Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Look Mommy Those Two People Are Having Sex

The beach is a wonderful place. It can be even more beautiful as the sun starts to go down and you have had five or ten cocktails at a restaurant overlooking the beach. The next thing you know, you and the person you met 30 minutes ago are out on the sand in front of the restaurant spending 30 minutes having sex. The problem with this plan is one should remove your drunk goggles and notice there are about 50 people all within 50 feet of you, including children. The parents of the children noticed when the kissing and groping between the people above turned into full on sex. The police were called and the couple booked. For some reason the guy had bail set at $10K which he made, but the woman only had bail set at $2500, which she still has not raised. They were both charged with the same crime. Maybe he was waving around his peen or something.


  1. Alcohol is a hell of a drug.

  2. Yeah, he probably exposed more than her.

  3. Ah, the gradual breakdown of society...!

  4. what the fuck is she smiling at?

  5. Anonymous10:43 AM

    ^ this made me chuckle. My thoughts exactly.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Ew. Sand EVERYWHERE.

  8. He must've been pretty good... she can't wipe that shit eating grin off her face for her mugshot

  9. she's pretty.....why was she fucking that guy? eeeuuuww/

  10. What Rocket Queen and parissucks said!

  11. Looks like she left her vagina on top of his head.

  12. I'm at the beach now. I only see fat rednecks yelling at their kids and fishing.

  13. Teri, bad timing I guess :(

  14. When I was in high school, I went down to the river to go swimming, and sadly for me, a couple were having sex where my shorts and car keys were stowed. Instead of saying fuck it, and getting my stuff, I slowly backed into the water and swam up stream for 30 minutes. The creepy part was that they had a kid with them and I could hear them telling the kid he couldn't turn around. The whole thing was WTF inducing.

  15. @ Nancer & Sunny Amou, maybe she was trying to take a better mugshot than the last one (coincidentally for a DUI)

  16. Maybe he had a prior record?

  17. _-_=_ ...good theory!

    And yah..he is gross and she's super cute. How did she not make bail yet?!

  18. and you have had five or ten cocktails at a restaurant
    hahaha....a fine line. I love you, Enty.

    She does look remarkably good for what is a post drunk/sand/sex fest.

    I would like to point out that the guy's name is Steven Perry and this happened in Treasure Island, FL. That is all.
