Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Someone Decided To Make Life Worse - A Salt Sequel - Spoilers Of The First One

I was going to never watch Salt. Never crossed my mind to watch it, until one day I noticed it was on Watch Instantly so I gave it a look see. Should have not watched it. I can give you the plot in two sentences. Angelina Jolie is a spy who is saved from a North Korean jail by a guy who is really not attractive, but she is grateful, falls in love and gets married even though they have no chemistry. A defector comes into the CIA and says Angelina Jolie is a Russian spy, which is true, but as it turns out, so is the entire cast of the movie and Angelina kills them all.

Deadline is reporting they are making a sequel and I am not sure why. There is no one else alive. Angelina literally killed them all. I will say she killed Liev Schreiber in spectacular fashion but I had to wade through 90 minutes of boredom and tired cliches before I got to that point. Do they have to make a sequel to everything that made a buck? If you want to make a sequel with something with the woman keep making those Kung Fu Panda movies.


  1. I liked the movie and am glad they are making a sequel.

  2. I thought it was pretty good. Nice to see a female running an action film, rather than just running (and screaming) in an action film.

  3. What was that terrible movie with her where she was in a secret society of like basket weavers or something? My husband made me see that. Horrible. When I started reading that, I assumed that was the movie he was talking about. They sound sort of similar. Or equally horrible. Or both.

  4. I actually liked Salt, and I normally find Angelina's acting more wooden than a box of pirate peg legs. Not sure about a sequel though.

    And besides, her role in Salt was originally written for Tom Cruise. Would you rather have sat through 90 minutes of his bullshit (and given money to the Co$)?

  5. P.S. And for this she makes 20 Million + per film...

  6. I'm a sucker for female action movies. I'll definitely watch the sequel.

  7. I actually really liked the movie. It's really worth watching. There's also more to it than Enty described. The onky thing I didn't like was the ending. It just ended and the credits started rolling. All I could think is "What happened...it was starting to get really good?"

  8. Just bored with this one. Could have been Courtney Love in any one of her movies if Courtney could have kept it together for one more minute - or been on the right drugs at the right time. Go home and take care of your kids Angelina. Give someone else a chance.

  9. @KLM - no, that was Wanted.

    I like Angie and her movies (with the exception of The Tourist, which looked AWFUL). Thoroughly enjoyed Wanted and even Salt was better than I expected. But Enty, I don't think she was saved by the guy who became her husband ;) She and Liev were great together - I'd watch a sequel, or ideally, a prequel.

  10. @crila - I actually watched it twice and saw two different endings!! In one, she watched her husband be shot to death, in the second, she watched as he drowned...not sure why there were two versions.

  11. I liked Salt. I do admit though I'm finding it harder and harder to buy her in action roles as she gets more and more waif-like. She seemed to be struggling a lot in the running sequences IMO....

    The Tourist on the other hand was a big ol pile of steaming poo.

    She and Depp had zero chemistry and it just seemed like they made the movie so she could change outfits every 5 mins and vacation in Italy for a time.

  12. RQ

    I agree a prequel has a lot of great possibilities. I never wanted to watch Salt but one day there was nothing on I wanted to watch so I turned it on and really enjoyed it.

  13. I guess I will have to look for this one on Netflix.

  14. Ugh. I finally watched it this weekend. What a waste. I felt the plot was written as it went. For once, I am not cringing at Enty's opinion.
    What bothered me most was she escaped the CIA building, not having any means, but took a cab...HOW DID SHE PAY HER FARE? Did he just let her go b/c she was pretty? Was there a wad of cash stashed in her bra? It certainly wasn't in her panties.
    I love action movies especially with a female lead, but this was just dumbed down and completely not plausible to be enjoyed.

    *end rant

  15. I saw the movie and her character was Jason Bourne Lite. My brother rented it while he was staying with me and I missed the beginning and didn't really care enough to replay it, but it was okay. Nothing special, really. I liked her a lot better in Mr & Mrs Smith.

  16. Funny, I was wondering this morning if they were going to make a sequel given how the film ended. For the record, I didn't mind Salt one bit--it wasn't any better or worse than most action movies.

  17. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Wow, I am really surprised at how many folks liked the movie. I like Angelina but I hated Salt.

    Not the plot and of course I love Liev but did you really buy Angie in that role? She looked so teeny and frail. Her spindly toothpicky legs looked like they were going to snap when she was running and there is just no way she could have sustained a blow from an adversary without crumbling into dust.

    When she was going hand-to-hand with the bad guys I kept thinking, "Dude, just stand there and blow on her. She will fly away like a feather and you can go about your business without even messing up your suit."

    Girlfriend needs to eat a sandwich!

  18. @Mango - Mr. and Mrs. Smith is highly underrated. It is really great.

  19. Angelina is one of the few female stars who I see doing the running/jumping action thing. You don't see Reese or Sandra doing that. And some of you will say "Speed" is an action movie. Yes, it was but all that was required of Sandra did was to sit down.

    I like that a female is headlining a big action franchise. Even though it is essentially a "Fugitive" rip-off.

    I can see Jennifer Lawrence as the next Angelina. She's going to blow up BIG.

    And At least Angelina isn't Kate Hudson making her 97th awful romantic comedy in a row.

  20. I know I watched this movie but when I read the plot just now, I don't really remember any of it. I do recall that it had the mandatory "Angelina drives car while pouting and giving sexy side-eyes" - scene.

  21. @Mango - Mr. & Mrs. Smith was a great movie. Wicked, wry, fun and it had some priceless quiet moments in between the gunfire. Like the expression Angie gave Brad when she finds out he listens to Air Supply. LoL.

    That's the Doug Liman touch.

  22. I liked Salt although I do agree about the no chemistry thing with the German scientist..I was kind of like " really? " but moving on..the movie was way better than I thought and I will fo sho watch the sequel..on Netflix..

  23. I liked Salt although I do agree about the no chemistry thing with the German scientist..I was kind of like " really? " but moving on..the movie was way better than I thought and I will fo sho watch the sequel..on Netflix..

  24. I saw Salt on one of the pay channels a few days ago, and the movie just ends with her running. I yelled at my TV, "That's it?" The studio basically set it up for a sequel.

  25. Yup, gotta disagree with you Ent. I went to see Salt and thought it would be terrible but actually enjoyed it! I don't remember the ending now that you mention it but I'll watch teh sequel. It was a fun action flick and Angelina is hot, albeit too skinny.

  26. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I actually really liked the movie -- mainly because I leave my reason at the door whenever I watch an action flick. You can't watch movies these days and question how a character does something -- just accept it and go on. There are no laws of physics in Hollywood.
    I agree about her and the spider scientist husband, but basically because he was super ugly. Anyone else remember him as the Nazi officer in the French basement bar in "Inglorious Basterds?" Yeah, he was ugly in that, too. And he killed Archie Hicox (Michael Fassbender). Bastard.

  27. I don't like her but I do enjoy about half her movies. I thought Salt was actually pretty good and remembered thinking, I could see a sequel to this.

    She is good in those "bad-ass" character roles vs. where she is too weepy (A Might Heart, Changeling).

  28. In the photo with Enty's post she looks like one of those creepy "big-eyed kid" paintings from the '70s. FFS, Angelina, eat something. You look creepy.
