Over the weekend, Anthony Weiner, tucked his wiener into his pants and decided to take his wife Hum Abedin out for some brunch and some ice cream. After they got the cones they strolled right down 5th Avenue and held hands. Now, Huma never showed up at any press conference and I don't think anyone knew if she would stay with the serial sexter. Well, the hand holding thing indicates she is. So, would you hold hands with the guy on one of the busiest streets in America knowing you would be seen? Do you think he is carrying her purse as part of his I will do anything to keep her tour? Do you think she is staying with him for the baby? Do you think her parents would have named her Human if she had been a boy?
Obviously this was a PR "walk for ice cream". They are showing solidarity. I thought she was supposed to be pregnant? I don't see it...
ReplyDeleteI think they had an arrangement.
ReplyDeleteHe resigned, they are private citizens, don't care anymore. If they call a special election for that district and he decides to run again, let me know. Other than that, meh.
ReplyDeleteI think this is a tough call to make. Personally, I wouldn't be with someone who was so morally shady, but when you have political aspirations you might be inclined to stay, just to save face.
Also, I think it's slightly dumb to attempt to make fun of her name. I would imagine her parents would have come up with a different name if she were a boy.
I don't know. Wasn't she dating him when she was with Hilary? Granted, they weren't married yet, but still.
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't like anyone deciding what someone should do in their private lives. It must be very hard, even when totally and completely devastated, to just walk away without looking back.
What FS said.
ReplyDeleteIf the participants in his cyber sexcapades were legal and consenting - I could care less.
There were rumors of underage girls, but nothing has come of that so unless something does - I don't care.
She just found out she was preggers -- she's not going to show for a few months I would think.
ReplyDeleteI like them together and she probably knew about everything. She is not from this country so she doesn't have our love of disposable relationships. He didn't cheat, he flirted and if everyone whose SO flirted divorced or split up there would be no relationships in this country at all.
And for those not living around here, people do walk in NYC to have lunch and get ice cream. Not everything is a photo op.
Thanks Cindy! I couldn't be bothered looking it up ;)
ReplyDeleteCindy, I wouldn't consider texting dick pics to random internet chicks as just "flirting."
ReplyDeleteAs long as tax dollars are not paying him, meh.
ReplyDeleteWhat FS and _-_=_ said.
ReplyDeleteFor a minute there I thought she was Lady Gaga.
ReplyDeletedon't care, I find them both un-attractive that poor baby...
ReplyDeleteIt could be that because of the baby she feels an obligation to give it one more try - I probably would, even though I'd been publically humiliated by him. But one more strike and he's definitely out.
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't look obviously pregnant yet, but she has gained some weight.
ReplyDeleteHis voice drives me crazy. Horrible.
I agree with Treesap lady. I flirt with guys, often in front of my husband who trusts me implicitly. I would NEVER send underwear clad photos of myself to anyone, that's crossing the line big time. Love that he's holding her purse. She's making him look like the totally dick that he is (pun not intended).
ReplyDeletesorry, total dick.
ReplyDeletewow, you guys don't believe in conspiracy? What if the Mrs. really is gay? I'd feel sorry for the Mr. as he would be starved for nookie. What if the "pregnancy" is staged for sympathy and there is a horrible suffering of a miscarriage due to the stress. People would then feel "sorry" for the unfortunate couple. Wasn't Bill lonesome too and what is the common democrat?
ReplyDeleteI think she should retire those pants (and the whole concept of tucking a shirt in) until after the baby.
ReplyDeleteeeep...either she's wearing really high-waisted pants or has a realllly shot torso.
ReplyDeleteanyhoo. what cindy said. besides, we can't even begin to imagine what she must be going thru...the woman is pregnant, for pete's sake...the pain and confusion must be overwhelming, at best. poor lady. i hope she does what's right for her...and weiner...what a colossal asshat. there aren't enough hours at the gym that can take away his perpetual nerdosity. i just hope he learns to keep it in his pants.
Love the way he's hanging his head in that final pic. .
ReplyDeleteAnybody else find it funny that in that 2nd photo he's walking past an ad for "Friends With Benefits." LoL.
Huma has Hillary's lesbian hips.
ReplyDeleteIf Hillary can be in a dead marriage and make it work, so can Huma.
ReplyDeleteNew York has a short memory, I wouldn't be surprised if he still ran for Mayor in 2013 and won.
Besides his sexting he actually was a good congressman for Queens & Brooklyn.
"lesbian hips"? Really?
ReplyDelete"Huma has Hillary's lesbian hips"
ReplyDeleteIs THIS Jamie's Girl's Most Moronic Observation of the Day, or is the one about how people in the Middle East beat their clothes against river rocks? I can't tell.
Hey, Enty: if you're going to make fun of a person's name (which is rude, btw), you might not want to spell it incorrectly twice in one paragraph. ;-)
I am a middle-aged, straight fat chick with 'lesbian hips'. What could possibly have gone wrong in my childhood for me to like the penis so much!
ReplyDeleteShould my sexuality change, I will keep you posted.
RQ, I'm feeling you.
lol feraltart!
ReplyDelete@feraltart -- oh, you're *totally* a lesbian. You just don't realize it. But you are. It's been decreed. ;-)
ReplyDeleteOne of the tragedies coming out of this case is that he really was a good congressional rep for his district; NY'ers in general like him and wish him well, I think.
ReplyDelete@Ida - I ♥ you. :)
ReplyDeleteLesbian hips. Hear something new everyday on this blog.
I don't know what to think about this story. I would say she was crazy for staying with him but if this is an arrangement, then it really doesn't matter, does it?
I think she has child-bearing hips that should come in handy in a few months. Although, I had them too, and I still had to have a dang c-section.
ReplyDeleteI have to think their whole thing is arranged, however I am on the conspiracy train.
He creeps me out. And sending nekid pics online is so beyond flirting, IMO. Although, my sense of good manners pre-dates the age of the Internets.