Lee Anthony was on the stand yesterday and I don't think he particularly cared for the allegations Casey Anthony has previously made where he sexually abused his sister. During his testimony, Lee said he always tried to talk to Casey and to find out where Caylee was and would go on MySpace and Facebook to look for her. A pause here for a second. MySpace is this website that used to be popular back in the day and now has basically joined the ranks of Friendster. You don't think Facebook will be there someday? Twitter? Think they are going to be around forever?
Anyway, Lee also made himself look more important to the case than he probably is because he says he confronted Casey at the family home about a month after first trying to contact her. First thing he noticed? He says he walked by her car in the garage and said the smell was very potent and very strong. Really? Is the theory that Casey kept Caylee in the trunk for a month? Yes, then the smell would have knocked over anyone which is why I don't believe he smelled anything. He just wants to throw Casey as far under the bus as he can and keep running her over until she can't move. The problem with all of this is that the jury might know he is exaggerating or not being entirely truthful and the next thing you know, doubt starts to creep into their heads and Casey walks.
Florida in June? That body would only have to be in the trunk a day or two before it started to smell. No one is saying the body stayed in the trunk a month. I think the night of June 16th, when Casey rented a movie with her boyfriend and spent the night, Caylee's body was in the trunk of that car. she probably dumped it a few days later when she had time, or developed a plan, or in her case, remembered the body was there.
ReplyDeleteWas this before or after Cindy had called 911 and said the same thing about the smell?
ReplyDeleteIt was the same night that Cindy called 911. I believe jailhouse videos are airing this afternoon. Should be another nail... no way this lady will ever step one foot outside a prison again.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what the jury will decide. I'm curious as heck to see what evidence Defense presents.
ReplyDeleteAll the prosecution has done so far is show Casey to be a liar and somewhat delusional, and not upset at ALL by the disappearance of her daughter. But this does not mean she murdered her.
Yes, twitter and Facebook will be around. 500 Million people and growing daily is a big number that neither of those other sites EVER had. Twitter is the future, those that don't understand the concept aren't on it/using it effectively.
ReplyDeleteI see what you're saying, Enty, but don't know enough about the timeline. I hope Margaret's right.
ReplyDeletewhat are you saying? that caylee was never in that trunk? because i believe it will be PROVED that she was. for the entire month---probably not. personally, i think she stashed her somewhere for a period of time, was going to move her and did have her in the trunk long enough for the smell to permeate the car.
ReplyDeleteat which time, it was SO overpowering, she parked the car because she could no longer stand to be in it.
her brother isn't saying anything her parents didn't say, so i don't get your point.
just to clarify. lee came to the house the day the car was recovered from the impound yard by casey's parents and driven home---this was one month after the last time any of them had seen caylee.
ReplyDeletethey had the windows and trunk open to air it out. everyone commented on the smell coming from the car.
this is the day cindy called 911. so how is lee embellishing anything here? he's not!
Poor little Caylee was put in the trunk after she rotted a bit under the play house where the cadaver dogs hit. She stayed there not long before the skank tossed her in the woods like trash. Plenty of people smelled that car including the parents who had the garage door open and trunk open when Lee smelled it. Additional testimony indicates Lee was not lying. He wouldn't want to mess up his limited immunity regarding obstruction, believe me. Watch as the parents go straight to jail when this is over, as well they should!
ReplyDeleteThanks Margaret.
ReplyDeleteI don't see how he is lying then. He collaborates the call that Cindy made. Why does Lee have immunity? I keep seeing that he had something to do with helping Casey. Did he have something to do with moving Caylee's body or finding it?
Gyahh, did you see the throngs of idiots crushing the door to get inside for seats at the trial?
ReplyDeleteRunning down the hall like "Yay! We're in!" Like they'll win a fucking TV for being at Wal-Mart pre-dawn on Black Friday or something.
It's a disgusting spectacle and I doubt there will be justice for the poor child. Fuck, IMO there's NO justice for ANY child killed in any manner, even accidents.
Look how many suffer and aren't made an international spectacle at trial, those for whom no one grieves one bit.
@_-_=_ - I'm still kind of trying to get a handle on this story. Why will the parents go to jail?? They seem to me to be pretty innocent in this. Well, except for having a sociopath for a daughter.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think the parents will go to jail? I've been following this case and can't see where the parents covered up anything. What am I missing?
ReplyDeletenancer is correct. enty, you seem to draw conclusions about this case based on only a sketchy, haphazard awareness of the actual testimony. That tendency surprises me if you're really a lawyer.
ReplyDeleteEverytime I read another article about them talking about the odor coming from that car... it always makes me stop for a second because that "odor" was from the body of a helpless, innocent baby that was probably lying in that vehicle. A innocent young life that deserved more than the horrific death she got, and the callous disregard for her remains. That baby girl didn't even get the respect of a decent burial for months. I'm convinced there is a special place in hell for her murderer.
ReplyDeleteStopping now because every time I think about it I start crying :(
i don't believe the parents are going to jail---ever. i DO believe the whole family obstructed justice and tampered with evidence, but these people have such an emotional dilemma here, i don't think you can judge them too harshly.
ReplyDeleteon one hand, they know their granddaughter/niece is missing and the car reeks of a decomposing body. they don't want to believe it's from caylee. hence, cindy cleans up the car and washes clothes in the trunk, etc. george drove it home, knowing it should've been preserved for LE and not touched. lee tampered with casey's laptop and who knows what else.
so on the other hand, they're all trying to save casey from prison or death.
i've judged them plenty, but i do understand their torn allegiance here. they don't want to lose both caylee and casey.
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ReplyDeleteObstruction of justice. The mother, $indy, washed all the clothes in the car. They were covered in decomp from her dead grand baby. She tried to clean the inside of the car - but didn't do a good enough job. Something about the vacuum. I forget all the details but just watch. This whole family is evil. They're letting Lee slide with the immunity because he was really a victim too and tried to get away from the crazies as soon as he could.
ReplyDeleteJust another FLA child killing. Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along now......
The mother, $indy, didn't know it was decomp - although she's a NURSE! The dad didn't think it was decomp either, according to subsequent testimony. He was a police detective. Testimony from the tow yard guy said he smelled decomp, nothing like that smell. They knew. They covered up for their baby killer.
actually, george told the police he thought it was a decomposing body. he told them when cindy wasn't around so he wouldn't upset her.
ReplyDeleteand don't forget, cindy said it too when she called 911. she's only hedging now because she's trying not to say anything that will put casey on death row. but cindy KNOWS---she doesn't want to know, but she knows.
Casey was enabled all her life and it continued through the death of her daughter, which I believe was at her own hands. I just can't decide if it was unintentional - you know, drugged her a little too well so she could party with her boyfriend - or intentional because Caylee was getting in the way. Same outcome either way.
ReplyDeleteI'm very curious as to who the bio dad of Caylee is. Did he even know he had a child?
if baez had said caylee drowned and left it at that, it might have worked. but he didn't stop there. he dragged george into it and said he's the one who disposed of the body. so the accident theory is out the window. i don't think the jury will (not even sure they can) make up a theory of their own that's not based on the evidence they hear in court. they will hear NO evidence that george helped in this.
ReplyDeleteeveryone needs to remember that opening statements are not evidence and can't be considered by the jury.
question: why wrap duct tape around caylee's nose and mouth THREE TIMES if she was already dead? why the searches for 'chloroform' on the computer and the presence of chloroform in the trunk of that car? that doesn't say 'accident' to me.
Ummm...is he wearing eyeliner?
ReplyDeleteIn a building I once lived in, someone died on a Wednesday (elderly woman, no foul play). They found her body on Saturday. It was May so the weather was starting to be warm. You could smell it throughout the building. She was on the 2nd floor, I was on the 7th. You could smell it. Building managers put urinal cakes in all the stairwells (I didn't know what they were, my husband told me).
ReplyDeleteI will never ever forget that smell. It lasts a very long time and it is the worst thing you could ever smell. Whenever I walk by a men's washroom and the door is open and I smell those urinal cakes, I remember that smell.A nurse would know that smell. She could've been in denial, I don't know, but she'd know damn well what it was. You never forget that smell.
I think the motive was to punish Cindy who loved her granddaughter. Listening to the jailhouse tapes, I think the whole abuse theory is out of the window.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to myspace and friendster?
ReplyDelete@selenakyle - I saw that on the news yesterday. I guess if you were obsessed with the case, it would be an interesting one to hear, but thought it was odd people were racing and I saw a few laughing too. Just odd.
ReplyDeleteI think both the parents and Lee suspected something very early on. Whether or not he actually smelled a dead body, I don't know. What I DO know, however, is if one of my sibling accused me of sexual abuse on top of everything else, I would probably do everything in my power to take her down. His life has probably been ruined by all this.
About Caylee's dad: I remember watching Nancy Grace and someone on her show said that Caylee's bio dad died in a car accident. Don't know if that is true or not, I had to stop watching her show-too depressing.
ReplyDeleteThe dead body smell doesn't go away easily. My husband has went on many dead body calls-both natural and murder; he said you never forget the smell and it is easily recognizable once you know what it is.
I know the parents are in a tough situation, but how could they not acknowledge that smell with their respective employment backgrounds. They would have come into contact with dead bodies at least once in their careers.
Did anyone else hear about a heart sticker placed on the duct tape around Caylee's mouth. I heard that on Nancy Grace too.
Seriously, here is what I do not get, is several people smelled a decomposing something and nobody looks or tries to find out anything? This also includes an investigator, this was in the very beginning and he apparently passed the car on the way to talk to Casey, I just don't get it. The whole family sounds messed up big time. That poor little girl if kids are "in the way" I will take them and raise them, I just do not understand people who "dispose" of their kids, I am truly horrified. I feel the same way about animals, let me have them, I'll take care of them too.