Wednesday, June 22, 2011

NY Post Blind Items

Which openly gay power publicist has a habit of picking up women once he's gotten a few drinks in him? He was just seen last weekend propositioning a hot blonde unbeknownst to his smitten boyfriend .

WHICH billionaire has thrown his wife out of their uber-lux ury mansion after learning of her cheating, but hesitated on a divorce because it would cost too much? Instead, he's moved her out to the guest house and gone off to sunnier climates with his nurse

WHICH polished married female New York socialite is secretly into girls? Her husband doesn't really seem to mind.


  1. These NY blinds are always tough. You really do have to be an east coasty to get them.

    although #2 isn't Furstenburg/ Diller, which is nice. I sort of like them together.

  2. #2 Rupert Murdoch wife Wendi Deng and if it's her, who could blame her.

  3. Diller & Diane have an arrangement....they are best friends...but not lovers, he's gay.

  4. DVF is married to a gay man, so not them.

  5. 2. Stephanie Seymour/Peter Brant

  6. 1) Guess he's not gay, then - must be bi. Bisexuality really exists, honest.
    2) Well if he needs a nurse, no wonder she cheats.
    3) They never do, do they?

  7. #2 COULD NOT BE RUPERT MURDOCH - He owns the paper and his own gossip page would not write blind items about him.

  8. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Is Roger Ailes a billionaire? He'd be just paranoid enough to do something like this.

    My mind's wandering this way in lieu of the all of the Rupert Murdoch guesses.

  9. That's does it, my next husband is gonna be a gay billionaire.

  10. Howard Bragman for number 1?

  11. Im suprised theres no Trump guesses for #2 and I am totally all over the beard thing.

  12. The nurse reference in # sure makes it sound like he's older.

    #3: Uber-plasticy Lisa Maria Falcone?

  13. @Mango, if anyone has read the recent VF they will learn that no one would ever consider Lisa Marie "polished".
    @JW12. Steph and Brandt are having a very nasty divorce already but he did accuse her of cheating. I'm on the Trump guess.
    Had no idea Diller was gay. Yup wealthy gay is my next marriage.

  14. The not-divorced couple could be Brant and Seymour -- they supposedly patched things up.
