Thursday, June 09, 2011

Kate Middleton Caught Up In Rupert Murdoch Hacking Scandal

Back in 2008, Jonathan Rees, was hired by Rupert Murdoch's news organizations to hack into celebrities computers, bank accounts and cell phones in order to get as much information as possible. On Wednesday The Guardian discovered that in addition to the numerous people already highlighted previously, the guy also managed to hack into Tony Blair's accounts while he was Prime Minister and also all of Kate Middleton's information, George Michael, Mick Jagger and Eric Clapton.

I find it so hard to fathom the guy could hack into the Prime Minister's accounts. That would be like someone breaking into Obama's accounts. You would think there would be better protection.

If you get a chance you should read the history of this entire thing. It is pretty fascinating.


  1. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Don't get the Pippa love. Kate is the pretty one.

  2. Pippa's sexy...and thats the fascination.

  3. Wow. So, he's in jail, right?

  4. I think Pippa is SOOOOOOOOO much hotter, but I also think Prince Hot Ginge is sexier, too.

    What were we discussing again? Oh, yeah. Rupert Murdoch is evil.

    Gee, who knew?

  5. Definitely an interesting story, though I'm sad we're still talking about the royals ;)

  6. As soon as I heard Kate speak for the first time, I turned into a little fanboy for her. Pippa's...special.

    And whenever someone mentions Rupert Murdoch...all I can think of is that thing from the Simpsons.

    *in a bad Australian accent*


  7. Pippa is FUG to me. Kate is pretty!

  8. They look like twins to me, but that's just my opinion.

    Rupert is evil and should be stripped naked, covered in honey and laid atop a fire-ant bed.

  9. Honestly, wtf? Why is this shit allowed to go on? I just snort with laughter whenever someone complains about the big bad evil government. That notion went out with the Cold War. It's the corporations that run everything now, including and especially government. I don't know why anyone even bothers to pretend otherwise. Case in point: shit like this.

    Kate is physically prettier, but Pippa seems to have more charisma, so I think that's why she's getting so much attention.

  10. @shiny -- "I just snort with laughter whenever someone complains about the big bad evil government. That notion went out with the Cold War. It's the corporations that run everything now, including and especially government. I don't know why anyone even bothers to pretend otherwise. Case in point: shit like this."

    TOOOOOOOOTALLY agreed. One thousand percent.

  11. Agree with Michelle.

  12. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Pippa has a certain 'it' factor, something you can't describe but you know it's there. She seems like she would be fun at a party. Much like Harry--you know he and Pippa will dance, wear lampshades on their heads, and take part in all the drinking contests.

    And wow to Murdoch. I knew he was sleazy. I just didn't know how much. What a scumbag.

  13. I hope Murdoch is sued into oblivion. Time to take this lying piece of trash and everything he's associated with to the dump.

  14. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Kate is prettier. It is the fascination that Pippa is still single and could get you close to the future King. She looks like she would be a ton of fun, just like my favorite Prince Hot Ginge. I think Michael K would fist fight us for him though! lol

  15. Yeah, I think it's a bit more alarming they hacked into Tony Blair's accounts than the Royals, celebs, musicians, etc.
    WTF Rupert Murdoch???

  16. So how many of you think Pippa and Harry did in fact hook up?

  17. LOL, Linnea! Hadn't thought of it but it seems obvious. I mean, really, how could they not?

    I love Prince Hot Ginge. He and Pippa would make a pretty good couple, too. I cannot stand Chelsey Davy, Harry's main gf. Such a troll--hideous in both looks and apparent personality.

    Ahem. Not that I know that much about the Royals. lalalala



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