Bette Midler Tells Lady GaGa To Stop Stealing From Her
Bette Midler is joining the long line of celebrities who are being ticked off by Lady GaGa stealing their bits or entire acts. Last weekend, Lady GaGa rolled out onto an Australian stage in a wheelchair dressed as a mermaid. Hmm, sound familiar. No, it was not that furry porn you were watching last week it was Bette Midler who has been doing the same thing forever. It is such a unique thing to Bette that I am shocked Lady GaGa thought she could get away with doing it. No credit to Bette either, it was just lady doing what she does best, stealing the ideas others have come up with before.
Bette said, "Dear @ladygaga if you think a mermaid in a wheelchair seems familiar-it's because it is! You can see it on youtube 24/7-with ME performing it ...
I've been doing singing mermaid in a wheelchair since 1980-You can keep the meat dress and the firecracker t*ts - mermaid's mine."