Monday, June 20, 2011

Random Photos Part Two

Mel Gibson and his chain smoking new girlfriend who also does
fetish videos.
Justin Bieber shows off a picture of what he would look like if he was a girl?
Avril drops an F bomb under her bra because she is all tough and rebellious. You know, like drinking regular coke instead of diet.
Colin Farrell being haunted by the sounds of Lainey calling out to him.
There it is again.
Selena Gomez and The Scene.
Lady GaGa shows off her Bozo the Clown tribute wig.
Brody Jenner who seems to do two things lately. Permanent extra in the Kardashian shows and waiting for Avril to tell him what to do.
Snoop gets his smoke on with Belly.


  1. Wow, Enty, super snide there about Lainey, huh? Can't say it's not funny, but still, super snide.

  2. Bieber wasn't even born when Saved By The Bell was on. Or Miami Vice - which he seems to be paying homage to.

    How old is Avril now? 30?

    Gaga looks like Lori Petty there.

  3. Mel's new gal looks like pornstar Eve Angel. At least she's cuter than Oksana Great-googly-moogly or whatever her name is.

  4. If I recall correctly, Lainey and Colin were workout buddies around Oscar time. By buddies, they happened to be in the same gym at the same time, a few times.

  5. @Jason -- FOR REALS. I'm at an age where I am genuinely offended by wee lil' teenagers wearing that shit and trying to pull it off as mere irony. If Beiber wants to engage in some sort of Bell-off, and he can tell me A) the name of Tori Spelling's character on that show, and B) recite the entire lyrics to Hot Sunday's one quasi-hit, only THEN will I think he's qualified to sport that shirt.

    I think Selena is super cute, and I love the whole retro aesthetic behind The Scene. I've never heard her speak/sing a single word, but I see her singles pop up on iTunes every other day or so. I don't know how much input she has in that stuff, but either way, her creative team is really doing many things right.

    @Em -- I've always gotten the feeling that Lainey and Enty aren't exactly tight. ;-)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. @Ida: Bell-Off?!
    omg thats so hilarious!
    Now I do know Tori's character on the show was Violet BUT i dont know the lyrics to the Hot Sunday's 'hit'.
    Can I still mention Saved by the Bell ironically? I'll leave it up to you to decide :P

    And I LOVE that someone who is overweight goes by the rap name BELLY.
    Uh, that is fucking awesome. Way to keep it real dude.

  8. @Ida, I believe they spelled it Hot Sundae. :P

  9. @Jason -- Violet Bickerstaff. :-)

    Put your mind to it, go for it
    get down and break a sweat!
    Rock and rolllllll...
    you ain't seen nothin' yet!

    That was also the notorious "I'm so excited! I'm so exCITed! I'm SO EXCITED! I'm*scared*" episode.

  10. @Lauren -- Righto -- they *totally* did. :-) Probably an homage to Max.

  11. Was it...put your mind to it go for it, get down and break a sweat! rock and roll, you ain't seen nothing yet! Here's a message that i'm sending to can do what you want to do! a little work never hurt no one! it's the only way to get things done!

  12. Justin B. might as well have worn a shirt with "Who Killed Laura Palmer?" written across it.

  13. Oh Hot Sunday - that was the Jessie Spano ODs on caffeine pills story line..."I'm so excited!...I'm so scared"

  14. Avril is PURE TRASH. Yeah honey, you are so HARD CORE with that tattoo. Ugh, keep her, America.

    So I'm guessing Mel's new girlfriend has totally real breasts, right? Cause remember how he hates fake breasts and any women who act like whores and trash? What a fucking hypocrite.

  15. Mel's new gal looks like Miranda Kerr to me. Same little squished up face.

  16. hahahaha love the lainey joke - as I am guessing she will too. She's not ashamed to admit it...there's a tiny bit of stalker in that tiny little body of hers LOL

  17. @JasonBlueEyes - Re: Bieber. I agree! I've also seen him make Chuck Norris references before, too. Please.

    @Ida - My friends used to have me act out the Jesse Spano caffeine pill breakdown. ;) I haven't heard a Hot Sundae reference in a LONG time. Thanks for the giggles. :)

  18. Love me some Colin! Thanks Enty!

  19. Lady Gaga looks a bit chubby there--preggers, persnaps?

  20. I didn't think it was a snide joke at all. I think he was just making fun of Lainey's obsession with Colin, which, as Stacey said, she does herself.

  21. When did Brody become manorexic? Not a good look for him.

  22. someone hit the nail on the head- I think Mel Gibson is a freak, and those messages to OksanaOctomom were foreplay that got turned around on him. He totally likes his ass kicked during sexytime.

  23. Selena: microcephalic.

  24. @bemused: Thank you! I thought I was the only one who noticed Selena's head. I wanted to refer to Katie Holmes as having Selena Gomez Syndrome in an earlier post, but didn't think anyone would see what I meant.

  25. Love the Lainey joke, I didn't think it was snide at all considering he is on her Freebie Five.
