Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Two parts today.

I wonder if Kid Rock will ever get all botxoed like Kenny Rogers.
Kristen Stewart at the Glamour Awards in London.
Nicole Scherzinger shows off her love for fur.
Turns out that Rohan Marley is not the father of Lauryn Hill's new baby. She is not saying, but wouldn't it be funny if it was January Jones' baby daddy.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Selena Gomez learns that guys will ignore you when they are watching sports. It's good she learned this at a young age.
First time appearances for Scott Speedman and Teresa Palmer.
Shania Twain and Taylor Swift remake Thelma And Louise while the
real stars were honored at a 20th anniversary party.


  1. I think Kristen Stewart is stunning. I'm not even sure WHY, but I totally do. She's just got a really casually pretty style, and I love her coloring. I think she's much, much prettier than R-Pattz.

    I'd say this in person, but I can't: fuck a whole bunch of you, Nicole Scherzinger. You talentless, fur-wearing, Bratz Doll-ish twatwaffle. If that's her wardrobe, I won't be watching The X-Factor.

    Thelma and Louise should NOT be parodied -- particularly by the likes of Taylor Swift. I don't even mind Shania all that much in this situation, but Taylor is a zygote in comparison. Besides, what the hell has SHE ever offered in the way of feminism? Get her outta that car!!!

    ...and put Geena and Susan back in it! God, that movie is so good. It is just really, really, really great. Also, I definitely remember feeling a little tingly when Brad Pitt came on screen. So to speak.

  2. Hi readers!

    Is it just me, or is Kristen Stewart losing weight?

    With regards to Scherzinger, Ida said it for me. Word for word (cept I prob wouldn't have watched X-Factor anyway).

  3. *UGH* @ Nicole Shitzinger.

  4. I was going to say that Rocket - Kirsten used to be a lot fuller.

  5. @Ida - LoL...I'd rather the scenes with Harvey Keitel. One of the greatest actors ever giving a compassionate, winning performance in that movie.

  6. Thelma and Louise was a great movie. Hollywood better not even try a remake. Won't watch X Factor either.

  7. wow, orange plastic kenny is freaky.

    boo hiss on nicole schwerzewhatever for wearing fur.

    i wanna know more about lauryn hill...this baby daddy story needs to get good.

    aww, hi readers and pretty reader's doggie.

    for a second i thought the biebs was ellen. =O

    taylor/shania...that was taped yesterday for tonight's cmt awards. it's actually cute.

  8. Gina looks strange.

    Vanity Fair had an interesting article recently on the making of Thelma and Louise. It's worth checking out if you're a fan of the movie.

  9. @califblondy - I read that Vanity Fair article. To think the movie almost starred Michelle Pfeiffer and Jodie Foster and William Baldwin in Brad's part.

    The mind wonders.

  10. Where the hell is Nicole Shitsinger or whatever that she's dressed for winter like that? Here in Wisconsin it's been 95-100 degrees all week!

  11. Arghhhh Nicole Schwingnzwer is just horrible. Ida, AMEN!

  12. Kid Rock may get botox (or plastic surgery,) but hopefully not like Kenny Rogers!

  13. Fur is just tacky looking. This isn't 1985, you washed up slutpuppy. ;)

  14. Kristen Stewart is very pretty, but gf needs to get some muscle tone. She looks mushy to me.

  15. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Oh my God, Geena Davis' face is horrible. She's got pinhole eyes like Kenny Rogers.

  16. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Urgh, I HATE people wearing fur in any case, but seriously, Shitzinger, it's June. There is nowhere in the northern hemisphere with the exception of the Arctic where fur could be legitimately worn. Especially since that fur appears to be the ONLY thing you are wearing up top!
    Is this Teresa Palmer person Scott Speedman's gf? Because if she is, I hate her and want to tell her that sideboob is never attractive.
    Geez, Lauryn Hill is one fertile trick.
    Love your rottie, #2!!

  17. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Also, I just KNOW that fetus-looking Bieber bought his(?) shirt in the toddler girls' section of Forever 21.

  18. Love the reader photos, of course! Reader Photo #2, I'd love to know the story behind that picture :)

    Lauren Hill has such a beautiful voice, but seems to be so strange. And Mr. Marley seems to be a doucher.

  19. Hi Readers!

    Nicole DOES look like a Bratz doll!! Haha

    @JasonBlueEyes - William Baldwin??? Wow. Glad the film took a different direction, on all counts.

  20. Kristen Stewart is one of the few actresses who is thin, but actually seems naturally so. I have a cousin like this who is so little but she doesn't look like she kills herself for it. One of the few thin stars that still somehow looks healthy and natural. Good for her. (Still don't like her as a actress -- a bit flat).

  21. @MCH - William B. dropped out because he was offered a starring role in "Backdraft". Both movies were filmed at the same time - during the summer of 1990.

    I can't see him in "T&L" Either.

  22. Hi Lovely CDAN readers. I'm reader #2 with my BF and our very loved rottie Chona, our 9 1/2 year old baby. The pic is from a photo session where we were trying to get her to sit by giving her treats. This was a candid shot, but its one of my favorites!

    Thank you all for your hilarious comments all year long and Enty for CDAN!

  23. Hi reader above! I also have a rottie who is 10+ years. She is the sweetest thing! I hate that rotties have a bad rep. (now back to the gossip!)

  24. Glad to see that some other people find Nicole Scherzinger as douchetastic as I do. And she sings really, really horrible songs.

    That dress does nothing for Teresa Palmer. And she needs to wear a bra.

  25. Kristen Stewart gives me the gay vibe. I wouldn't be surprised if she comes out in about five years. Joan Jett (out) gave that vibe too as does Jodie Foster (not publicly out). Scott Speedman was in the horrible movie with Liv Tyler, but he actually can act.

  26. You know it's a good day when you can read twatwaffle and zygote in the same post. Also enjoyed slutpuppy! Thanks guys!!

  27. ^ agreed! twatwaffle and slutpuppy! ha! great nouns going on around here.

    k stew has always looked naturally thin to me, too. the girl does not work. I don't know, I kind of like her body. she's more feminine than those mangirls with the overtoned arms (cough cameron diaz). though she needs to switch up her style. she is ALWAYS in a tight, strapless mini. she looks great, but it's replay after replay.

    scott speedman...yum.

  28. oops, meant the girl does not work OUT.

  29. Brad Pitt was so gorgeous in T&L, I also thought Michael Madsen was hot in it too.

    Funny, Kenny Rogers always looks surprised!
