If you have ever wanted Tracy Morgan to appear at your community theatre or your child's birthday party, now is the time to get him. Just tell Tracy your child is gay or your community theatre is performing And The Played On and Tracy will probably be there before you can hang up the phone. What he said last week is awful and I loved the way Tina Fey and the President of NBC slammed him for his rant, but Tracy is doing all the right things and saying all the right things and GLAAD is certainly ready to forgive him and have called him an ally.
Tracy spoke to Marc Malkin and said that he was bullied as a kid because his father had AIDS, which he died of in 1987. He also said he learned about homophobia at that time because people thought his dad was gay. Tracy is going to film a PSA in Tennessee which was the site of his rant.
Now, on to the bad news Tracy. He still has not apologized for the rants he made against women. What he said about gays was really bad, but he went even further when it came to the treatment of women. I have not seen anything about that in the press though.
I don't think he is sorry, he just doesn't want what happend to Charlie happen to him and get dropped from 30 Rock.
ReplyDeleteThat show saved his career and he has an ex-wife and kids to support.
The fact that his dad died of AIDS is a telling one, even if his dad wasn't gay. I'm NOT excusing what he said -- I, for one, find it unforgivable -- but Tracy is hardly a stable individual and he's got megabaggage. Did anyone else listen to his Fresh Air interview? He practically wept a few times. He is a sad, sad man, and I'll bet that mental illness, childhood trauma, and chemical dependency have each made him the lovely, volatile person he is today.
ReplyDeleteOh -- and you've been known to make pronouncements here on CDAN that aren't exactly kind or respectful to women, Enty, so I'd be careful before you hurl stones at Tracy.
His statements regarding women are nothing compared to Hollywood's standards and treatment of women.
ReplyDeleteIda I heard Tracy on Howard many times. He did speak about this. He had no relationship with his dad, he hardly knew his dad. His dad was a vietnam vet and got aids from heroin and died when Tracy was 17.
ReplyDeleteSorry, but I think Tracy was just throwing up a diversion sympathy wall.
I love 30 Rock but his is the character I like the least, I will not miss him.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting to see the crisis management around what Tracy said which was shocking in its imagery. The Emmys are being nominated now and 30 Rock obviously wants to be nominated. You just know Tina Fey went ballistic on Tracy. Is he sincere? I think this is more like "clean up on aisle 5".
ReplyDelete@Timebob -- "Sorry, but I think Tracy was just throwing up a diversion sympathy wall"
ReplyDeleteOh, I am NOT arguing with that. We're in complete agreement there. But I DO think the guy is deeply troubled -- as are many comedians -- and it all comes pouring out onstage. He needs to tell this shit to a therapist -- not a packed house at the Ryman.
Eh. I kind of don't care about it. People can say what they want to say in my book.
ReplyDelete@Sue Ellen- People 'saying what they want to say' to me is simply an excuse many people (Im not saying you necessarily) use to condone and/or perpetuate negative stereotypes that really harm certain minority groups.
ReplyDeleteNot to get into this topic but in my Holocaust and Genocide class we something drummed into our heads over and over again and that message was :
Victims of Genocide are already vulnerable in society because they have been scapegoated for a long time.
I'm not putting all homophobic ideologies on Tracy Morgan's shoulders HOWEVER I will say that it is a good thing that he has to publically apologize for his message of hate because continuation of hateful beliefs must stop before we can truly bring about peace for all marginalized people.
Oh, and I think his ignoring of the misogynistic things he also said in his 'comedy act' is very telling. This leads me to hold his apologies he is issueing now under suspect.
*HAD something drummed into us...
ReplyDeleteIts funny and I know I am going to get a lot of shit for saying this but had a Caucasian comedian made the same comments the Christian right/Tea party members would have come to his aid preaching the Bible and freedom of speech. But no such luck for the brother. Then again I don't recall this much of a deal being made when Imus and Michael Richards went on their racist tirades. Go figure
ReplyDelete^ Wow, totally disagree about the double standard. The Michael Richards and Isiah Washington comments were HUGE. I remember them clearly. And yet asshole "comedians" - white and black - keep making the same comments.
ReplyDeleteI just mean if someone wants to say something, that's on them. If you are a homophobe or a racist or something along those lines, and you make it known publicly, then you have to deal with the fallout, not me. So say what you want.
That said, I don't feel that way about governments/governmental figures. Those people are in a position of power and have more of an influence on society as a whole than say some idiot on 30 Rock.
ReplyDeleteThat's the problem when comedians say racy things. Part of you is offended because some things they joke about are taboo, but then they're comedians, that's what they do. Where's the line and whose line are we using?
Jasmine - ITA. It is not the acts of evil men, but the silence of the good ones - or sth like that
ReplyDeleteMichael Richards and Isaiah Washington's careers were pretty much destroyed. The backlash was huge and they are now a cautionary tale. I think that's one of the many reasons Tracy Morgan is on this public about-face.
ReplyDelete"Oh, I am NOT arguing with that. We're in complete agreement there. But I DO think the guy is deeply troubled -- as are many comedians -- and it all comes pouring out onstage. He needs to tell this shit to a therapist -- not a packed house at the Ryman."
ReplyDeleteIda, ^thisthisthisthisthis!
ReplyDeleteThe Michael Richard's thing and Isiah thing was so HUGE that they are both still ostracized from Holly Wood.
I mean, do you see them anywhere? Michael Richards especially, a very very talented comedic actor, hasnt been on anything since this. (Except for Curb which doesnt really count because of its Seinfeld ties).
And I'm sorry but slanting this with the 'race card' is just counterproductive. The issue here is homophobia, plain and simple. And if Neil Patrick Harris was caught saying the same sort of detailed hate message as Tracy Morgan did, I'D STILL feel the same way. (Just a little bit more confused lol)
I agree with Sue Ellen, they are comedians, they say some pretty f'd up stuff. Lisa Lampanelli has made a career of saying racist, homophobic things, so have a ton of other comics so do we now tell them they cannot? Should we be in the business of censoring for fear that something someone says may offend? That is a tough call to make.
ReplyDelete@Montana -- Lisa pushes the line a LOT with her stand-up routines, but did you hear about this?
THAT is putting your money where your mouth is.
@Sue Ellen-
ReplyDeleteI understand what you are saying but I respectfully disagree.
Its the people MOST in the public eye that everyday people take notice of and sort of, well not look up to but think are cool, that we should be taking notice of, ala Tracy Morgan.
Yes, what you say about taking heed of what a head of state has to say is literally more important and carries more weight than a celeb HOWEVER, Joe and Jane off the street dont usually acknoweldge or even know their heads of state's stance on this stuff. People watch 30Rock, people know who this man is, and many think he is cool, that he is funny. For him to say stuff carries more weight in their minds than a head of state because thats just how the masses of people work.
It's not me creating this senario, its simply fact. And people in the public eye who can influence the receptive audience around them, need to be policed when they say something tainted with hate.
oh fuck that my Dad has AIDS shit! way to exploit your own father to get back in the good graces of the society. FAIL.
ReplyDeletethis guy is unfunny at best and a complete homophobe at worst. he take his i'm sorry and stuff it! you can't go on a 5minute hate speech about gays,whites,women or any other targeted group for a joke and expect an I'm Sowwy! to cover it. Lampanelli tells off colour jokes but its never violent and with such venom as Tracey's rant was....and she has shit loads of gay followers.
that is some deep hate he has for himself.
I hate the whole hes a comedian, it is his job to make jokes. What he said is rude and disrespectful to people who are going or had to go through that. People can make jokes without being hurtful. Even not thinking about that his whole uncensored thing is starting to get old.
ReplyDeleteAnd isn't that sad that someone on a t.v show has more pull than a HOS? I think so.
And on the topic of Lisa Lampinelli, who is hilarious, just because she donates to LBGTQetc is kind of akin, for me, to someone hitting their wife then buying her a necklace.
@Baka Neko
ReplyDeleteMostly all comedians push the envelope. That's what they do. They take things that may be hurtful and make them funny. Well, most of the time.
I'm not defending him, I'm just saying it's not like he's a principal of a school or something.
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ReplyDelete@Sue Ellen -- "And on the topic of Lisa Lampinelli, who is hilarious, just because she donates to LBGTQetc is kind of akin, for me, to someone hitting their wife then buying her a necklace."
ReplyDeleteLisa Lampanelli has never, ever advocated outright violence towards homosexuals, so your comparison is pretty weak. She might make fun of gay stereotypes -- right in front of a predominately gay audience -- but she's never claimed that she'd kill her son if he brought home a boyfriend.
She has a ridiculously large homosexual fanbase for someone who (supposedly) metaphorically beats on them.
So my comparison is weak, but a comparison to genocide is prefect for this circumstance. Right.
Sue Ellen - I think the line is pretty clear. Hate speech.
ReplyDelete@Rocket Queen -- I think that line is clear to the majority of the people in this thread. That makes me really glad.
ReplyDeleteI don't disagree with that. All I am saying is that it's tough with comedians because of the nature of their job. In general.
The end.
Never liked the guy never thought he was funny. Really find him annoying.
ReplyDeleteHate ain't funny. You can be funny without putting people down.
ReplyDeleteI never found this guy funny, even on SNL. I get that he's outrageous and a time bomb but there are repercussions when you say hateful shit.
ReplyDeleteYou would think the gay community would be more concerned about skyrocketing std's.
ReplyDeleteTracy Morgan told a bad joke. Get over it!
What the hell, people??
ReplyDeleteI have ALWAYS loved Tracy but what he said was NOT FUNNY! It was disturbing and like the author from that link Barton Fink posted when this first came out, his tone took a dark turn when he started discussing gays/women.
I have seen a million stand ups make gay cracks here and there and don't recall anyone going as far as Tracy did. That is the difference, people.
And if you don't think Michael Richards or Isiah Washington's flubs were a big deal ask them how their careers are going right about now.
I'm really hoping that Tina Fey heard about this and quoting from BossyPants:
"For I will not have that shit. I will not have it."
@Missy -- "You would think the gay community would be more concerned about skyrocketing std's."
ReplyDelete1985 just called. It was wondering when it can have its hateful, unevolved, ass-backwards and completely ignorant stereotype back.
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ReplyDelete^ Thanks, Ida. That's some ignorant shit, Missy. Not that we didn't already know where you stand on the whole homophobia thing.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you guys always have to attack people who don't share your views? Honestly? So what if she's a backwoods hick in her views? Not your problem.
ReplyDeleteIt gets so tiresome to watch a self-pulling chatty cathy doll and crew always go after people, all the time, for everything. Really though.
Ever consider letting things slide sometimes? I do it all the time. Except this time. Too much.
Missy is right though - in SF there is a new explosion of HIV/std esp. syphillis in the young gay community. A gay AIDS activist was on a recent documentary (30 yr anniversary doc.) saying the young males had not lived through the 80s death times and see people living with the pharmaceutical (sp?)advances that have been made.
ReplyDeleteBesides that: BBBOOOOO for Tracy!!
@Sue Ellen -- LOL. Yeah, you've just ~had enough~! It's time to stand up for the oppressed people of CDAN, right?
ReplyDeleteYou've really built up quite a reputation for yourself on this blog, dear -- and on the rest of the internet, too. And a big part of that is due to your adherence to ignorant, arrogant, uninformed, and poorly-articulated views that are largely like Missy's -- that is, they are hurtful to certain people and offensive to many.
You basically only log on in order to a) argue with other people just for the hell of it, or b) to lord your self-professed academic knowhow over other posters who CLEARLY have more experience than you. I just think of an incident about a week ago when another poster was able to add a lot to a post with her own ACTUAL legal expertise, and you just looked like a floundering, stammering dumbass. Which, ultimately, you are.
Fortunately, you're part of a minority here on CDAN. UNfortunately, you're a vocal minority, but rest assured: you are laughed at. Heartily. Not WITH, mind you. AT. You are laughed AT.
As long as people continue to say grossly stupid, hateful, bigoted shit, then I will be proud to speak up, and I know other people will be, too. Fucking deal with it.
As you might say: The End.
@cageykiwi -- that's all very well and good, but it's just ONE city.
ReplyDeleteI'm reasonably sure Missy was generalizing.
I only read your first sentence because you tend to ramble all the time about crazy things you make up. Yeah. I've got such a reputation that I care so much for that I had to change my name and not admit who I used to post under.
ReplyDeleteRight. You're a crazy bint who should be thankful that you have people that can stand to be around you for more than 15 consecutive seconds.
The next time you take one of your little nature walks, I hope a bear eats you and spits you out cause you're so bitter.
I just read your whole thing. You mean you and your internet friends make fun of me on facebook? Oh noes!! What ever will I do?
ReplyDeleteYou love to walk around calling people names and making judgements about people that you have no idea about, complaining about things you tell other people not to complain about. You're fucking mental. You belong in a group with the rest of the mental cases on here.
And so what that I'm not a lawyer. Who cares. I appreciate the time jb_dean took to explain it to me, beyond the theory, which is all I know cause I'm still in school. And the point of that is?
When I need someone to read Gullivers Travels aloud, I'll call you, but until then. Good to not talk to you.
Cause I'm not down with ignorant homophobia, Sue Ellen. Statements like the one she made perpetuate the idea that only gay men are the ones throwing around STDs. Not to mention our lovely Missy actually chased one of the posters here and a friend of mine onto her own blog to attack and insult her there after she stated an opinion contrary to her own. And no, it wasn't Ida.
ReplyDeletePeople from here attack me all the time on my personal blog with lies about me that aren't true. So what.
I don't dig homophobic/racist stuff either, I was just saying. Then I have to listen to some fucking bullshit by people who twist things people say to suit them, and never quite see when they are hypocritical about something else.
I'm just sick of this one and her fucking psedo-intelligence trying to force her shit on to everyone else. Not everyone is going to agree with you, no matter how "right" or p.c you are. So give it a fucking rest already.
Really. Count how many times imafuckingteafloatblankenship comments per post. The answer is a lot. Stop shoving your shit down our throats, or start your own damn blog if you want people to listen to your shit all the time.
Good talking to you RQ, as always, but I have to go to school now.
Well I think that Tracy is more sorry he got caught saying those things, then he is that the thoughts missed the filter in his head and spewed out his mouth.
ReplyDelete"not admit who I used to post under."
ReplyDeleteI guess I hallucinated the thread where Ida said "Yep, I changed my user name because I was bored with the old one?"
And don't act the martyr - you want to talk about "letting things slide," I've been ignoring your idiotic shit for months now for the sake of the other posters.
Sue Ellen, why the hell don't you leave us alone and go hang out on Huffington Post instead? They do plenty of celeb gossip, and at least there some people would probably be interested in your sophomoric political rants. But no, I know you'd much rather stay here and stand up for your god-given right to be an asshole. Fucking troll.
Oh, and please take your own damned advice. "Stop shoving your shit down our throats, or start your own damn blog if you want people to listen to your shit all the time." But you don't get enough attention on your own blog, do you? Narcissism is so ugly.
ReplyDeleteFrankly, Missy deserves to be told where to shove it. Her ignorant, uninformed views are better served with the Westboro Baptist Church than here on CDAN. She needs to go away.
ReplyDeleteGeez.. are we still on this?
ReplyDeleteMy feeling are this. This is not the first time he's told a similar joke like this. In fact, many black and white comedians have told jokes FAR worse. He's simply being made an example of because he's on a mainstream show and it's a hot news story. Was his remarks over the top? Of course they were. Have you been to a black comedy show? It's supposed to be un-pc and over the top. Only a fool would actually believe he had any intention of stabbing his child in real life and so on.
To me, the real issue is the expansive rift between the black and gay community. Many of my friends, heck even people at my church, see the backlash as everyone trying to accommodate "the sensitive and reactionary" gay community. The fact that he has apologized profusely, is making attempts to reach out to gay leaders and organizations and yet is still being labeled as a pariah is seen as gays bullying anyone who does not endorse or agree with their lifestyle. Hell, my father wants him to stop apologizing because as he says "It won't make a lick of difference, you see how they did Isiah". And I have to agree with him.
Tracy can apologize, do a PSA, donate money and he will probably always be labeled as a homophobe. I don't think that's fair. Everyone has a right to be angry, but should there not be room for a person to learn from his prejudice and redeem himself? It seems to me he's actually making a sincere effort and sharing where he developed his prejudice and how it formed him as a man, but no one cares, they just want to see the headline "Tracy Fired"! And Enty is right... no one gave a damn about the remarks about women. That speaks volumes.
Hey Mooshk
ReplyDeleteI hope you overdose on your anti-depressants, you fat ass bitch
@Luxurylatte -- "To me, the real issue is the expansive rift between the black and gay community. Many of my friends, heck even people at my church, see the backlash as everyone trying to accommodate "the sensitive and reactionary" gay community."
ReplyDeleteThanks for saying this. I've long wondered about it, given how I'd imagine African-Americans know what it's like to be disenfranchised and targeted more than most anyone. But telling one group that they should *get* where another group is coming from is inherently racist, I guess?
*sigh* I don't know. I truly, truly don't understand. This is why I'm an animal person. Human beings simply exhaust me.
I think the beef with Isaiah persisted because he said "faggot" once, received a lot of backlash for it, and then defiantly said it AGAIN backstage at the Emmy's. His apology was pretty half-assed and seemed as if it was concocted by a publicist, frankly. He also didn't ever come across as very warm and fuzzy in his everyday demeanor, which probably didn't help.
Tracy is "sleepy and self-centered", as Tina put it -- and he certainly seems more sincere, but the damage may already be done. He's part of a racially and sexually diverse ensemble cast, and Tina was PISSED. I don't think she'll fire him; those two seem to have a pretty tight bond, but I wonder if he'll ever work steadily again after 30 Rock. I doubt it.
I think he's got significant mental problems which make him manically blurt out *very* inflammatory things. Personally, I've always thought his unhinged nature is pretty hilarious -- I looooooved Brian Fellows' Safari Planet, and I love the character of Tracy Jordan, but the darker side of Tracy's instability has really reared its head lately.
I don't hate the guy -- not like I hate Charlie Sheen or Michael Vick -- but I wish he would have, like, PRACticed his act a little in front of some people before getting onstage. A true friend would have told him that a bigass part of his repertoire needed to GO.
How about we all pitch in and rent out a ring and give y'all gloves and you guys can just punch each other in the face until one of you starts crying or spewing blood from your nose.
ReplyDeleteI love this community but I think we all need to chill. It's not life or death. It's just an entertainment blog. Why can't we all just get along? ;)
Ignoring the total ugliness above... has anyone seen the actual clip of this? I'm not saying his words are acceptable any way they were delivered but I'd like to hear them in context. I'm sad about this as I was a pretty big Tracy Morgan fan. I think he's really talented.
ReplyDeleteGay male sex is riskiest, facts don't lie. Female gay sex is the safest. We need more lesbians and less promiscuous gay men.
ReplyDeleteCDC figures show that white MSM “account for the largest
ReplyDeletenumber of annual new HIV infections of any group in the U.S.,
followed closely by black MSM, ” according to a CDC fact sheet
released last month.
Blogger Sue Ellen Mishkey said...
ReplyDeleteHey Mooshk
I hope you overdose on your anti-depressants, you fat ass bitch
3:36 PM
Vile. Just plain vile. What *possible* excuse is there for making light of ANY person's struggle with mental illness (which depression most definitely is)?
Even if you were attacked personally in these comments--which you WERE NOT--there is still no excuse for wishing weight problems, depression, and FUCKING DEATH on anybody.
What's your excuse this time, SEM? Oh, wait, I got it--you're just an asshole.
Yup. Fuck you too, blank princess.'
ReplyDeleteI hope mooshki has nothing but a rotten fucking existence and dies alone in a cardboard box. You too.
@Sue Ellen -- I thought you had to go to "class", pumpkin.
ReplyDeleteYou must be posting these comments while sitting in the front row of the lecture hall. ;-)
@ Sue Ellen- I can see your point about pushing the envelope, but I think that was crossing the line. I also think his role as a celebrity makes what he says matter.I know that when I was in school we cared more about what certain celebrity thought then principle or teachers.
ReplyDeletecan't you fags just get along...
No shit timebob.
ReplyDeleteTypical, someone posts a billion times a day on a fucking blog and thinks they speak for everyone.
I get where SEM is coming from. As in one of the first questions she asked was 'where do you draw the line?'
If we are going to leash comedians, let's do it in a consistent manner.
I am dating a 'bisexual'. That's what society will see when they look at his history. That is not what I see. However I have had the chance to see a shit load of hatred from BOTH the hetero and homo community.
What I see when I'm with him is someone I adore being around and happen to think is gorgeous.
His take on this is "he did it to himself. Once people stop paying to see him he'll feel what he's done" not he'll see what he's done. He'll feel it in his wallet. So I'm with Sue, let him put it out there. Hey, it's informed consent...right?
Also, I don't know what kind of 'history' Missy has with some of you who take this site a bit too seriously, but the CDC announced less than a year ago that syphilis (you know..the disease that for all intents and purposes should have been eradicated in the modern world with the invention of penicillin) is ON THE RISE IN THE GAY COMMUNITY. An infectious disease that results in death if left untreated is a cause of alarm.
Check your facts before taking someone to the cross people.
Sweetie, at least I have a real life, with a real job, and real friends. I don't have too much time to spend reading or commenting on a blog that I visit FOR FUN during my somewhat-limited down time. Unlike you--an admitted chain-smoking, over-age and under-educated "student" working at your local beer 'n' burgers joint and pointing out and laughing at other people's misery on a daily basis--I don't feel a need to come to blog I *claim* not to like just so I can pick on people and act like a narcissistic child.
ReplyDeleteTo respond to your post:
A) Never in you wildest dreams would you EVER get the supreme pleasure of fucking me, so you might as well save that "fuck you" for someone who cares. MWAH!
B) As for Mooshki, I'm sure she is a zillion miles away from ever having to live in a cardboard box, because--again, unlike you--she has WAY too many people in her life who love her to pieces and will always support her.
Narcissists really hate being called out on their narcissism. Is that why you're being so venomous and cruel? I hate to think of what kind of trauma you've been through that caused you to become such a bitter, jaded, self-aggrandizing, hateful, and self-centered bully. Why not turn some of that forceful energy into something positive? What about being a kind person instead of a cruel one? Why not admit your shortcomings, work on improving yourself, and stop lashing out at others with low blows so far beyond what any reasonable and respectful person would even think of uttering? You CAN choose to be decent person, yet that seems not even to be an option in your mind. I realize that your life is miserable, but that doesn't make it OK for you to make the lives of everyone else around you miserable as well. Please grow up, self-assess, and come back when you can interact with others as a normal human being should.
What happened to this blog community I used to love? First you people turn on Enty, now you're turning on each other. Thanks for turning my favorite blog into another "high school".
ReplyDeleteNot all of us take just English, Ida. Some of us take classes that you need a computer for. I guess it's crazy to assume that a University would have computer labs as classrooms. Here in the big city we do.
ReplyDeleteAnd princess blank.
Good for you. You're so busy you have no idea where my rudeness is coming from, but you thought you'd chime in anyway. Wonderful. You can join the rest of the idiots in the corner.
Actually, re-reading that tired ass rant, I conclude that you are really another poster using a different name, princess blank. So much for that big 'ole life of yours.
ReplyDeleteWho doesn't have 100 names for a gossip blog?
Wrong. As usual, you're not half as smart as you think you are. But then, that's the least of your problems.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your 'concern,' but I'm happy and healthy, and feeling very glad not to be as miserable and ugly inside as you.
But you are miserable. No one in their right mind would get so crazy towards a stranger for not believing in Ent like you do. You created a blog so people wouldn't ruin your experience on here with their questions, you spammed my blog on that site and told people to post their grevances about Ent on my blog. You come to my blog and insult me, you make up lies based on wild guesses about me and post it on the internet like it's no big thing, and you're still trying to make the "Sue Ellen is a narcissist" happen.
ReplyDeleteAt least when I rip on your depression, it's true.
I'd take a long, hard look at myself if I were you, mooshk. Perhaps have a talk with your mom, maybe get her to up your meds because you've got some fucking problems that are pretty deep.
Also, I'm not worried about you. People like you should just be used for spare parts when a contributing member of society loses an arm, or needs a lung transplant.
Perhaps you forget mooshk, but you used to have no problem with me on here until I started to question Ent begging for money for things he never came through on. Suddenly, I'm your enemy.
ReplyDeleteYou know everything about mental illness, what does an inappropraite attachment to an internet vapor like Ent mean? Bi-polar?
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ReplyDeleteI like your blog Sue Ellen:) Gayborhood had me at hello.
ReplyDeleteThen again because I don't have an issue with what you posted, odds are we'll be accused of being the same person.
Negative on that. When I joined a thousand years ago I went by 'Sweater' and frankly I'm not sure we ever ran into each other discussion wise.
But hey, if it's that important for people to discuss off blog..FWIW I'm Paris Hilton.
That's right.
Sue, do everyone a favor and crawl back in the fetid hole you came from. For someone who has such a high opinion of herself, you have an strange attachment to a blog you obviously can't stand, and resort to juvenile insults to defend yourself. To suggest someone overdose on anti-depressants and die shows how truly ignorant you are. But then, you are so back-asswards you probably enjoy the attention. What a pathetic example of the female gender.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, if you don't understand any of the big words, there's this thing called a dictionary. Try it out.
Re-read my 9:03 post.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the compliment. To be honest, since I moved, I totally miss the gaybourhood and all the amazing little things that go with it. I'll also be missing Pride this year, but not missing people setting up shop on my front yard.
I remember the name sweater from posting because it reminded me of Weezer, but I don't think we've ever crossed internet paths on here.
And to you, you evil twat, mgnddswhatever, as if I really need advice from you, mother of the year. If one of your kids doesn't end up in jail, or pregnant at 16 I'll pass out from shock.
ReplyDeleteIs this the best defense you could muster up on facebook, mooshk? Tragic. The fact that you can't fight your own battles and need people to defend you, says a lot.
You should make another blog and post about me. It's probably be better than what you do post. I mean, pictures and videos of "funny" things? Save it for your scrapbook, lady.
Anyway, I have to get to bed. I have a bust day tomorrow and won't be around. I'll be back though, rest assured.
ReplyDeleteLong time reader, first time poster, so don't shoot. I'm curious about something. The Nightmare Child told a fellow poster a few weeks back that he was going to slit her throat and shit in the wound, and no one made a comment or told him how vile that was to say. Yet Sue Ellen makes a comment that she wants someone to overdose and die, and suddenly she's a huge villain? Makes no sense to me. Wishing someone would die is bad, but I certainly think it's much worse to threaten to slit someone's throat and shit in the wound. Personally, I think that person is more fucked up than Sue Ellen, and if everyone is going to go all moral about comments like that, then it should be directed at everyone, not just one person people seem to dislike.
ReplyDeleteI can only speak for myself, but I usually skip over what may be someone having a bad day. What gets to me is when someone is an asshole over and over and over again.
ReplyDeleteTodd that is a fantastic point.
ReplyDeleteRe-reading what I said, I'm sure Sue Ellen would say the exact same thing about me, so I'll go back to trying to keep my mouth shut until I can't stand it and lose it again.
ReplyDelete@Suyphen - the only thing I'm going to add to this is a comment about Missy. You're right, it is probably her history of posting hateful, ignorant things here that made me overreact to her comments about how gay men should focus on nothing except their rise of STDs in this thread. In general (ahem), this blog is populated with respectful, thoughtful people, and any longtime reader can tell you she has consistently proven herself to be neither of those. I am biased against her, no doubt, and will admit to it. I just ask that you keep your eyes open if you haven't noticed it yet...you will soon ;)
ReplyDeleteTodd, I respect your opinion and agree with Suhyphen that you made an excellent point. I can only explain my own reasoning and reaction in response to your comments, so here goes.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that The Nightmare Child *did* make a truly horrific statement about another poster. Yes, it was vile and shocking and disgusting and perverse and grotesque. I personally do not wish to know how a person's mind could come up with such a gross and terrible thing to say.
However, what he said was so over-the-top outrageous, so unrealistically hyper-violent, and so *seemingly* out of character (at least for the character that one can glean from an online persona) that I did not take it as a "serious" desire/wish/threat on the part of TNC to bring harm to the other commenter. Additionally, that is the only lashing out that I have ever witnessed TNC having in the comments section. I fully admit that I no longer read the blog as regularly as I used to, so it is certainly possible that I have missed other similar occurrences, but I cannot say for sure. It seemed to me on that day as if TNC was having a really shitty day, took it out on someone, and then went away and got over it before coming back to play nicely with the other kids in the sandbox. I know some apologies have since been exchanged between TNC and other CDaN readers, although I cannot remember for certain if they were about that post in particular or another one in which TNC brought up suicide.
On the other hand, the comments, judgments, and pronouncements that SEM makes are fairly regular occurrences around here. Her air of superiority--which is clearly coming from the reality of her inferiority--is simply gross. Her intolerance of others, her acting as if her own is the only *correct* opinion, and her constant puffing herself up while at the same time blowing others down is just a bit too much to take. Normally I can just roll my eyes and move on, but her comment hoping that someone would: a) get depressed, b) get fat, and c) die from an overdose was indeed too much to ignore. Her "threat" (if indeed that is the right word for it) toward Mooshki seemed disturbingly real to me--not in a personal way, as if she would be drugging Mooshki herself, but in an evil-grin "the world shall be MINE once I get rid of all you bitches" kind of way. The grandiosity of it all simply pushed me over the edge, and for that I apologize.
I realize I've said a lot, and that maybe none of it helps. You have caused me to rethink my stance about all of this, but I do stand firmly where I did yesterday in my comments directed to SEM. I don't know--perhaps because I don't view her as having committed some outrageous atrocity (prior to the overdose comment yesterday, that is), but rather as having a long-standing and repetitive way of blasting others who "get in her way," I actually feel sorry for her. Note that my comments to her included what might be called "constructive criticism"--ways to suck it up and be a better person should one choose to do so. Maybe I feel that there is hope for SEM...that she is not devoid of human decency?
We can only hope.
To Sue Ellen Mischke (you *do* realize you have the name spelled incorrectly, don't you?):
ReplyDeleteFor the record, I have only posted on three message boards in my life. I use the handle "blankprincess" here and on Bonanza Brand (yes, I have mad love for those Cartwright men!), as well as in my e-mail address. There's actually a very cute story behind the name, so efforts to degrade me by intentionally misusing it are woefully inept. I also used to post on E! Online's Watch with Kristen board using a TV character's name, but I haven't visited there for about five years now, ever since I gave up TV spoilers. I have followed CDaN since about two months after it was started, and I have never posted under a name other than this one, so you can lay all of your conspiracy theories to rest. I am not Mooshki, I am not Ida Blankenship, I am not RocketQueen, I am not jax (just covering all the likely bases since I don't know which person you think I am), I am not an Enty apologist, and I have got nothing to hide. I am merely someone who loves the idiotic things celebrities do, and I wish to enjoy them within an informed and respectful community of like-minded folks, not mean and willfully ignorant losers.
Peace out.
^^ is this chick for real?
ReplyDeleteYou're not helping your cause with all that garbage.
Who in their right mind would want to take advice from people who a) obviously don't know how to read, b) think they're still in highschool with their clique-y bullshit, and c) play fast and loose with morality when it suits them?
So you know, cause I know everything, telling someone you hope they overdose isn't a threat, but threatening to slit someone's throat is.
I highly recommend you get your GED. Every little bit helps, but I guess you're too busy with your "life" and all. I can tell by the novel you wrote after you thought about how you felt towards a stranger online all night.