Friday, June 03, 2011

Woman Leaves Son With Dead Body So She Could Do Drugs

This is the strangest story in awhile. Jessica Ockman was arrested outside of New Orleans after police drove into a gas station and found Ockman's 20 month old son asleep in a car next to a woman who was dead. Yes, Jessica Ockman was driving around with her son and her dead best friend when the need for drugs became too much and she pulled over to do drugs. Police found Ockman passed out on the floor of the gas station bathroom. Ewwwwww. Do you know how big of a problem you have if you are willing to pass out on a gas station bathroom floor?

Ockman was charged with all kinds of crimes in regards to her son, who was taken to live with relatives. Ockman is not facing any charges related to her dead friend. I am assuming she probably died of a drug overdose.


  1. Dear God - has the whole world gone crazy?

  2. That kid will need a boatload of therapy.

  3. What Susan said.

  4. Horrific. Just horrific.

  5. @ Susan - Exactly. Glad to hear her son is no longer with her. I shudder to think what could have happened to him without supervision.

  6. They should probably require people to get a license to parent. I think that would solve some problems, non?

  7. Somehow I don't think the willingness to pass out on a bathroom floor is the real key indicator of the "big problem" here. I'm, um, more stuck on the baby with the dead body.

    Of course, people like this are always *marvelously* fertile, aren't they?

  8. this is why they call it 'dope.'

  9. it is hot as hades in new orleans right now, she is lucky her kid didn't die in the car.

  10. WTF! This kind of stuff makes me insane! I have a friend who works for her states family services and she sees crap like this all the time. I don't know how she hasn't gone crazy.

  11. WOW! Just WOW! That is so disturbing on so many levels.

  12. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Sue Ellen, I hate to say (type) it, but I'm kind of with you on that. I am so tired of all of these dipshit fertile Myrtles spitting out babies only to treat them like crap. I think it's time we get over this whole idea of procreation as a "right" and re-evaluate the state's dedication to keeping children with their parents whenever possible. Surely someone somewhere noticed this woman was an unfit parent in the past 20 months! Why does she still have the kid?

  13. @Susan-Precisely what I was logging on to say. Thank you.
    Also have to say that after 18 years in ER I am not in favour of "family reunification".

  14. For the love of God, can we go back to the lighter side of gossip? Enough with the dead baby/ dead people/ abused kids stories....

  15. @KMG852 - That was my thought too! :(

    I hope one of her family can take care of this kid full time.

  16. Anonymous9:32 PM

    God. And what "LetLoveRule" said. Poor baby.

    (and poor Mama. Any mother who would do this to her child is seriously fuc#ed up.)

  17. I remember crap like this when some idiot thinks that all that their irresponsible kid needs to straighten them out is to get married and have kids.

    That irresponsible single kid now will become an irresponsible single parent. EPIC FAIL

  18. Another comment, Why is it always white people that get caught doing stupid stuff like this?
