Tuesday, June 07, 2011

A Tuesday Your Turn

So, this guy in New Mexico put up this billboard and his ex has sued him saying he needs to take it down. The guy says it is protected speech. He is obviously an a-hole, and does not even know how the baby died. His ex says she had a miscarriage. Do you think it is protected speech or should he be forced to take it down?


  1. Jesus, Mary and Joseph. I don't even know what to say. Yeah, I do.
    If it was a miscarriage she should sue him for libel.

  2. As a pro-life person, this kind of ad sickens me. It is most obviously slander at the very least and just completely innappropriate. I would be willing to bet that righttolife.org did not sponsor this ad, just a guess, but maybe I am wrong.

  3. I'm with Sue Ellen.
    If it was a miscarriage, sue for libel.

  4. *gasp* this is one hate-filled and hate-inciting guy...idt the woman has to answer to anything, and i hope she doesn't. even if it's protected speech, it's low on the humanity scale. the only bright spot is that going forward woman will know the type of man he is and will choose to not get involved.

  5. it's offensive on any level, it should come down. Even if she did have an abortion, he has no right spreading her business up on a billboard.

  6. He has a lot of anger and grief to express, and this is his way of doing it. I think it's completely inappropriate to display what is private medical information about his ex girlfriend.

    If she had a miscarriage, how cruel! That's a difficult enough situation to get over, without blaming her for it. If she had an abortion? That's her choice to make and it's unfortunate he wasn't on board with it. But it's her choice, not his.

    If I were her, I would be tempted to put up my own billboard!

  7. Disgusting, regardless of whether it was a miscarriage or a termination. What a disturbed asshole.

    On my last trip to the US, we passed a billboard that had a picture of a fetus with the caption, "Always choose life". On the reverse of the same billboard was an add for a rifle store. It's just amazing to me. We just don't have ads for either of those up here.

  8. He's really an awful person. Why would you want a child with someone who doesn't want you?
    (And did he offer to sign a contract where he would take full custody/responsibility for the unwanted child if she did carry it to term?)
    If Right to Life New Mexico did endorse it, I hope she sues them, as well as him.

  9. Wow, I really hope that is a picture of him not her. He is definitely violating her HIPA rights. She needs to sue him, and every other women in the state needs to beware of him. Unreal.

  10. Oddly, this doesn't incite a ton of rage in me -- mostly because, as I have stated before on this blog, I live in the Bible Belt and have seen billboards with similar messages. Honestly. And from my experience, you can fantasize about egging them, or you can just point and laugh. I choose the latter option.

    Either way, that dumb motherfucker should have put a rubber on Mr. Winky, if he hates abortion so much. And, yes. His ex should sue the shit out of him, if at all possible.

    Also, I hope every female in a hundred-mile radius keeps away from this guy. I can't believe he ever got laid in the first place.

  11. Right to Life of New Mexico initially endorsed the billboard but backed out of co-sponsoring it upon learning of the details behind it.

    I am glad they withdrew the endorsement. I am sad they endorsed it to begin with, but at least they did the right thing later.

  12. I hadn't realized that was a picture of him and is he holding a cat??? If that is the truth, then she will have a difficult time suing because she is not named and her image is not used in the ad.

  13. nuts like this want the attention that lawsuits and media bring.

    He doesn't name her and the best thing is to ignore these looney toones and they go away in due time.

  14. At least she didn't have his baby. She does have that to be thankful for. It's just sad that in this day, with all the protection out there for women, that they don't take advantage of it. There are still too many women getting pregnant who have no support from the sperm donor. I wish this would be easier for everyone so we don't have to continue seeing unwanted pregnancies. It's just difficult on everyone involved. I certainly hope nobody ever breeds with this guy. If ever a body condom was needed ......

  15. I agree with Ice Angel and timebob. I don't see what rights were violated. The sign refers to a "mother" and no one is mentioned by name. Neither him nor her. Sue, based on what? He dosn't say "abortion" in the ad either.

    I don't like ads like this that incite. However, what I like or don't like is irrelevant. In the US we have the right to express our opinions no matter what someone else thinks. Hell, both sides of Congress do it every day. Seeing no one was specified, I don't see what grounds there would be for a lawsuit.

  16. People that know him will know its her. Her boss, her family, her friends, his boss, his family, his friends. Suh-lan-dur

  17. and he said kill, which makes it way worse than what actually happened. What if someone thinks she pulled a Casey Anthony?

  18. I agree with Sue Ellen's last two comments.

    And the wide expanse of Hell glazes over with ice...

  19. @Sue Ellen-you are probably right...it is a slippery slope and would really make for an interesting lawsuit to say the least. I wonder if we will continue to hear about this case.

  20. Given what a douche this guy is, it's probably best he didn't father a child.

  21. Will wonders never cease, amoteafloat?


    @Ice Angel

    I think a decent lawyer could easily get her some good scratch

  22. This loser should thank his lucky stars that anyone wanted to have sex with him in the first place. No matter what happened, it happened in HER uterus, which is none of his business. You know, I wish every woman who had to face a decision like that was able to discuss the matter with the man and they could come to a decision together, or at least she could try to make him understand. This guy doesn't really seem like the discussion-friendly type. He may have the right to say whatever he wants but it seems to me like he could have spent his energy and money on other things.
    Like condoms.

  23. You know what gets me about people like this? They adore fetuses to the point of putting potential life far ahead of an actual human being every single time. If they truly cared about real human beings, they wouldn't shout slurs at women going into Planned Parenthood. They wouldn't murder doctors. Perhaps they would consider adopting or taking in a child. Instead, people of this particular ilk spend their time demonizing women, treating them as merely vehicles to gestate the "white, male Christian" spawn. UGH! "Pro-life", My ass. It's all about the partriarchal control of women.

    I hope this jerk ends up in court.

  24. Aww geez, as much as I want to side with the mother in this case, I just can't.

    It is a terrible billboard but he did not mention her name or his for that matter. Joe Schmoe on the street might even think that idiot is an actor.

    The people that know the former couple must see what a dick move this is on the dude's part. It only makes him look like a complete ass.

    I hope no one outs her.

  25. I'm with Sue Ellen also. I'm pro-life and this is totally inappropriate. However offensive it is, it IS protected speech - same as those idiots from the Westboro Baptist

  26. @Maja -- "No matter what happened, it happened in HER uterus, which is none of his business."

    Exactly. YES.

    @MadLyb -- I agree with all of what you just wrote. Beautifully stated.

    A few years ago, I was in the drive-thru at my local Planned Parenthood, picking up my monthly prescription, and there were about a dozen men and two CHILDREN standing by the side of road protesting. First of all, my local PP doesn't even *perform* abortions, and I was there that day specifically because I am TERRIFIED of the idea of ever *getting* one. That's why I pop the pill every day. I'm not sure it's a procedure I could ever personally endure, and that's ANOTHER thing that gets me worked up -- these assholes think that it's about as simple as getting one's bangs trimmed. La la la! Just some routine thing! It's agonizing in so many ways for most women.

    But having to raise a child with a douchebag who has so little regard for you that he'd actually announce your medical decisions in such a public way? Sorry, but I would think that that's waaaaay worse than terminating your pregnancy, or having it end on its own.

  27. She sued for a restraining order and for the sign to come down. The judge is expected to go with the recommendation and order it taken down by June 17.
    The organization (N.A.N.I) is one he created himself and also happens to be her name.

    Here's a good article

  28. ^And there it is. She's going to be a rich lady.

  29. Can I kick this dude in the balls? I'm a vindictive asshole when provoked and even I have to say this is too much. And did he have to bring a cat into it? What the fuck did the cat do to anyone?

    And MadLyb echoes my sentiments to a T. I just had a friend of mine get told that the fact that she's a foster mother to her niece means that she's an amateur compared to all the people who go out and save rescued animals. *rolls eyes*

  30. Gee, I can't imagine why she didn't want to have a child with him. What an a-hole.

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  34. It's not a cat, it's the silhouette of a baby.

  35. I think the right to privacy trumps protected speech.

  36. @MadLyb-please don't lump us pro-life people in with murderers and people who do things like this. I don't protest outside of abortion clinics, although it is their right to do so. I have respectfully talked about my pro-life views on here before, but just because we feel that life starts at conception, doesn't mean we want to hurt those who choose abortion or do anything illegal. We pray for those do choose life, promote respectful pro-life messaging, work to offer alternatives to abortion, such as adoption, assistance programs for mothers who choose to parent their babies, etc... We aren't all men who want to try to keep women down. Some of us just want to do what we can to protect the rights of the unborn, as to us unborn=alive. It's hard to not want to protect a life, if you think it is a life. It's probably equally difficult to understand how we feel if you do not see it as a life. It's why abortion continues to be such a dividing and heated debate.

  37. Thanks, Suyphen - I wanted to read more. It is even MORE disgusting he managed to sneak his name into it. Ugh!

  38. @jd_bean

    But he's dead (the soldier). You can't libel/slander dead people. This chick isn't dead, and if it was a miscarriage (which I am assuming) then he and the people who endorsed it are screwed.

  39. sorry, jbdean

    Wee bit of dyslexia there. Sorry

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  42. People, people, PEOPLE. This is AMERICA.

    If Fred Phelps and his minions can smear hatred, hellfire, wrath, and brimstone all over something as sacred and private as a funeral and *still* be protected under ~Freedom of Speech~, then this a-hole will scoot away with nary a charge against him. Trust me.

    I'll bet 345345 dollars that he gets away with it and doesn't have to pay a dime.

  43. ...it seems to me like he could have spent his energy and money on other things.

    You know what gets me about people like this? They adore fetuses to the point of putting potential life far ahead of an actual human being every single time.


    ^And there it is. She's going to be a rich lady.

    I doubt she will get much money from a Neanderthal who probably works at a fast food joint. You can't get blood from a stone, as the saying goes.

  44. It's not him that will solely make her a rich woman. This is America, for crying out loud. She can sue everyone who endorsed this billboard if it is proven that she had a miscarriage, and not an abortion. I think if it was an abortion it would be covered by the Constitution, and not on the Phelps case.

    The Supreme Court ruled on the Phelps case... "The Court held that the First Amendment shields those who stage a protest at the funeral of a military service member from liability". It's talking about a funeral, not putting a billboard up with (possible) slander. I am missing the connection with Phelps and this situation.

  45. What the hell is N.A.N.I? Never heard of them. Sounds like a whole bunch of kooks. What an idiotic tagline - "Needed Information."

    I'm dealing with a crazy person in my life right now and this guy totally reminds me of him. I shiver for anyone that has him in their life. He's probably a nice guy besides this - but unstable and needs a fucking good psychiatrist.

    Take the sign down, buddy and move far away from anybody you embarrased.

  46. @Jason - N.A.N.I. is HER NAME. He made up a fake organization to be able to include her name because he's an ASSHOLE.

    Ugh, Phelps. I don't believe in any sort of heaven, but I'm pretty sure Phelps would not be going there if it did exist, to his great surprise.

  47. You can't tell people like Phelps they're not going to Heaven and there is no such thing. My best friend is like this - everthing's all about him going to Heaven with him. he''s going to heaven because he believes in God and Jesus. I'm going to Hell because I don't and I like Hollywood and gossip. This is what it's like everytime I talk with him. My head hurts. :(

    Slightly OT - but had to vent.

  48. Well that ABC report said he was a 35 yr old college student. Sounds like a real prize. She very well may have a case because of HIPPA laws. That's not covered under freedom of speech and that asshole isn't even sure what happened in the first place. It's reasonable to believe that she was going to be outed when he used his own likeness in the ad and used such an inflamatory way of putting his point across/message out there.

    If it was so legally benign then I couldn't see the pro life org in NM backing off so quick when shit hit the fan. They supported that billboard cause they knew it was going to cause a major stir and they would get a ton of press. Why else pick this billboard as your very first one to sponsor?

    I hope the moron gets sued even though you know he's prolly living in mommy's basement. Fuck it, sue him on principal. By the looks of him, finish the job that God started. Also, I hope she sues the pro life org for being dumb enough to support the asshole and not doing any background on said asshole like asking him, "Are you sure she had an abortion?" before putting some poor stranger on blast in front of the whole country.

  49. @Rocket Queen -- I doubt Fred Phelps actually believes in Heaven in the first place. His view of God is definitely that of a vengeful, merciless deity. He is INSANE -- the WBC goes sooooooooo far beyond mere religious devotion. They're a hate group disguised as a prayer circle -- but they're more like a violent cult, obviously.

    check out this website: http://natephelps.com/

    He's NOT insane. He escaped, and he's fighting against the church in which he was raised. It's pretty cool, actually.

  50. sigh...Enty why? first off this is not pointed at anyone,i'm just pissed off at this once again.

    just like religion it is not your business to come in and give me alternatives because you are Pro Life and feel you need to educate us poor naive fools who are destined for hell.


    Live your life the way you need to and stop harassing people trying to live theirs. this shit needs to stop. enough already, it's 2011 and it is legal. stop pressuring people to do things your way so YOU can feel comfortable about society. any woman who has to face this does not need your nonsensical judgements and stress to an already difficult decision.

    And again...it is NOT YOUR BUSINESS.

    flame me i really don't care,tired of this shit coming down on women like common murderers. if you want to "help people" spend that time in the Orphanages you are so quick to point to as an option. how many pro-lifers have visited one lately?
    how about helping the homeless? or a hospice? you know the people who are already alive and in our society that ARE dying.

    it's funny people only want to "help" when they see something they don't approve of but i bet not many are volunteering at orphanages or foster parents! and if you are..i want to hear it!

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  52. I work with a support group that helps women, their spouses/partners/family etc-through the loss of a baby through miscarriage, genetic disorders, or loss of a child. This is a slap in the face to these families and every woman who has lost a child and he is not a man.

  53. Wrong, on so many levels.

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  55. It is her body and her decision. If you have not carried a child for 9 months (had two) or had a miscarriage (I have had three) then you have know idea what this is like. And you have no right to cast any stones at this woman. It is between her and God. The guy is a complete a hole who won't ever even have a date again. Unless it is some breeder type that does not know any better with 19 kids and counting in their dreams. Gag.

  56. Amen Moosefan. Amen.

  57. @jbdean

    Then what is the point of having slander/libel laws if everyone can just hide under the First Amendment? (as far as the topic of religious freedom goes)

    Also, if she didn't have an abortion and it was a miscarriage, then what? Surely, he can't use that precedent then, can he?

  58. No way would I have had a baby with this ass. That's a minimum of 18 years of him having control of my life.

    I understand the desire to not give him any attention but women's rights are under attack in state houses all over the country.

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  61. @jb_dean79 -- "WBBC protests used Snyder's funeral as a platform to protest whatever greater cause it is they claim they have. Similarly, this guy is claiming Nani's abortion is a platform to promote right to life."

    Articulate and succinct. Thanks for this summary. You've obviously got genuine legal expertise -- we could use that here, every once in a while. ;-)

  62. I'm sure that whatever the truth, this was not a pleasant situation for anyone involved. However, he is accusing her of murder in a public forum, so she could legally sue him for libel since neither miscarriages nor abortions are illegal. He clearly has malicious intent against the mother with the distribution of this sentiment by referring to a fetus as a child, which it is not (yet) under current law regarding medical procedures.

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  64. As someone who couldn't have children, I totally support a woman's right to choose.
    I loathe and detest protestors who stand outside family planning clinics. It is harassment as far as I am concerned. You have the internet, TV, radio, newspapers and magazines in which to make your pro-life views heard. To think you would harass women who may be rape victims sickens me to the core. Most women are there for other reasons than a termination. The vast majority of women who obtain terminations do so with a heavy heart. I know of 2 who had terminations and one was in therapy for a long time.
    Finally, how many protestors sign legal documents stating that they will raise all these unwanted children? How many protestors raise physically and/or mentally disabled children? How many protestors will give unconditional financial support to these women so they can raise their children?
    Finally, I hope this guys dick shrivels up and falls off.

  65. I'm also for a woman's right to choose all the way.

  66. This isn't "protected speech" under the first amendment unless the government tries to prosecute him for it. I hate when people throw "free speech" around like they actually comprehend the Constitution.

    I hope this woman sues this asshat for libel.

  67. For those of you who think she has a case under the HIPAA laws... um.. unless this guy works in healthcare HIPAA doesn't include him. It applies to healthcare providers, staff, etc, etc. Not random people.

  68. There is no HIPAA violation here. HIPAA protects information obtained through access to healthcare records so if I tell my mom I had a medical problem and she tells everyone else in the world, she has not violated federal law. Now, if my mom happened obtain the information about my medical problem because she worked at one of the places from which I received any sort of medical care/evaluation or there was access to my medical info through insurance records and then shared that info [without my having signed a waiver for her have access to my info], then there would be a HIPAA violation

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  70. someone chose to have sex with this man?

  71. @Madlyb-

    thank you for rocking that comment.
    -Love Jasmine

  72. Here is the reality not the pro-life fantasy. This dude dodged a bullet. If his ex-gf had the baby, the most likely scenario, would be him paying out the rear for child support for the next 18 years for a kid he will never see. Even if she marries another guy.

    On the other hand she was a stupid git for getting the abortion. Kids are a easy way to bleed a man out of every dollar he has.

  73. On the other hand she was a stupid git for getting the abortion. Kids are a easy way to bleed a man out of every dollar he has

    Shows how much you know. Quick question - how many single mothers are below the poverty line in the US? how many non-custodial fathers never pay a single penny of child support? what's the average child support payment in the US?

    Please do us both a favour, and google some answers. I'll be here, waiting for you to apologize to single moms everywhere for your slur against them after you dig up the actual facts, rather than relying on your sexism and prejudice.

  74. "he could have spent his energy and money on other things. Like condoms."
    My sentiments exactly!


    "Kids are a easy way to bleed a man out of every dollar he has."

    So if a guy doesn't want any kids he should just do everyone a favor and get a vasectomy! Take responsibility for your reproductive health people!!

    If this is all about a miscarriage then I'm beyond pissed at the sheer stupidity of this guy.

    /small rant over

  75. @Jax-I do and have done all of what you have just listed. I actually do walk the walk. I have said this before, but I don't view abortion as a religious issue. I simply believe that an unborn child is actually a life beginning at conception and deserves to be protected. I don't stand out in front of abortion clinics and harrass people, I do not agree with this type of message on a billboard accusing someone of murder, I do not believe in murdering abortion doctors or bombing abortion clinics. I also do not believe that my tax dollars should support a woman's right to choose, but am certainly more than happy to support the welfare of a pregnant mother and her baby for as long as necessary.

  76. Oh...and one more thing about expecting pro-lifers to raise the children who would be otherwise aborted. Just because you take a stand against child abuse, does it mean you are willing to take those children and raise them in your home? No. Nor is it a proper argument to assume that any pro-lifer should be willing to sign a document saying they will raise the children...although I would be willing to bet that if a woman wanted to find parents for her unborn baby, she wouldn't have a difficult time. There are couples who wait years and years for the possibility of adopting a baby and some don't ever get the chance. I was lucky enough to have 2 women who did just that. My 2nd son was the result of a planned termination that the mother was unable to obtain because she was too far along in her pregnancy (7 months!!)

  77. I just read a couple of other articles on this and I think the guy was trying to get back at her for breaking up with him & is using the possibility that she had an abortion to humiliate her. He's claiming that she violated his right to be a father and that the baby was just as much his as it was hers.

    I have never felt comfortable with anyone telling a woman what to do with her body and whether she miscarried or had an abortion, this is a horrible invasion of privacy, it should be taken down.

  78. Wow, I find it hard to even comment on this. Miscarriage or abortion, this guy is so off the charts awful. As someone else said, he should be happy that someone actually wanted to have sex with him - he's clearly a hot mess of a person, and unattractive to boot. From the Phelps clan to this dude (and countless others in between) it never ceases to amaze me how far out of their way people will go to be hurtful to others.

  79. I think he should be forced to take it down and correct all the capitalization errors.
