FOREVER...

  30. err, in relation to this blind...
    Ida Ho?

  31. Sorry...this is the first one I'm crying serious double bullshit on.
    Lucy was known as "Queen of the B's" back in the day, prior to moving into TV work just so she could work with Desi. (Okay, and probably also keep an eye on him - he was a legendary lothario, not a gigolo)
    The iconic "I Love Lucy" TV show was originally a radio show *she* starred in, and the only reason the studio relented on the casting of Desi as her on screen husband was that Lucy and Desi took a stage production of the show around the country to demonstrate to the studio that not only were the reviews excellent, the audiences loved their chemistry.
    It worked, and Lucy got what she wanted.
    Sorry, but as I said, I'm crying serious double bullshit on this one.

  32. Incidentally, Lucy and Desi met on a movie set they were both in.
    There was no way he targeted her as a meal ticket, since he was beginning to be known as a musician/band leader.

  33. Yaca Yada Yuka,

    I enjoyed reading your comments.

  34. I read this one to the Hubby and I swear his head nearly exploded! LOL

    Yaca I wanna hang with you my dear!!

  35. Anonymous4:47 PM

    in the book 'Desilu: The Story of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz', Robert Osborne (who was discovered by Lucy) confirms this. He said that Lucy told him that when she was a struggling model in the late '20s, she attended "circus parties" held by rich men where they put hundred dollar bills under the table after the girls were done servicing them.

    In the book 'The Other Side of Ethel Mertz', one of Vivian Vance's sisters said that Viv confessed that she did THE EXACT SAME THING during her early years as a BWay starlet.

  36. @mookie - is that the same Robert Osbourne who hosts Turner Classic Movies?

    And I'm not sure why so many people are surprised at this one, when this blind was originally posted, many people guessed Lucille because this rumour about her has been around forever. No big whoop.

  37. Tonya said...
    Yaca Yada Yuka,
    I enjoyed reading your comments.

    Ditto. The only reason I read Nightmare Child's comments this time was because of your comment referring back to him. Otherwise I just do with his comments what he SHOULD do with YOURS and skip over them.

    Back on topic - I'm not sure I believe this one.l WANT to because it's pretty juicy, but I'm just not sure...

  38. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I never understood her appeal, I found her to be extremely irritating although this makes her slightly more interesting to me.

  39. Anonymous5:00 PM


    yes, it's the same Robert Osborne.

  40. I've actually heard this one before.

  41. holy shit ,Enty! the gays are going to have your head on a platter by sundown!

  42. @nightmare child ... make mine a grey goose straight up with a blue cheese olive.

    I'm in total shock over this reveal

  43. No we're not.
    I'm still crying bullshit on the prostitution though.

  44. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Well ride me hard and put me away soft. I know this was a long-time rumor, but it's true? I'm really shocked by this one.

  45. DAMN! I thought her affair with Henry Fonda was a jaw dropper but ...Yowza!

  46. Damn. I know Joan Crawford was allegedly a call call back in the day, but leave my beloved Lucy alone!

  47. This is the first Old Hollywood item I've been interested in. Yikes!

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. These are some damn good reveals. WOW.

  50. Wow. Just Wow. And Yaca, I've been enjoying your comments.

  51. Blogger Reese said...

    "My great aunt and uncle used to see her every Sunday at Mass at Good Shepherd in Beverly Hills. She was considered a rather devout Catholic. This is a sad and disappointing reveal."

    Only if one chooses to believe it and not the disclaimer of the site ;\

  52. Team Nightmare Child

    And I too loveee the old hollywood blinds.
    It's such a shame to hear though. It really does seem like all the big named actresses back then (and hell, even now in some ways) really had to degrade and just be demoralized in order to attain their dream of making it in HOllywood. It seems like the price to be paid to get your foot in the door was to spread your legs. Man that is so sad to hear. Sometimes men suck, especially men in power. ick

  53. LOL! Just re-read and realized I accidently typoed HOllywood instead of Hollywood.
    As it applies to this particular topic, HOllywood it remains! :P

  54. Heard this a long time ago from a guy from Lucy's hometown [Jamestown, New York]. Apparently this rumor is well-known in Jamestown. Also gossiped in Jamestown was that she had a baby before leaving. I think he also said the baby was mentally disabled and institutionalized, but I may be confusing this story with Gene Tierney's.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. She was Queen of the B's, true, but she wasn't born to the throne. She had to do something to survive until she got there. And everyone saying she met Desi on a movie set, how many actresses turning tricks back then found themselves on the set with a client who was breaking into the business as well? If I met my husband turning tricks, I wouldn't exactly put that in my memoirs unless I was a world renowned madame or something. Definitely not a respected and beloved Hollywood actress.

    And I suppose once a trick always a trick so no wonder Desi got around.

  57. I'm with Yaca on this one. Lucy is an idol of mine, grew up watching I Love Lucy and still love that show. If that's what she had to do to survive, then more power to her. She was supporting her mother, I believe, when she first moved here so the pressure must have been pretty heavy. I always have, and always will, Love Lucy. :-)

  58. As shocking as this is, it's no worse than what some of these young actresses are doing, if this site is to be believed.
