Tuesday, June 28, 2011

No One Comes To See Julia Roberts And Tom Hanks

It is the end of June and in Los Angeles that usually means two things. June Gloom is almost over and tourists are everywhere wondering why the heck there is no sun until noon. Actually in full disclosure the sun has been out for the past few days in the morning, but still, June Gloom is the norm. With tourists always here, Hollywood premieres at Grauman's Chinese Theatre are usually loud and noisy with everyone trying to get a glimpse of even C listers as they make their way inside. If you have never been to Los Angeles, this would be like putting a premiere in the middle of Times Square. It always has tourists.

Anyway, yesterday, Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts had the premiere of Larry Crowne and no one was there. Seriously. It was empty. I don't know if it was too hot and everyone was back at the pool, but if you ever wanted to meet Julia or Tom, yesterday was your day. No crowds, no one even caring if you stayed on the other side of the ropes. I also wonder if perhaps Tom and Julia have lost a little of their magic. Not so much at the box office, but some of their luster and mystery. Is this a world where people would much rather meet Kim Kardashian and don't care about Tom and Julia? As much as it pains me to say, if Kim Kardashian was announced to be there yesterday the place would have been packed.


  1. I, for one, wouldn't walk across the street to meet Julia Roberts.

  2. I think it's insulting that every single ad for this movie says nothing but "come see Tom and Julia!" Like I give a shit.

    Show me a PLOT, and maybe I'll care. But probably not.

  3. Hate to admit this, but I kinda want to see this movie. Like, on a Netflix way, not in a theatre way.

  4. I want to see this movie, too. I just wouldn't fall all over Tom Hanks or Julia Roberts. They're both well-established actors, but their target demographic has moved well past the OMG! OMG! It's a STAR! stage.

  5. Tom Hanks, yes

    Julia Roberts, noooooo!

  6. In the promo, once you hear the laugh...the laugh that's in every movie, every interview....that's it ! Turn-off time.

  7. This sounds to me like the movie's PR screwed up and no one who'd come out knew about the premiere. I don't know about Roberts, but Hanks should still be some sort of draw.

  8. I'm not a "go see the stars" kind of girl, but I'd maybe go see Tom Hanks. Not in a thousand years would I waste even a nano-second on Julia Roberts. She's so incredibly self-absorbed and obnoxious. Yuck.

  9. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I would make an effort to AVOID seeing Julia Roberts. She's such a hag.
    And the movie looks terrible. Tom Hanks lost a lot of luster for me after I sat through "The Terminal." I never even thought about going to see those dumb Da Vinci movies.

  10. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Also, Ida, your comment reminded me of the season finale of "South Park," when the boys were in the theater watching the coming attractions. "It's a duck! Who's president! Who gives a shit, you'll pay money to see it anyway!"

  11. Anonymous11:06 AM

    See what you've done, Julia?

    Sorry, TOM.

  12. Agree with MISCH. The trailer for this movie actually ANNOYS me - Tom Hanks love story a la Sleepless in Seattle or You've Got Mail. What REALLY clinches my lack of interest, though, is Julia's honking laugh. I don't think she even talks in the trailer, just honks and cackles. Not to mention Tom's face, which looks all stretched and pinched all of a sudden. No thanks, guys.

  13. I guess the massive crowds finally realize that Julia is annoying.

    @RocketQueen I know! Tom's face looks sooo different, I always thought he was going for the au naturale route, too bad.

    And hi everyone..I haven't visited this site in sooo long. So excited for the 4th of July reveals.

  14. How did Julia Roberts ever get to be a movie star?? I don't know anyone who likes her!

  15. @MISCH - That's not a laugh, it's a bray.

  16. I'd go see Tom, but that would be more due to his relationship with Spielberg then any interest I had in him. I've always wondered if that "Nicest guy in Hollywood" label is true or if it's just for show. There has to be something that will get him to snap.

    But probably not, considering he just made two movies with Julia. So, he's a lot nicer then I would be in that scenario.

  17. I love Tom Hanks, so I feel bad that nobody showed up. I also think this is a massive PR failure. Roberts is annoying, but not enough to eclipse Tom Hanks.

  18. Ellie, I loved Julia Roberts until I learned what a bitch she is.

  19. Judging by the trailer, this Larry movie looks like a lame excuse for these two to roll out their respective tired old tricks. Julia with the laughing thing and Tom with the diligent retard thing. Pass. Say what you will about the reality show divas (and you will, I know) but they're entertaining. Awful but entertaining. These movie stars are not.

  20. Do the idiots in marketing realize that Julia Roberts isn't the marketable commodity she once was? Loved Pretty Woman. Mystic Pizza was good, but not necessarily because of her. I got through Eat Pray Love because of the locations. Her and the co-star (can't remember) no chemistry. Her in Ocean's 12 - NO chemistry with George.

    And I love, love, LOVE Tom Hanks. but NOT with Julia. She can bray elsewhere.

  21. I have heard horrible stories of Julia's attitude toward people. Even people who lived in the same building she did. I would not cross the street to see her if she was handing out autographs on $5 bills.

    I have heard no "diva" behavior from Tom and he did Band of Brothers and recorded the veterans stories so they were not lost for all time. I would cross the street to thank Tom.

    When you are selling the stars but not the story, there is a problem with the movie.

  22. Tom should have known better than to be in a movie with Julia.

    How tacky.

  23. RocketQueen, thank you for summing up my feelings. Except you forgot the part about Julia Roberts being vile.

  24. Can take or leave Tom but I loathe Julia (seems to be a theme here). The trailers for this movie make me cringe. Julia's WOO HOO HA HA laugh is painful to listen to and what's worse is that she does it in *every* movie she's in. You'd have to pay me to get her autograph!

  25. I actually was here yesterday. Taking cousin's husband, who's from Norway, around town. I left before Tom Hanks or Julia Roberts arrived, but there were plenty of people, plenty of tourists lined up across the street snapping photos. Of course, Enty might mean he was expecting crowds and crowds of people, but it definitely wasn't empty.

  26. Welllll...I do kind of want to see this, but it's all for Tom.

  27. @Wandering Chopsticks said...

    "I actually was here yesterday. Taking cousin's husband, who's from Norway, around town. I left before Tom Hanks or Julia Roberts arrived, but there were plenty of people, plenty of tourists lined up across the street snapping photos. Of course, Enty might mean he was expecting crowds and crowds of people, but it definitely wasn't empty."

    So Enty jumped to conclusions based off wrong photos?

  28. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I would LOVE to meet Julia Roberts !!

    AND the only thing I would ask her is how great was it to kiss George Clooney in Ocean's. HA !
