Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Weston Cage On Psychiatric Hold

Yesterday, Weston Cage, the son of Nicolas Cage, was at a restaurant with his trainer. When Weston tried to order something the trainer advised that Weston should not eat it. Well, it must have been something pretty f**king important for Weston because it set him off to the point where the police had to be called, Weston was threatened with a taser, and at that point, Weston replied, "Don't tase me bro." No, not really, but if he said it, then that would have been brilliant. The police were so worried about Weston they strapped him to a gurney and shipped him off to the hospital. Weston also got into a huge fight with his new wife yesterday which also could have contributed. Oh, and the fact he was high as a kit could have contributed too. Nic Cage has flown into town because he knows meltdowns.


  1. Ugh. The adult kids of celebrities have GOT to be some of the most insufferable people around. Imagine Suri Cruise in twenty years. *shudder*

    Whenever I see some screaming, redfaced toddler throwing a tantrum in a public place while his parents chuckle at his display and gently coddle his every whim, I think to myself: that kid's probably gonna grow up to be a real douchebag one day.

    My point: Weston Cage has probably been tossing douchey shitfits in restaurants for decades.

  2. I didn't even know Nic Cage had another son. I thought there was just that kid with the Superman name... Kal-El, is it?

  3. This is why the term Emo was created.

    What a turd.

  4. Well, the crazy apple doesn't fall far from the crazy tree, it seems.

  5. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Weston needs help. Glad to hear Nic is dropping everything to see he gets it.

  6. Anonymous9:40 AM

    @ Rocket Queen - I thought the same : )

  7. He's definitely cray cray, but can you imagine the horribleness of his childhood?

  8. Like father, like son.

  9. The nut doesn't fall far from the tree.

  10. Really? The teen-angsty eye makeup, really? Just so very 1983.

  11. nuttiness aside (big aside) this guy is just plain odd looking. Talk about getting all the wrong genes.

  12. And could Nic be cutting the son (and new bride) off from the cash train he might have been riding on his entire life?
    That could make day to day living downright unbearable!

  13. Needs help?!??!? It's a bit late now, don't ya think? This kid needed help when he was 2. You can't do anything about this now. I mean, really, does he even work? This is just another entitled brat. The way I see it is this: You either work your butt off when kids are young or you suffer the douchebaggery when they're old. He's too old and I doubt he can be rehabilitated. He'll be fodder for the blogs for the remainder of his life.

  14. Even though Weston looks 35, he is only 20 years old.

    He never should of gotten married in the first place. And like B626 I think the new bride was expecting Weston to come into the marriage with a fat trust fund. Which has either dried up or was never there in the first place. I don't think there is a lot of income in goth metal bands anymore.

    @hotacha Kal-El is his son with his current wife Alice.

  15. I had no idea who this was at first until I read the post. I thought you were posting about a wrestler with 'roid rage.

    Cage rage.

  16. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I can't even imagine how awful it would be to grow up in Hollywood. Not only are all of your friends spoiled rotten brats, but so are your parents.

  17. well, while he won't get a pass at the mac counter, at least he understand the importance of contouring your blush.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. His wife is pretty cute.

    I hope he doesn't come after me for saying that. "I'll Die in the name of her honorrrrrr!!!"

  20. Anonymous1:44 PM


  21. Trainer? OK, color me clueless what is Pugsley Cage training for?

  22. ^Maybe a life-style/sober coach for the celebutard who has always had everything including a huge sense of entitlement and ego with addictions to match?

  23. Color me clueless as well, ardleigh, but I'm not sure what the deal is about Cage. I remember hearing about possible Bankruptcy in the recent past, but is there some psychiatric instability there too? I know little about Mr. Cage except that we like the National Treasure movies.

  24. Wow. Nicholas Cage has so much to answer for in the lousy parenting arena. But sadly, he will never even begin to be able to know what that means. jesus. This poor kid, with no apparent values and no direction. Let's hope Kal-el goes with the wife in the eventual divorce, and that she's semi-normal. Although that is a slim hope, considering that she was willing to marry what is apparently a total narcissicist nut job.



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