So Did Amber Portwood Really Try And Commit Suicide?
Yesterday afternoon I read reports that Amber Portwood from Teen Mom had tried to kill herself. There were reports that she was found with a rope around her neck and that she was rushed to the hospital. But, after those first reports, it seemed like the reports that came out were that Amber or someone close to her called police and said that Amber was threatening to kill herself and when police went over to the house they found her wanting to kill herself but not actually trying to. They still took her to the hospital and Gary Shirley went and visited and then had the time to take down her Twitter page. Who does that or thinks of that after a suicide attempt.
MTV says they do not know what happened. I was under the impression they were still filming the upcoming season of the show, but it must have just ended if they were not. What I think Amber needs is a good month or two in a hospital away from everything and every bit of drama and let her get her life together. It is obvious she has issues and being around Gary is not helping those issues. The people around her should take this as a cry for help and get her the help she needs. Maybe she was depressed MTV had stopped shooting. What will really make me mad is if Amber or Gary sells some kind of suicide story to the tabloids.