Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Maksim And Kirstie Alley Talk Bachelor

Kirstie Alley was on Extra yesterday and says she wants to be the next Bachelorette. Usually women go from Bachelorette to DWTS, but it would probably work. Why not? So, she is 60, and she only wants guys under 25, it would be interesting and maybe inject some life into the tired formula.

Oh, speaking of Bachelor, I don't know what the heck happened in Ukraine, but Maksim says his Bachelor experience was horrible, it ended badly and that he will never ever do anything Bachelor related ever again. What happened? Any readers from Ukraine or who can read Russian? I would love to know what happened.


  1. Kirstie looks great.

    Also, my bf is Ukrainian - it's his first language. I can ask him to read what it says if someone provides the text?

  2. I'd like to see some "older" contestants on the Bachelor/Bachelorette too. People who don't have an agenda, but just want to meet someone while having cool dates in exotic places. I don't think that's too much to ask. That being said, I think Kirstie would wear thin (ahem) after the first week. Her personality can be grating.

    I'm dying to hear about Maks, I hope somebody can fill us in!

  3. Here you go!!


  4. I know she's a hardcore Scientolonut and everything, but I think Kirstie is *so* freaking beautiful. That skin! Those eyes! That hair!

    And DAMN. She really does look GREAT after her DWTS stint. Keep shaking your booty, K. It's working for you. Wow.

    I am really, really enjoying her career resurgence. She's an interesting, talented, outspoken gal and I think her confidence is nothing but awesome.

  5. Thanks! Will email it to him now - he's on lunch ;)

  6. Wait - that link was just to an ad for the show?

  7. Maksim was actually on Bachelor Ukraine?! I thought that was a joke!!

  8. My first language is Russian. I'll try to do some research for this later. I have seen people sharing a clip from the show on FB, where some blond girl spoke about herself and Maksim was pretty impressed of her looks. She told she liked to sleep, party and spend money. She was also very mean to her employee and said dumb things, so everybody laughted at her

  9. I read somewhere that he hated the idea of lining people up & having to choose; made him feel like he was back in high school. He gave the girl a promise ring but it didn't work out. I get the feeling that he was pressured by producers to make some sort of commitment at the end of it all. I don't know what he was thinking; I love Maks, but the fact that he would go on this show without ever seeing an episode or knowing how it works...??? I don't know what to believe. Enty's right though, he seems pretty upset about the whole experience.

  10. I was very happy to see Kirstie do as well as she did on DWTS, and to see the weight drop off her because she was working so hard. I am not happy to see her lying about her current size and using this time to hawk her horrible, useless diet products, so... meh.

  11. @RocketQueen

    Youtube has now put ads on a lot of the videos, especially if the studio wants to monetize their own videos.

    There were also a bunch more videos listed on the side for the show.

  12. That promo wasn't what I expected; I guess my impression of Eastern European television is left over from those "Day wear! Evening wear! Swim wear!" ads Wendy's used to have on years ago. Brownie points to anyone who recognizes the song that music is more or less a cover version of...

  13. Jeez. so sad that COS must have something more than footage of her eating pies in her car.

  14. gotdamn that man is HAWT. he can yell and spank me all day. i want to do the forbidden dance with him.

    sorry...that was uncalled for.

  15. @Jax -- LOL! Nice Lambada reference! Well played. And it was totally called for. ;-)

  16. @ Jax - FUNNY!!!! And yes, he is one hot man, tall dark and handsome. Yummy. : )

  17. Yeah, that man has some major bedroom eyes =)

    @Ida, I agree! I think she is gorgeous and has the best head of hair in Hollywood!

  18. Wow - I'm in my mid-40's & the youngest I'll date is 30. Good for her!

  19. I can't believe Kirstie is 60, she looks younger than CZJ!

  20. @Jax - HA!

    He should go spill the beans to Reality Steve.

    Why did Maks even do it?? I find it hard to believe he has a hard time with the ladies.

  21. MCH, my guess is $$$.
