Prince Talks Burqas - Fails Miserably
Well, I guess we know how Prince feels about women. He pretty much hates all of them and thinks they should all be forced to wear burqas. He thinks that if women have a choice about what to wear they are unhappy and that to have a woman be happy you should tell her what to wear. Specifically he thinks governments should tell people what to wear. In an interview with The Guardian, Prince said,
"It's fun being in Islamic countries, to know there's only one religion. There's order. You wear a burqa. There's no choice. People are happy with that.”
Yeah, I bet they are thrilled. This coming from a guy who changes clothes 10 times a day. Tell you what. You go ahead and wear a burqa everyday for the rest of your life and tell me how happy you are about the whole thing. Yeah, that is what I thought.