Not content to cheat on Farrah Fawcett while she lay dying in the next room, or doing drugs with his son, or even hitting on his daughter, Ryan O'Neal has decided to up the ante on his a-holery behavior. According to the latest issue of Star, Ryan O'Neal is hiding a $30M Warhol painting from The University Of Texas. And when I say hiding I mean he probably sold it to someone or stashed it until he thinks it is safe to bring it out. Farrah gave all her artwork, which included two Warhols of her to the university. The university received one, but the other is a no-show. The problem for Ryan other than whether his daughter thinks he is a good kisser, is that while airing the show with his daughter, the painting is visible. Also, Tatum discusses it in her book. So, the university has hired a private investigator to locate the painting. I wonder if Ryan did sell it. I know he thinks he can keep it for himself.
I read that it's hanging above his bed. Asshole. She left him basically nothing, right?
ReplyDeleteWell he helped himself to the most valuable thing she owned....
ReplyDeleteand that 'nothing' is all the rat deserves. God, what a wretch.
ReplyDeleteThis guy is so disgusting it is surprising he isn't a politician.
ReplyDeleteKarma is a bitch, hope she finally catches up with him and inflicts copious amounts of pain upon him.
This is a lesson for all these actresses out there (and for all women in general): Be careful who you hook up with. If the guy is a scumbag with his own children and exes, he will treat you the same, even after death.
ReplyDeleteFarrah was addicted to Ryan's dick, and he, in turn, has been a completely dick to her ever since.
...and yet, he's managing a kneepads-like promo tour w/ tatum for the book that's been very successful in terms of media saturation. amazing. i think he may very well see, tho, that the 'don't mess w/ tx' tourism slogan hides copious amounts of truth. i hope UT really goes after him.
ReplyDeleteWell if UT is anything like NYU, they will torture him until they get what they think they're entitled to.
ReplyDeleteIt saddens me that in her highest time of need and last days that this POS is what she had to support her and her son's life was out of control. Ryan took and continues to take advantage of her trust.
ReplyDeleteSinful. Selfish. Vengeful. Hateful.
ReplyDeleteI would think that such a distinctive painting would be tracked down eventually, though, via some sort of dealer/broker/gallery.
I just don't get the point of art theft. It's not as if Ryan could ever actually sell or *display* that portrait. What's the point of hiding something beautiful and valuable from the rest of the world? I guess it's the adrenaline that comes from knowing you're the only one who possesses it?
So in addition to being a douchebag of the highest order, Ryan is a dumbass. He really thoght he could get away with stealing the most high profile painting of hers?! Warhols don't just fall through the cracks.
ReplyDeleteI was so happy she didn't marry him before she died (as he was bullying her to do). He only wanted to marry her to steal her estate away from Redmond. He was left nothing in her will everything was set up in trust for Redmond.
ReplyDeleteHis interview on Piers Morgan the night before was disgusting. He blamed Farrah's cancer on the stress from Tatum & Griffin fighting with Ryan.
He is a hosebag and if it isn't sold by now it will be if they don't get it back.
Ida says:
ReplyDeleteI just don't get the point of art theft. It's not as if Ryan could ever actually sell or *display* that portrait.
I bet Ryan sold it on the black market. If a famous painting ever gets stolen, it can wind up in the hands of very rich people who like to play high-stakes games with stuff that doesn't belong to them. It's not about showing the work--obviously, they can't. It's all about the sick thrill. And if one of those people was a Charlie's Angel fan, Ryan got some serious coin for it. It be a Warhol only sweetens the pot.
I fear the painting is as good as gone and in some rich guy's trophy case.
He is so disgusting. I am surprise he still comes out on TV.
ReplyDeleteThis could get good. A top 20 law school with attorneys on staff, alum, proof of possession and a multi-million dollar bequeath v Ryan O'Neal.
ReplyDeleteFarrah didn't have a chance after hooking up with this horrible human being. I wish she would've stayed with Lee Majors - he seemed like a good guy - I dunno.
ReplyDeleteSadly, Redmond never had a chance with a father like that. That man should've never reproduced - and I'm not saying this to insult his kids. OMG, stories about RO and how he's just sucked the life, happiness and energy out of every single person that was ever in his life just makes me livid. I don't know that I've heard about a worse excuse for a human being who isn't in prison or hasn't been utterly vilified, to be honest.
I get a really, really icky feeling when I see promos for their new reality show. I will NOT be watching it. Blech.
ReplyDeleteGood GOD, could this a-hole get any WORSE? I'm so embarrassed and sickened by his whining and poor-mouthing and blaming. I agree that Redmond never stood a chance, but neither did Tatum and Griffin.
ReplyDeleteThis "reality" show of theirs will not last one season.
Ryan? You are a thieving piece of filth. No one likes you. No one.
#1- that painting is STUNNING
ReplyDelete#2- Anytime I find out some actress or actor is actually friends with this douche bag I immediatly mentally cross them off my list as people I like. I may go still see a movie or two with them in it (unless of course its Roman Polanski or Mel sugar tits Gibson) but any admiration or respect is gone.
Still cannot believe how drop dead gorgeous he was in his youth, Mel too for that matter. LOVE that for these two assholes at least that ugly on the inside finally found its way through to the outside and they loook like the gross horrible old men they have always been deep inside.
Tatum's book is heartbreaking. Those poor kids. I used to like Melanie Griffith until I read that book. Ryan and Farrah deserved each other.
ReplyDeleteAND he stole the last movie that was being made about Farrah too. He's a jerk!
ReplyDeleteFor the story.
I hate that man. I saw bits of both interviews of them on Piers Morgan, and Tatum sounded so wounded but really trying to set things right and not look for reasons to get huffy, while Ryan was the poor-me, look at all I've suffered at the hands of my kids, exact opposite. Narcissistic, sociopath, thy name is Ryan Oneal. Life-Sucker, just takes & takes any life out of those around him. I think Tatum should have completely written him off after he tried to pick her up @ Farrahs funeral. Rat-fuck.