Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ryan O'Neal Steals $30M Painting From Farrah

Not content to cheat on Farrah Fawcett while she lay dying in the next room, or doing drugs with his son, or even hitting on his daughter, Ryan O'Neal has decided to up the ante on his a-holery behavior. According to the latest issue of Star, Ryan O'Neal is hiding a $30M Warhol painting from The University Of Texas. And when I say hiding I mean he probably sold it to someone or stashed it until he thinks it is safe to bring it out. Farrah gave all her artwork, which included two Warhols of her to the university. The university received one, but the other is a no-show. The problem for Ryan other than whether his daughter thinks he is a good kisser, is that while airing the show with his daughter, the painting is visible. Also, Tatum discusses it in her book. So, the university has hired a private investigator to locate the painting. I wonder if Ryan did sell it. I know he thinks he can keep it for himself.


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