Monday, June 13, 2011

Nic Cage Sent Trainer To Find Weston

So, you know the guy that got into a fight with Weston Cage last week? Well, in addition to being the trainer for Weston, he has also been the assistant to Nic Cage for the past five years. Talk about a guy with a high stress job. How many times do you think this guy has been yelled at the past five years? I cannot wait until he leaves and tries to write a tell all book. I am sure Nic will try and shut that down but there should be plenty that leaks out. I bet it would be fantastic.

Anyway, when Weston went missing after the fight with his new wife, TMZ says that Nic sent the trainer to find Weston and bring him home. The guy found Weston, told him his dad wanted him to come home and hat is when Weston got violent. The trainer feared for his life because Weston is a trained fighter. Uh huh. So, when Weston lashed out the trainer got beat him down.


  1. this sounds like an angry assistant taking out his frustrations on the son since he can't punch Nic in the face.

    I saw the video on TMZ that guy was wailing on Weston's face. He didn't need to hit him that hard or violently. A real man would of restrained Weston not punch is face in if he was acting out.

    This whole story is sketchy.

  2. Everyone involved is sketchy.

  3. Anonymous11:51 AM

    who is Weston's mother? I don't really see the resemblance between him and Nic. The makeup could be the issue.

  4. Anonymous12:13 PM

    weird just like the dad

  5. the next contestant on Dr. Drews Who Wants to be a Rehab millionaire

  6. I want to like this guy. Because he's Nic Cage's son, and I am sure he had kind of a weird life growing up, his dad's entire family is made of oddballs, and he's chosen to be all "death metal like" but this entire situation is just not adding up.

  7. Trained fighter? I thought he was in some metal band?

    I think that was a weird position to put the assistant in. What business was it of his to get involved other than getting ordered to by NC? Unless he was also friends w/ WC, I could see why he might have flown off the handle.

  8. Well, watching the video I don't think the trainer feared for his life. He punched the guy several times in the face and restrained him easily.

    And speaking of which, I think this video is pretty disturbing. People seeing someone getting beat up and their first instinct? Several people start filming (like 5 people), taking pictures and laughing.

  9. MCH, apparently, the guy's main job was keeping an eye on Weston, and I think he was training him in martial arts. It makes you wonder what else has gone on with no cameras around.

  10. @Mooshki - No kidding.
