Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Leo du Pres Returning To All My Children

I remember when Leo du Pres died in that horrific waterfall accident, but like all good soap actors, his body was never found. You really do not want your body found, because then you can come back if that television series or movie does not work out. It is when they find your body, burn it and scatter the ashes all over the world that you know you really ticked someone off at the program and are never coming back.

Because they never did find his body, Josh Duhamel is able to come back to the show where he won an Emmy back in 2002. Josh is going to appear for at least one episode in August. I think that every person who started on the show and moved on should come back for at least an episode or two, and that includes Sarah Michelle Gellar. I think most of the other actors will agree to come back, but I wonder if she will. I wonder if anyone even bothered to ask.


  1. I never watch Ellen, but it happened to be on at the doctors office and I saw him say he was coming back.

    I really only watched Passions. Only soap I could... connect with :P Even though apparently the one with Erica Kane (AMC?) is supposed to be about my area idk idk

  2. They won't as SMG back because her character is still on the show being played by a different actress.

  3. also SMG and La Lucci rather (infamously) did NOT get along I had heard.

    As for Josh Duhamel, I'm all kinds of excited. I loved Leo to death.. Greens not so much, lol. I think it's great he's returning for the good-bye. Nathan Fillion needs to do the same on One Life to Live!

  4. I have no interest in soaps, but "horrific waterfall accident" just made me laugh really hard at my desk. Oh, soap operas.

  5. I only ever watched Days and Y&R, and I haven't watched those since Marlena as possessed by the devil (wtf was that?!), and when Sheila died in the fire, respectively.

  6. Soap Operas are such freak shows. The stories are so crazy you just have to lol....

  7. OMG YAY! Maybe he can save Greens from the horrible writing on AMC!

    Or RocketQueen it was epic! He was fighting with his crazy mother while trying to save Greens and over the waterfall they both went.

    This was way back in the day when AMC was actually a good show.
    And way before Frons showed up and ruined everything. :(

    sadly I know too much about this LOL

    I started watching AMC again once I found out it was canceled, usually I just read on a soap opera forum for updates, because life just got too busy with 3 kids. But the writing is total crap now.

  8. I used to love that show - I remember watching it years and years ago when it was Tara, Chuck and (I think) Phil. And Phoebe et al. We used to watch it on lunch breaks at work. Haven't seen it in 4 or 5 years now - just got too silly.

  9. SMG was AWESOME on AMC. Never better than when she ran off with the hillbilly who lived at the Pine Cone Inn. What was his name?

  10. Haha JoElla - that's awesome :) I used to watch Melrose Place, and I miss that sort of fun, ridiculous trash tv. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEW DALLAS!

  11. I hope everybody will be parading back through AMC in the next few months before it ends for good. Kelly Ripa and her husband are high on the list, and I would really love to see Lauren Holly come back too. Perhaps Erica's wedding would be a good excuse to get as many people back as humanly possible for a day or two.

    There are quite a few I'd love to see come back to OLTL as well, namely Ryan Phillipe and Nathan Fillion.

    Yes, I'm a housewife right now...

  12. i guess abc is determined that amc goes out w/ a bang...good for them. they've had a good, long run.

  13. Cheryl, wasn't his name Billy Clyde Tuggle or something?

  14. Oh man... Kendall and Billy Clyde Tuggle? I don't remember that, and I really hope not. Billy Clyde was Tad's birth father and was a rapist, etc.

  15. No Mandy Billy Clide was a horrible horrible man.. he was married to Donna when she was a hooker, before turning good and marring a doctor

    Hey Blame my Mom for getting me started on this show! LOL I have watched it since I was a kid!

    FS that would be great! Bring everyone back together for the epic finaly Marriage of Erica Kane!

    I am bummed about OLTL being canceld. They have brought back the real Todd! SQUEEEEEEEEEE!

    And sadly, I think GH is on the chopping block, but they fired the head righter (Guza.. barf! more crappy writing) and bringing back a good head writer.

    Thank goodness for a great soap forum, I can spend an hour reading about all of the stuff and actually not watch. big time saver!

  16. Anonymous10:56 AM

    When I read that name Billy Clyde Tuggle, I said,

    "Oh. Bad news. " He was a scary-ass looking actor.

    "I tried to watch AMC as an adult, it got too stupid. And stupid what is what I was expecting!"

  17. I watched back in the Phil and Tara days too and I'm bummed about the cancellation.

    Leo was a great character, but I don't know how he's going to fit since Greenlee is with Ryan. The current fake Erica storyline is okay and it's cool that Dr. Feelgood was the one to figure it out.

    Oprah's show with Susan Lucci and all of Erica's ex-husbands was really good. I imagine Susan Lucci would pitch a fit if Sarah Michelle ever came back.

  18. Anonymous10:59 AM

    sorry about the incorrect quotation marks. Eating and typing do not mix with me..........

  19. Wasn't Kendall's guy named Dex or something like that? Gawd, the Pine Cone Inn, in Pine Valley. Hysterical. And The Valley Inn was the upscale place. Now it's the Yacht Club. I'm going to miss this hot mess. Guess I'll just go get a job when it's all over since my afternoons will be free. ;)

    I hope you ladies will stay with me during my months long grieving process. JoElla, I am totally here for you. :)

  20. @califblondy - they'll probably have Leo come back telling Greenlee how Ryan is perfect and her one true love, etc...

    They should bring back the chick that played Gillian. I loved me some Gillian&Ryan - in fact I think it was the only time I ever liked the character of Ryan!

  21. seeing that SMG was fired from AMC the day after she won her emmy combined with Lucci's hate & jealousy of her talent. I don't think she will put her toe back in at AMC.

    Nice that AMC never recast the part and will be able to see Josh in his role again assuming to take greenlee away. FAR FAR AWAY.

  22. Anonymous11:12 AM

    @Cheryl, I believe his name was Dell. Didn't they even get married?

    Just watched The Romantics last night with Josh and Katie Holmes, Adam Brody, Anna Paquin, Malin Ackerman, Candace Bergen and a few others. Weird indie movie and a horrible ending! Anyone else see it? Katie actually exec produced it.

  23. Isn't the dude who played Billy Clyde Tuttle married to Christine Baranski IRL?

    Scary that I know this.

    I always snottily turned my nose up at the soaps but my mom would watch them so I know about some of them (ironically, I'm hooked on some reality TV now that makes soap operas look like Shakespeare, but I digress...)


    See I skipped the reality tv and stuck with soaps!

    Billy Clide was the worst villian ever! That man still scares me to death!!

    I remember the SMG and Erica hate.. it was eppic! And I was thrilled that Buffy was such a huge hit! Take that Lucci!

    She must have mellowed because she used to have it in her contract that she would never be a grandmama. Look at her now! LOL

  25. "You really do not want your body found..."

    That isn't always true. My favorite was when Jack Devereaux not only died in the hospital with body and all, they actually donated his organs. Aparently they regenerated, lol. Oh, and then there was Chelsea Brady, who was a stillborn, and her mother rocked her dead body for hours, but apparently she was just sleeping or something. Ah, Days, how I love you.

    And of course, they can always say that you were your own secret twin or something.

  26. Anonymous12:58 PM

    The name of Kendall's man was Anton.

  27. Anton was the other guy. Oh my goodness, that's right, she was in a bit of a triangle back then. Ahhh, memories...

  28. @Julie - My friends and I watched Passions religiously in college. It was so horrible...I couldn't turn away. How can you not watch a soap that includes a witch and a little person that is sometimes a doll?

    "Horrific waterfall accident" also made me laugh.

  29. I thought SMG played the part of Silver Cane. If not her then who did? I would also love to see Cliff and Nina, and Greg and Jenny. Remember when Jenny's mom (Dorothy Lyman) made her work at that slimy bar wearing skimpy outfits for men to ogle over?
    Oh yeah, Billy Clyde was special, and he loved him some Estelle as I recall.

  30. I used to watch Passions too, until it went to DirecTV (didn't have DirecTV at the time). But I grew up watching All My Children (thanks mom and grandma). When SMG left AMC, she left with Del Henry (Winsor Harmon - Thorne, B&B), who was Dixie's half bro. Del came to PV to find Dixie to get a kidney. When Kendall and Del left, I believe they went back to Florida, where Kendall was from. I think they got married, but not sure. Kendall was involved with Anton Lang, who was Dimitri's son. She was with him before she left town with Del, and I'm not sure if it was before or after Kendall accused Dimitri (married to Erica at the time) of rape. That made Erica stab Dimitri, I think flashbacks of her rape by Richard Fields, who was Kendall's bio father.

    Hey, I was 10 or so at the time, I didn't have much of a life.

    If Josh DOES come back as Leo, what will Greenlee do? She is so wrapped up with Ryan (eye roll) that she probably forgot she was even married to Leo. Plus, wasn't Ryan's soul mate Gillian? Well, since she died and her heart was donated, guess Ryan never needs to mention her again.
