Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Serial Husband Killer Dies In Louisiana

If you have never Googled the name Betty Neumar you need to do so right after you finish reading this post. Betty died yesterday or Sunday in Louisiana at the age of 79. She was scheduled to go on trial soon for the murder of husband number four. Betty was a grandmother and in her wake left a bunch of husbands who all died. Not died as in had a heart attack died, but died as in So I Married An Ax Murderer died. Without the haggis though.

Her first husband was shot in the back of the head back in the 50's. No arrests were ever made.
Her second husband died on a pier sometime in the 1950's but she could not remember.
Her third husband died of what reports have classified as a suicide but even his own kids have their doubts. Supposedly the couple were having a fight when he decided to pull out a gun during the middle of it and shoot himself. Twice.
Her fourth husband died after she allegedly hired someone to kill him.
Her fifth husband may have died due to arsenic poisoning.

All in all, I am guessing this is a woman who will not be missed by many people.


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