Tuesday, June 07, 2011

They Put Chloroform In Carpets?

I watched a little of the Casey Anthony trial yesterday but the guy the prosecution put up on the stand kept making me nod off. It is tough to watch the trial after it happens for the day because all you want to do is fast forward. Just wait for the breaks and when they come back, there is some talking head giving a nice summary.

You know what got me yesterday? When they guy said that after 20 years he has never seen chloroform levels so high. Really? No one else ever used it? Then though, the guy scared m. They went to a junkyard and found an old Pontiac and tested the carpet in the trunk for chloroform and found it had trace amounts. Seriously? There is that stuff in the carpets in the car? It also scared me because if this thing had been sitting in a junkyard for years and had trace elements of the stuff, who is to say that some carpet worker didn't dump a bunch of it on Casey Anthony's carpet? What about that he only found 5 of the 30 things he looks for when determining whether a dead body decomposed somewhere.

Does anyone think the jury is thinking these things? All these little things that keep adding up? It only takes one not guilty to have a mistrial and then the whole process starts again, but probably with lesser charges.


  1. I've read waaaaaaaay too many Green-Living Hippie Housecleaning Manuals, so I'm not shocked or surprised at ALL by the idea of terrible chemicals remaining in carpets for years and years. Nasty.

    Wake me up when the childkiller gets convicted. The appeal of keeping up with this case is just beyond me, personally.

  2. Ida...'Wake me up when the childkiller gets convicted. The appeal of keeping up with this case is just beyond me, personally.'


  3. I don't think a carpet guy would just dump a bunch of chloroform onto a carpet - I think all the chemicals would be mixed together before the carpet is treated. I know the chemicals in a carpet are dangerous - I've always been told if you have new carpets installed, try to do it when you can keep your windows open for a few days.

  4. I knew very little about this case a few weeks ago, but I'm becoming fascinated with it as I read more, only because I can't BELIEVE what a horrible, horrible person Casey Anthony appears to be. I personally don't believe in the death penalty, but I understand they do in Florida, and if anyone deserves it, it might be this.....creature.

  5. I've been reading a blog called Caley Daily and they seemed to think this guy testified well. Isn't he the one who can test air and know whether a dead body has been present?

  6. I have a feeling that Casey is going to walk, which makes my stomach turn.

  7. The amount of chloroform measured is way beyond what it would be from chemicals in a carpet.Chloroform is given off when a body is decomposing. This expert tested the air in the trunk and came up with levels higher then he had ever gotten back from testing. This leads me to believe Casey smothered Caylee with a chloroform soaked rag in the trunk killing her and then leaving her to decompose there for a few days and then dumped the body down the road from her house. She said on the jailhouse tapes that she felt Caylee was close to home and she knew this to be true because she put her body there!

  8. i don't think you're watching this case, enty. your description here is not even accurate. this guy is the head honcho at the body farm. he's smelled dead bodies for 20 years.

    the jury was very interested in his testimony and took more notes than they ever have up to now.

    if you nodded off---and you were alone because he was actually very charming and really interesting-- maybe that explains why you don't understand what he said.

  9. I had asthma as a child; my mom blames the new carpets put in when I was six (given the asthma started within months after installation). Personally, I blame her smoking when she was pregnant with me.

  10. He spoke of finding chloroform levels in parts per million instead of the parts per trillion in normal levels.

    Wake up, Enty. Many people found this witness informative and fascinating.

  11. I read all the time about new carpeting containing traces of formaldehyde and arsenic, so chloroform isn't a surprise, I guess.

  12. This post doesn't make sense to me. What carpet guy? Who is dumping chemicals in her car?

  13. ^^ what John said.

    I live in Central FL, not too far from Orlando and I am totally over-saturated with Casey Anthony coverage. So much that I'm irritated that the live coverage is pre-empting Judge Judy, which I religiously record each day. Really, Tru-TV has it covered and Nancy Grace will re-cap each night, so why, Channel 35...WHY????

    Incidentally, I love the way Nancy Grace will say reporter Jean Casarez' name when asking for her take on the trial: it sounds like "Junk-a-Saurus". Like she is calling on some dinosaur to give its view.

  14. The summary I read from this guy's testimony was pretty Casey Anthony damning in my opinion. Enty must have nodded off during the good parts. Though none of this is good, very disturbing. I want the witch to fry for what she did, no doubt in my mind.

  15. I have no faith in the judicial system. Florida is definitely one place where theres almost never any justice.
    But, because this hits home a bit, I had 3 friends and one of their daughters (and their dog) killed by this dumbfuck. He was given 3 death penalties.
    Ed Rendell gave him a stay in 2008.

    My initial reason for hating the judicial system is because when my first friend was killed in 1999 (Jennifer Still), the DA at the time, Bruce Castor, heard that she practiced Wicca and played Dungeons and Dragons. He thusly stopped really investigating her murder, calling it ritualistic, and basically victim bashing.
    This allowed the fucker to slaughter Heather and Lisa Greaves, and Heather's 3 year old daughter, Avery. Mr Castor still wanted to pin this on Dungeons and Dragons somehow. But the fucker worked at Acme with Heather and he was crazy and killed her because he was jealous.

    Guy was so crazy that every Halloween, he would sit on his porch with the scream mask, and unsheath the knife that he used in all these horrific slayings.

    Ok, I'm sorry, I just really feel that there can never really be justice for the actual victims, whether it be jail, "rehabilitation", or even the death penalty. No penalty that could be handed down will ever bring Caylee back, and fill the hole in the lives of the rest of the Anthony family.

    All because this girl is a sociopath. It should have been realized earlier that she was sick. Hooray for due process and shit, but seriously, she is SMILING during the trial about her supposedly murdering and binding her CHILD.

    (This also hits hard because when Caylee first went missing, it was literally a week after my daughter had her stroke. and everytime I saw her picture on the news, the pain I felt for Casey........ and then it turns out that she allegedly killed her. I just hate the world... going back to my thesis statement, there is no such thing as justice.)

  16. @ mango and 'Junk-a-Saurus' : I thought that was a nickname Nancy Grace had for this woman - I could NOT figure out what the hell it was but I did not know it was Jean Casarez. Lol.. thanks for shedding light on that.

    PS I can't stand Nancy Grace labeling Anthony 'Tot Mom'... it irritates the shit out of me.

  17. @mango and john: I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought she was talking to a dinosaur. I rather enjoy the "Tot Mom Bombshell!" lead-ins, as well as when she "unleashes" the lawyers like the baying hounds of justice. And where is Sue Moss in all of this?

  18. @Mango - haha! Nancy tends to mangle a lot of names/words. I remember Kathy G doing stand up about the way she pronounces Caylee.
