Thursday, June 09, 2011

Kim Kardashian's Hookup Not Backing Down

When NFL player Bret Lockett told In Touch that he had a five month relationship with Kim Kardashian while she was dating her current boyfriend, Kim went ballistic and threatened to sue. Well, Bret says bring it on because he has concrete proof the two hooked up. Did Kim make another sex tape? I would not put her past it but you would think she is beyond that at this point. She was adamant she had never even met this guy or texted him or talked to him or anything. Of course she would say that because she cannot have her boyfriend breaking up with her before she has her wedding air. That is big bucks. I say she cheated. I am also glad to see that In Touch finally is ready to report again. They were so shell shocked after the David Beckham thing that their covers were as exciting as reading a recipe box.


  1. I'm thinking maybe she's just bearding for the guy she's engaged to and now this guy is all butt-hurt about her supposed marriage. Oh lord, my head hurts just thinking about this crapola.

  2. Well, this is gonna sell some magazines, won't it? And then the breakup of her engagement, starting never ends. I'm so over Kim and her fake life to get headlines. Reminder: this is a woman who became famous for getting pissed on. Part of me thinks the whole thing is fake, the other thinks she's just a terrible person and of COURSE she cheated.

  3. I will say that this other guy was very vague with TMZ and avoided some questions they asked him. He was pretty evasive. Why would she go ballastic and threaten to sue if it is true? Oh wait, this is Weiner roasting week and anything is possible. People lie their asses off when caught. I hope for her fiance's sake that it is not. Poor bastard is going to be heartbroken.

  4. She got pissed on by Ray J? Never heard that before....

  5. I am willing to forget Weinergate - in return for Weiner getting all of his congressional friends together to pass legislation to ban all Kardashians from breeding. Especially the pimp mom.

  6. Based on Ashton and Vaughn both "threatening" to sue, I don't think we can take "threatening to sue" as proof of innocence anymore....since the lawsuits never get filed. File that lawsuit, Kim. Then we'll see.

  7. Somehow this is not shocking news. I believe it and yes, Ray J peed on Kim. When will this family just go away?

  8. @Rocket Queen -- she wasn't ever actually peed on. That's just a rumor that someone started, but they've OBviously never seen the tape. ;-) Hundreds of people (okay, millions) found that idea hilarious, and now it's "truth." But it's just celebrity mythology, along with Travolta's boy harem and Liam Neeson's gigantor peen.

    I think those last two things are true, though. Hmmm.

    Anyway, I think that any famous person who gets engaged after just a couple of months of dating is doing it just for publicity. I mean, PLEASE. The wedding is going to be TELEVISED. She might have boinked this dude a couple of months ago, but it doesn't necessarily mean that she and that Kris dude were together at the time, considering how she basically just met him YESterday.

    All this does is just keep in her the tabloids -- and on this site -- which is all she wants, anyway. :-)

  9. @Ida, I would not be surprised if she was peed on but her deal with the distributor called for that part of the tape being cut out.

    Also, I don't know who I believe, but whatever - it just means more time in the spotlight for her I guess.

  10. Ida - I did see the tape (or parts of it anyway, where the peeing purportedly happened) - the scene I saw was definitely him standing over her on the bed and her leaning back. Looked like peeing to me!

  11. Ida - Liam is huge? wow, never heard that one. Not sure I can watch Star Wars again in the same way knowing he's packing an extra lite saber

  12. @RQ -- maybe he was leaving a deposit on her chest that *wasn't* urine? I'm sure there's some name for that -- like a Milky Gonzalez or whatever.

    Human beings are so weird. If you watch nature shows, the way animals screw is so much more refined, I swear.

  13. @Big Mama -- yes! Liam supposedly has the biggest schlong in Hollywood. I have NO idea who spread that rumor (Liam), but I can believe it. Or, I WANT to believe it.

  14. I just hope he doesn't have a sex tape of the two of them together. I couldn't take another go around of that.

  15. Giada also 'threatened to sue' but the Smoking Gun hasn't managed to get ahold of those filings yet. ;)

  16. Pearl necklace?

  17. OH MY!! Had never heard the details of that sex tape! What about Richard Gere and the gerbil? Is that also celebrity mythology?

  18. Anonymous12:34 PM


  19. she cheated on Reggie Bush, so I believe that she cheated on this guy as well.

  20. Hmmm...I'll have to wait and see the proof he says he has.

    I read just now that he is a R&B wannabe who has a single coming out. :-/

  21. I also thought the peeing was in there! Has anyone else watched it? Really, really dont want to but I was so sure it happened. :P

  22. Vivid would not have been able to release footage of Ray J peeing on Kim. Porn companies have a very fine line to walk, as they've been under a lot of government scrutiny (moreso than the norm you might expect) and, er, water sports falls on the "don't show" side of that line.

    That said, I totally believe it happened. Their proclivities as a couple may not be my business to judge ... or they weren't, until they videotaped them and sold them to the highest bidder!
