Monday, June 06, 2011

Paris Hilton Is Imploding

It's finally happening. That horrific screech you here is the realization by Paris Hilton that her grip on any kind of fame is slipping through her witch like fingers, that no one likes her, cares about her, or will spend any of their precious television time watching her. Do you realize that the premiere of her new reality show last week was so bad that an Aubrey O' Day reality show had 50% more viewers. This is despite Paris exploiting Brooke Mueller and doing way more publicity than Aubrey did.

To make things even better for those of us who despise her, Paris went on The View and instead of a bunch of softball questions, was asked by Barbra Walters why Paris only showed herself drinking, clubbing, partying and complaining about her community service when she at one point said she wanted to spend her life doing charity work. Well, Paris thought they were the meanest questions ever and cried and ran to her mommy and daddy who were also at the taping.

We have had years and years of Paris and the end should have been after the failure of her BFF shows, but at least the end is here now. Hopefully the Kardashians will soon follow in her wake.


  1. Best post here EVER! And A-men!!!!! Thank you :)

  2. Yes! Yes! Yes! Paris Hilton has only been good to be parodied by a multitude of comedians.

  3. Ditto....and love the photo you found...

  4. The idea of this animal-abusing harlot experiencing any degree of misery fills the cockles of my heart with glee.

    Go suck on your has-been status, Paris. And fuck off forever. EVERYONE hates you.

  5. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Awwww poor thing (laughing like crazy LMAO)

  6. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I saw a clipping of that interview with the View. I really can't stand her and how she tries to act all professional like. She is just a dumb, lazy, and annoying make-believe human being.

  7. Excellent! Paaaaris, time to go find some old sugar daddy! Cuz you KNOW that's what she'll do next.

    And oh yes please oh please let the Kardashians all have faded from memory within a year. The ONLY thing that would make me ever watch their shows would be Khloe finally admitting (what we all know) that she's transgender, and if the m2f surgery would be shown on TLC.

  8. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Preach it, sister Ida! I can't stand how Parisite seems to get a free pass about how she treats her pets -- as if they were disposable.
    LOL re: Khloe, Figgy!

  9. I hate reveling in someone's misery, but it is nice to know that, sometimes, eventually, the cosmos works in the way it's supposed to.

  10. I didn't really think that hardballs were lobbed at Paris during that interview. They could have been a lot tougher.

  11. Good things come to those who wait. And we have been waiting a looooong time for this.

  12. This made my day :)

    Release of a 2nd sex tape in 3....2.....

  13. What really would have been great was if Piers Morgan had called her out when she was going on and on about how the sex tape had ruined her life, instead of kissing her ass. After all, he is a former news editor.

    He should have brought up how the tape could not have been released without her signing off on it, or about all the millions she made from that tape. That tape threw her into the stratosphere in terms of name recognition, so it hardly "ruined her life."

  14. Paris' greatest fear is to be non-famous and shunned. So this is good news.

    Plus the tv landscape is so oversaturated with reality shows she just doesn't fit in anymore.

    OH and I watched 5 minutes of it and shut it off when they were bascially taunting Brooke with alcohol in her living room. Was really disgusting. Brooke had no business being on a reality show that girl is fragile and emotionally broken and Paris took full advantage of her.

  15. The fact that she thought the questions were mean tells me she has no sense of reality about her situation and status.

    She still thinks she a star who doesn't deserve to be treated like that. That's not imploding.

  16. I hope Lindsay is next. I'm actually shocked that she hasn't imploded yet. I'm even more shocked that people still care to read or write about that washed up has been.

  17. What's also funny is Paris's aunts are more popular than she is now.

  18. Ugh, I can't wait until someone drops a house on her.

  19. Awesome pic of Paris. She looks like a Midwestern soccer mom. This is my favorite pic of Paris:

    Classy to the core, that one.

  20. Very few people retain their fame unless they are extremely talented and even that is no guarantee. I had Karen Gorney from "Saturday Night Fever" try to sell me art not 5 years after the movie. Fame is fleeting.

  21. @Sherry - I met Grace Slick (Jefferson Airplane) selling her art in the basement of some hotel in Seattle a number of years ago. I thought that was weird. Chick looked really hard and her art wasn't my taste.

  22. @Mango -- this is MY favorite picture of Paris, personally:

  23. Grace was selling her art in Austin too. And she did look hard. Music isn't an easy life. Add in drugs and booze and you'll be lucky to end up alive when the music is over.

  24. (Song set to the Wicked witch is dead)

    Ding dong the bitch is gone ...Which skeezy bitch? The Hilton Bitch. Ding Dong the Skeezer Bitch is gone.

  25. Anonymous12:20 PM

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  26. Anonymous12:21 PM

    AMEN ENTY!!! I am SO SICK of reality TV and these train wrecks who are glorified as "stars" simply because they put their dirty laundry and bad behavior out there for everyone to see. It is sick and our society is sick for feeding into it. They are nothing more than prostitutes. Jerry Springer gone prime time.

  27. WWTDD had a good video clip of Paris on the Opie & Anthony show. She was a big bitch, they called her on it, she got upset; it was fantastic.

  28. Out of every show she appeared on over the last two weeks - the only onwe who never called her out on hershit was Big-jaw Leno. His mammoth chin still has the Paris ass stink on it. Those two deserve each other.

    Did anyone else notice how deep her voice has gotten? Nope - not the young thing anymore.

  29. @JasonBlueEyes - I think Paris does a baby talk thing that she can turn on for the right person (or the dumb-ass person).

  30. Well, we all should remember: never double cross the all mighty MS. WALTERS, for payback from this ol' dragon is beyond a bitch. Remember when Paris had promised Babs the first enterview upon her getting out of jail, and at last minute ditched her and went to Larry King instead, and spoon-fed a whole bag of shit to the viewers?

    tsk-tsk-tsk Paris, remember, Ms. Walters always pays back in kind.

  31. LOVED Reese Witherspoon's acceptance speech last night on the MTV awards. THe dig definetly seemed to be about the Paris Hilton types.
    Yay Reese!
    One strong woman can do so much more for young girls to see than 1000 paris and kim kardashian's and now newly making the last of crap- Black Lively.

  32. They should play that ominous music for Paris: "Done...done...done...done...."

  33. That doesn't even look like her own hair.

  34. Barbara was fantastic! This was the best episode of The View in a LONG time, lol.

  35. Anonymous7:38 PM

    I must confess i like her shoes =( shame on me

  36. Remind me to watch that episode of the View.

  37. I need to remember to watch The View, too, which are words rarely uttered by me.

    @Jasmine - I LOVED that part of her speech too!

  38. I hate the kardashians. Especially their uber weird, controling, botoxed, over painted mom. But, they knocked Paris off the map, so they've made a contribution to society.

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