Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Michael Lohan Ex Arrested On Wedding Night

As an expert on weddings and divorces, I have to say that one sign you may be headed for divorce is if you get arrested on your wedding night for allegedly assaulting your husband. Sure, some can argue that cheating on your spouse on your wedding night might lead to a quicker divorce path, but that is a discussion better left saved for your weekly group divorce therapy sessions.Bernadette Catan-Keeler once dated Michael Lohan for about five minutes. If they had stayed together there probably would have been some glorious fights and some great restraining orders filed. Bernadette and her husband started off their matrimonial bliss just fine. It was after they went to a club and got drunk that things began to take a turn for the worst. Oh, and this is the same woman Michael said did not drink. At the club, the new wife was spotted dancing with a guy not her husband so the husband left the club. The wife soon followed and that is when she allegedly pushed her husband and bit him on the shoulder. See, if this had been during sex this would have been a whole different conversation. In fact, she said it did come from sex. The police did not believe her though and arrested her.


  1. I think I have to draw the line somewhere. Do we really need posts about has been celebrity's estranged parent's exes?

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    dysfunctional person

  3. MLo has always known how to pick 'em....while staying completely sober and drug free himself, of course.

  4. Sign #2 that the marriage won't last: you go to a club on your wedding night. If you feel the need to go clubbing after saying your vows, you're probably still too immature for a longterm commitment!

  5. While I was on my honeymoon, I heard about a couple at our resort that both hooked up with other people (and yet still did the excursion the next day??). In a separate story, my two good friends met people at their resort, where the wife went off and started screwing several hotel staff. Some people go nuts when they're on vacation/drunk. ;)

    This woman dated Michael Lohan, so that pretty much tells us what we need to know about her.
