Slow News Week - Emily Maynard Gets A Cover
When you think about the fact that there are 52 weeks a year for tabloid covers and some are devoted to regular things like Sexiest Person Alive and that stuff. Then, you have the obligatory 10 Jennifer Aniston covers and the 10 Angelina Jolie covers and then the 10 Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie fighting over Brad Pitt covers. Throw in 5 or 6 Kardashian permutations and that does not leave you many weeks. Somehow though Emily Maynard got on this week's cover of People. Huh? Everyone knows that she and Brad Womack split a long time ago. You needed to give her a cover to confirm that? I'm guessing she is going to be on DWTS or some other reality show and this was to keep her in the spotlight until that happens. I mean the story is worth about what I am spending on it. Is it really worth a cover?