Monday, June 13, 2011

What Do You Think?

I am sure they must have some in the US too, but the Daily Mail had an article about a pole dancing studio that offers classes for toddlers and pre-teens. Yes, for about five bucks an hour you too can have your daughter learn to pole dance. I know the 3 year old girls have no idea what the moves mean, but they will later and will probably wonder why the heck mom signed them up for a pole dancing class. And what about the 12 and 13 year olds who are taking the classes and do know what a stripper pole is? I understand it is good exercise, but there are many forms of exercise that are fun without having to use a stripper pole.

Would you let your child take a pole dancing class? Think about it and then click here to see the story and the pictures. I just could not in good conscious, post the photos.


  1. everytime women make strides for equality, something like this pops up. Stripping for tweens so it is knocked in their heads their only value is their sexuality and youth. Not brains and abilities outside of their genital organs.

    I'm just waiting for the mom that gets her 12 y/o breast implants.

    Just gives me the sads.

  2. Horrible.





  3. Oh the eFF NO! why would I let my child learn how to pole dance? In preparation for her future career? What happened to good Ol' Chemistry home kits.

    Is it me, or are we making things a whole lot easier and much accessible to pedophiles lately. Between the Toddlers and Tiara shows and the pole dancing, they won't have to look far to get their rocks off. Hats off to you enablers!

  4. Totally disgusting.

  5. This is up there with the padded bathing suits for 11 yr old girls. This is absolutely digusting.

  6. No way. Let them be little girls. I feel the same about high heels for any girl under 14.

    I have no problem letting my girls play with make up though, as long as it's for play and not for school. I know other moms though that are totally against make up and nail polish for their girls.

    I guess everyone's line is different. But if one of my young daughter's friends said she was taking pole lessons, I would look at her and her parents funny.

  7. or (i pray) this is a hoax like the botox toddler was.

  8. This is just sad. And I bet you some of the moms who would send their kid to these classes would say something like "it's EMPOWERING for her!". Sad.

  9. I was thinking the same thing, timebob...I really do hope it is fake...

  10. What the hell is wrong with these people?

  11. I wouldn't even let either of my children date until they were 16 (same age I was) and my daughter couldn't wear make-up until Grade 9. Two of my Great Nieces who are 10 and 12 came over for a bbq a couple of weeks ago and had more make-up on then I did at my wedding. I think we are too lenient when it comes to make-up and dating and expect too much maturity at all ages.

  12. Look for Noah Cyrus to release a poledancing exercise DVD for toddlers any day now!

  13. Nope-just no. What is wrong with a regular dancing class with recitals or a gymnastics class or what for it....a sport.

    My daughters are throwing me the "bitch please" look when I asked them if they wanted to take a pole dancing class. Oops, I forgot-they are too old at 18 and 22. My bad.

    Seriously, when did strippers become a career choice for young girls? My daughter was in fourth grade when one of classmates said she wanted to be a stripper when she grew up. So far at 18, she has been to rehab a few times and is pregnant. When the girl said she wanted to be a stripper she was living with her grandma because her mom was serving time in county for prostitution. Just really, really sad.

    Having "Toddler and Tiaras" flashback now.

    Oh and did anyone see "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding". Talk about throwing women's rights back to the stone age. It is T&T without the entrance fee and bogus trophies.

  14. Ridiculous. There's so many other exercise activities for girls of that age. Why not some other form of dance? Ballet, jazz, tap, whatever. Kids are being so sexualized today & its sad.

    I don't think the spa is too bad, but I would think more for 5 and up. Light makeup & just for fun. Nail polish isn't bad though.

  15. I don't think anyone in their right mind would think this was a good idea.

  16. I gotta admit - it looks like a hell of a lot of fun, tho, doesn't it?

    Can't make it part of a gymnastics class? They use balance beams and parallel bars in gymnastics. Nothing says they can't add a vertical pole. They could call it a fire station pole or something. It doesn't have to be sexualized. It DOES look like a blast and half.

    We were watching Gypsy Wedding the other day, and I thought my 18 year old son was going to have an apoplexy. He found them to be very disturbed individuals, all around.

  17. Didn't Richard Schiff's (Toby from "The West Wing") wife teach a pole-dancing class? She used to be an actress too. She was that flaky girl from "Singles."

    Please don't let her be the teacher.

  18. Anonymous12:12 PM

    rolling eyes

  19. As far as the Gypsy thing goes, isn't it amazing t.v? I hate that I work Friday nights and miss it most of the time. I don't think their lifestyle should be called anything but that, their lifestyle. If you don't live it, don't worry about it. They think the way we live is crazy, so here we are. Just enjoy it for the spectacle it is.

  20. Absolutely tacky and disgusting. I would never allow my daughter to do this.

    Whatever happened to simply enrolling your kid in a dance or gymnastics class, or letting them play a sport? Kids need to be kids. Rushing them to grow up too quickly deprives them of their childhood, and overly sexualizing them only serves to encourage a pedophile mentality in society.

  21. I have an aquaintence that has a 6 year old that tells people she wants to be a stripper. She seriously tells people in church this as well. Her daddy is a cop and her mother is a dental hygenist. The mother thinks it's hysterical, the father nearly has a stroke every time she says it. I honestly think the mother would sign her daughter up. Nutty ass people!

  22. I have an aquaintence that has a 6 year old that tells people she wants to be a stripper. She seriously tells people in church this as well. Her daddy is a cop and her mother is a dental hygenist. The mother thinks it's hysterical, the father nearly has a stroke every time she says it. I honestly think the mother would sign her daughter up. Nutty ass people!

  23. Bigmama - WHAT? The mum thinks that is ok?

  24. linnea - yeah, she thinks it's funny. they have a rental property at the beach and they road they turn off of goes right by a strip club. That's how the child came up with the idea. I am not sure she actually knows what she is saying because the strip club has some cute name like "Pink Pony" or some such thing, but it irritates me that the mother seems to encourage this.

  25. I still teach ballet/tap 2 nights a week and we have a required ourfit/uniform for each class, according to level and age. Every year when class begins I have to speak with mom's who think trashy outfits on a 5/6 yo is appropriate and adorable. I'll send them to stripper class next year, they'll be thrilled. Drives me crazy. It gets worse each year. When you sign up the paperwork clearly states what the child must wear.

  26. I would find Vertical Bar to be a great addition to Rhythmic Gymnastics, the stuff that the post-pubescent athletes do. You know--the ones who do routines with the ribbon, or the ball?

    There are many truly beautiful athletic gymnastics routines that could be devised for the pole. It wouldn't be dancing, more tricky climbs and fluid gymnastic moves.
    I would love to see it. But not for children, and not as a sexual show.

  27. If you think about it in terms of say, gymnastics, pole dancing is a great form of exercising. If you "strip" (pun most definitely intended) the exercise of the vulgar sexual moves and teach it as a form of exercise that really gives your arms and abs a workout, I don't think there's anything wrong with that, to a POINT. I don't think toddlers need to exercise like that. I most definitely do not think that the sexual moves need to be taught to the kiddies! It's bad enough some of the clothes that kids are wearing these days.

  28. How does a 6-year-old even know what a stripper is?? If she asked what that building was (strip club), I'd say a club for adults. No need to elaborate.

    Oh and the photos accompanying the article are disturbing as HELL.

  29. This is WRONG on so many levels that I don't know where to start.
    It's every pedophiles wet dream come true. All they'd have to do is stake out that class like a cheetah at the watering hole. ---I think I need to go vomit copiously now.

  30. I'm with ardleigh on this one. I just think of how much free publicity will classes get after this article. And all pedophile has to do is to follow these girls home.

    How can sliding the pole with legs wide-spread in V-shape be considered not sexual kind of moves?

    And also imagine how these girls go to school or pre-school and show off their new skills of pole-dancing to friends. And other girls imitating them, because it's so much "fun". Think of what can happen, if older boys see them.

    "Removing the stigma from pole-dancing"... Yeah, right...

  31. One quote from the article: "The girls love it. But it is not a wise idea to announce at school that you let your children pole dance." Well, why not? If its all "innocent" exercise, what's the problem? Because it's NOT.
    "Private school educated Miss Wilford...said she started the classes...because of demands from the children...'There is nothing sexual about it. I'm trying to remove the stigma from pole dancing...I'm not a scumbag.'"
    This is the first generation of kids raised by kids raised by reality television.

  32. I agree with all those who say it is a continuation of the disgusting sexualisation of children and women. The clothes are awful for little girls. It is so hard to find something that is nice for my friends kids. I once accidentally bought jeans for my goddaughter that were hipsters. If she had a short shirt on and leant over you could see the top of her bottom. Her mum told me I had to check the length of the zip. WHY DO I HAVE TO DO THAT FOR A 7 YEAR OLD?

  33. "This is the first generation of kids raised by kids raised by reality television"

    Robert hit that nail square on its head.

  34. This just makes me want to cry---seriously.
    Every time I think about having kids I think about the things that will be "acceptable" in their generation and it scares me.

  35. My God. Just look at those pictures. Totally disgusting.

    How is a class like this "boosting their self esteem"??? GMAFB!!!

  36. BlisterPlease: Times keep changing. I remember what I wore as a kid in the 70s. Super short dresses, hip hugggers with bell bottoms, tube tops. Attitudes about free love, the disco era. I wore some "disco" dresses in middle school and high school that I am shocked to admit I wore; more shocked that my parents let me leave the house that way.

    I think it is all in how you approach parenting, the personality of the child and the important people in the child's life.

    I am fortunate that in high school-and even before- our daughters chose to be moderate in their dress and fairly conservative in their actions regarding dating, drugs and drinking.

    I'm not sure why they are like that...society, friends, family, media...I don't know

    The truth is much more basic. The girls said "It takes too much time and energy to get into trouble. I'm too lazy to get into trouble."

    Seriously, they are too lazy to get into trouble.

    I guess I am trying to say that being a parent today, even in a society where some think pole dancing is okay, you can raise girls who are confident, self aware and don't want to pole dance nor do their friends. They want to be self sufficient and independent. My oldest is in film school and my youngest is getting ready to go to nursing school.

    Dang, now that I have said that I realize that little girls being dressed up and pole dancing is the least of my worries.

    A bigger concern is the status of education and the crazy costs of college - my girls are going to have HUGE student loans to pay off. They and a lot of their friends still live at home because it is too expensive to go to college and live alone.

  37. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Hahahahaha, if you have to say, "I'm not a scumbag," you probably are.

    I hate the fact that grown women take pole dancing classes. It's not empowering it's ridiculous. How can it make you feel sexy? Men don't look at strippers because they're sexy, they look at them because it's a woman taking off her clothes. Most don't even perform fancy moves, they just shimmy back and forth but men still watch because again, it's a woman removing her clothes. Yeah, that's empowering.

    It's fucking idiotic. A friend called me once, she was trying to organize a girls night and wanted to get us private lessons. I said no.

  38. OK, I have to admit I took a dance class called Voluptuous Vixens (or, as I call it, "pole dancing for fat chicks"), taught by the woman who runs the Big Moves dance group here in Boston, and I had a whole lot of fun. We learned how to use a chair, a wall, the floor, and, yes, the pole, although all we mainly did was swing around it, AND we kept our clothes on in the process. (Definitely street legal, I assure you.) I had a blast doing it...but then again, I was a grown woman having fun and strutting my stuff, not a little girl, and that's the difference. School-aged children shouldn't be socialized to think their main worth is in being "hot", OK? Sheesh, some people's parents...

  39. my older daughters are 12 and 13. they have no idea what a pole dancer is. They now know what sexting is (thanks congressman weiner!). And no, I would not sign them up for an activity who's primary purpose is sexualizing the participant. weird and asking for trouble.

  40. IF you can think about it as a way to work out, there is nothing weird about it. My DAUGHTER introduced me to "pole workout" and she and I have both lost a bunch of weight and got VERY TONED! (Envy Pole Fitness in Kitsap County, WA if you're in the area...)
    A pole is actually a VERY good fitness strap-on...

  41. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Recently a pole dancing studio opened near my house, i wanted to take some clsses and when my mom found out she freaked out, she kept trying to talk mw out of it said it was inapropiate for a decent young woman... Im 30

  42. When I was about 7 or 8 I wanted to be a Playboy bunny when I grew up, not the centrefold kind because I didn't know what that was at the time, but one of the bunnies that worked at the clubs. Yes, my goal in life was to become a waitress.
    When the clubs went the way of the dodo I didn't know what to do career wise. I guess the more things change the more they stay the same.

  43. Well what do you expect when drugs and strippers are at the top of the Women Hierarchy?!?!?!?!? Pretty soon we'll see a law passed that will make pedophilia legal.

  44. UGH! I give this some credit now they can help white trailer trash moms give their little daughters a head start in their inevitable future career.

  45. P.S. This is just a NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST OF WRONG!!!!
