Well, I guess we know how Prince feels about women. He pretty much hates all of them and thinks they should all be forced to wear burqas. He thinks that if women have a choice about what to wear they are unhappy and that to have a woman be happy you should tell her what to wear. Specifically he thinks governments should tell people what to wear. In an interview with The Guardian, Prince said,
"It's fun being in Islamic countries, to know there's only one religion. There's order. You wear a burqa. There's no choice. People are happy with that.”
Yeah, I bet they are thrilled. This coming from a guy who changes clothes 10 times a day. Tell you what. You go ahead and wear a burqa everyday for the rest of your life and tell me how happy you are about the whole thing. Yeah, that is what I thought.
I'm not touching this one with a 10 foot pole.
ReplyDeleteHe used to be, like, the coolest man in the world. These days it seems like he can't open his mouth without saying something stupid.
ReplyDeleteHe's definitely got issues with women.
ReplyDeleteI think it was Carmen Electra who stated that she had to be fully made up (makeup & hair done) at all times for him - even sleeping at 3am.
And once you lost "favorite" status with him, you were dunzo.
LOL Sue! Ahh why not? ;)
ReplyDeleteMaja I agree. He was the dude in the 80's.. I blame that Raspberry beret song BLECK!
This is quite rich for mr high heals, quite rich.
Interesting comments considering how the model was dressed in his "Kiss" video. Not enought publicity lately, Mr Purple?
ReplyDeleteHe's an idiot...sing Prince, keep your opinions to yourself.
ReplyDeleteI don't like Prince any more, not after the anti-gay stupidity.
ReplyDeleteUgh I am so sick of celebrities opening their mouths about subjects they only know half or less about. Burqas are only worn in specific countries and it is only referring to one specific style really. And it IS a choice in most muslim countries-not taliban infested areas- I know many muslim women who wear Abayas and many that do not- and those that wear them intermittently or only for traditional reasons. Look at Dubai and the Emirati style of wearing abayas, you can't get much more glamourous that that with daily wear- check out DAScollection.com and tell me this is oppressive.
ReplyDeleteUgh, I remember being so in love with everything Price in the 80's (even though I was completely clueless what Little Red Corvette was about). But yeah - STFU already, Prince.
ReplyDeleteI mean how can I watch Purple Rain anymore?
ReplyDeleteReligion and politics are a recipe for a scene which I am not having today. I'm on reading week; I want to relax.
Thank you, @Black& White!! You just saved me a lot of typing. And to be honest (having worn abaya), it really makes you feel pretty, feminine, and very much respected. It's like a secret; only those close to you know what you're wearing underneath. Think of it like a coat for indoors. Many of them are gorgeous. And I think he has a point in that many women get insecure trying to dress for others. In the Arab countries, abaya keeps people focused on what's important: the mind.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, how does one get one's head up one's own ass so far?
ReplyDeletePrince is a jackass.
ReplyDeleteDear Prince, Stick to making awesome music and performing (which you are excellent at)...but don't talk...PLEASE!!!
ReplyDeleteWTF, Prince? Between this and his statements about how much he hates technology and digital music, he's really a dinosaur, isn't he?
ReplyDeleteLittle fascist wants the government to fight his battles for him, cover up the scary ladies and tell them what to do. How ironic that this blithering clueless dolt made a mint singing about sexual license and freedom. Oh, and the fact is that the burqa is not all that "optional" for most women in Islamic countries. Used to be. Not so much anymore and getting less so every day. Viva la revolution, suckers.
ReplyDeleteHe's always been extremely controlling about the women he's involved with. Somehow this just doesn't surprise me.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I do wish he'd shut up though. I had no problem with him being eccentric (like Kevin Smith famously talked about) or a Jehovah's Witness. But his bizarre proclamations like this, digital music, and the way he's trashed his own music from the past - it makes me wonder why we all still bother.
What was the deal with him and a wife (I think) having a baby with serious health issues? I believe the baby died in a foreign country. Does anyone remember more details?
ReplyDeleteFound this:
ReplyDeleteThe Mojica sisters have claimed that Prince decided prematurely to shut off life support for his baby, who was born with a deformed skull that often causes retardation or early death.
The artist and his wife have not publicly acknowledged the baby's death, and the child's birth and death records do not clearly document his parentage.
He is out of his fucking mind. And shockingly ignorant. And I make these comments based on his overall behavior for the past decade, not just for this latest incident.
ReplyDeletehmmm. he really just shouldn't speak, seriously. one of his ex-wives and i share a close friend in common...i don't know her very well, but the times we have spent w/ our common buddy (who's an ex of hers, actually), i do know that the baby she and prince had in 1996 had the most severe stage/phase of the illness (i don't recall the name)...and that yes, his skull was severely deformed, but that the severity of the illness also affected the nervous system and was slowly shutting the baby's life down...they did take him off life-support b/c there was no other alternative, and yes, it is documeneted (altho idk if prince made any official statements or such)...i also know that he's into really feminine women...hates the butch look, altho i've never heard that he hates women, per se. i agree w/ amartel in that his view is facist, but i think it's b/c he's somewhat socialist in his thinking and w/ the low-options in life thing. again, idk the guy other than a few live shows, but i have no reason to doubt what i was told via the ex.
ReplyDeleteLove him! If he was the government we would all be wearing purple!!
ReplyDeletePurple burqas, apparently. :)
ReplyDeleteHe said, "You wear a burqa." Maybe he was saying he wished he could wear them?
ReplyDeleteI do find it odd that a man that wears eye make-up, ruffled shirts, ass-less pants and who changed his name to a symbol would think that people are happier without options.
He so crazy.
ReplyDeleteI remember when he had his son with Mayte (his first wife). I recall they named him Boy Gregory.
ReplyDeleteGo move to Saudi Arabia and wear a burqa all day long prince. You're as tiny as a woman is.
ReplyDeletePookie I remember that. It was really sad, and didn't they break up not long after?
ReplyDeleteSue, I know sweets, I was only kidding with you.
What a dumba ass. His tiny little ass in a Burqa? He would be relegated to washing the clothes by the river for 10 years before anybody figured out his shrimpy ass was a man.
ReplyDeletestill love his music...but can't stand his personality!
ReplyDeleteI have a good friend who produced music for him several years ago. Apparently he worked for Prince for two years which was longer than most..and according to him if you worked for Prince you weren't allowed to speak to him directly. You were only allowed to submit "yes" or "no" questions in writing. He says one night in the studio very late he saw a shadow in the room and addressed it by saying " Who's there? I know you are there I see you " after which the person slipped out the door. The next day he got pink slipped. It was Prince and he broke the cardinal rule..unknowingly ..
I trust what my friend says..he has worked for many of the greats and always has good stories but some of his Prince ones are my faves!
You know they having washing machines in the middle east, right, Jamie's Girl? In fact, many of those oil-producing countries are incredibly rich, as are their citizens.
ReplyDeleteI remember Weird Al talking about going to the Grammy Awards and how he (and others) received a memo from Prince's "people" instructing those seated near him not to look at the Purple One during the ceremony. Al said he responded with a memo telling Prince not to look at him!
ReplyDeleteUnreal. Maybe he admires the total control of the environment in the situations he describes. He may be happy with it, not "people."
Of course the middle east's oil-producing countries are incredibly rich, but it does not follow and is not true that this means their citizens are rich too. Most of these countries are run by theocratic dictators who find a way to keep the money for themselves and their friends, and for their pet projects, and bamboozling everyone else with religious fundamentalism. Washing machines are for the rich people. The "pretty" abayas and burqas are for rich people. Having a driver so you can get out of the house is for rich people. Leaving the country is for rich people Listening to sexay tunes by Prince is for rich people.
ReplyDeleteI've spent some time in the middle east, Amartel - stayed in lovely homes and hotels. I assure you, they have washing machines and very nice cars. The point was that they're hardly 'washing clothes in the river'. You can deny it's the case, if you want, but it's the truth. There are people in North America without washing machines, too. In fact, I'm one of them.
ReplyDeleteIt saddens me that the same man who wrote "Pussy Control" could still retain such sexist and dogmatic views. *siiiigh.*
ReplyDeleteHe's yet another example of a total asshole who produces work I CANNOT HELP LOVING.
I think he's a mad genius, honestly. Totally cray-cray. But, yes, he should keep his piehole shut.
I don't like the burqa. I realise that people's religious beliefs include the option to wear it, but it concerns me that it is the sharp end of the wedge into forcing women to dress a certain way. I find it confronting when I see women dressed in them, particularly in summer in Australia when the men they are with are in shorts, thongs (flip flops for the Americans), and singlets.
ReplyDeleteWhat Prince said was sexist, because men aren't forced to wear the burqa, so I object on the basis of that and my personal beliefs.
WTF?? WOW...
ReplyDelete@Barton Fink - I didn't hear about that? What did he say??
Phfft! Prince in a burqua would look like cousin it from the Addams Family!
ReplyDeletePrince, the next time you think the govt would be better regulating our lives; like in Muslim countries; think would you have gotten away with Darling Nikki there????
Well, I liked my burqua. It's deep green with lots of embroidery. I used to wear it on Halloween and it was the best ever! No makeup, no special hair, just the awesome green burqua, spike heel over the knee boots and hands full of diamond rings!
ReplyDeleteSadly, it's no longer politically correct. I never meant any harm or disrespect. Just seemed a way to be rid of the Halloween makeup/hair dilema. I did as much of a slutty burqua as I possibly could! And, better yet, nobody ever knew it was me. I would park way down the street for parties.
But PURPLE burquas! I could visit a country like that. I love purple!!
@Maja. With a J.: That was EXACTLY what I was thinking... I used to get into big arguments with friends about how Prince was soooo much better than Jacko! He lost me with that symbol-crap.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about burqas (I have nice hair and decent legs), but I'm not against "uniforms" (i.e. togas, Catholic schoolgirl garb, silver mylar jumpsuits) as long as e'eryONE is wearing the same thing. I "envy and hate" (you know what I mean) my friend's that can afford bettre, nicer clothing than me -- it would get rid of many bad feelings and equalise alot. I would kill Kim Lardassian for one of her handbags and that's not a nice thing...