Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Justin Theroux's Girlfriend Moves Out

You know, Jennifer Aniston has always played the victim. Even though the official line has always been that Brad Pitt left Jen before hooking up with Angelina, no one believed it, but no one could prove it. Still, Jennifer has played that victim card really well. Now though, there are no doubts and no lack of proof that Justin Theroux and his girlfriend were living together when he started hooking up with Jennifer Aniston. The result? Justin's girlfriend of 14 years moved out of their place this weekend. Now, you could be a cynic and say that after 14 years if he had not made it official, there was no way it was ever going to happen.

Justin's friends say the relationship was already over before he got close, but you know, it is kind of LeAnn Rimes'-ish in a way. I understand it is tough to find an apartment in New York, but you should have at least moved out before hooking up with Jen. It will be interesting to see when they inevitably break up if Jen gets the same sympathy she always does when guys dump her.


  1. They were together for 14 years, what was she hanging around for ? It's pretty clear he wasn't going to marry her.

  2. Hey I was together with my now husband for 14 years, and we were entirely committed and it really was the exact same thing as being married. Going legal was not important. The only reason we did end up getting the certificate is for tax reasons but probably would have anyway when we had kids.

  3. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Wow 14 yrs is a long time. Wonder if the gf will get him for some type of alimony??

    So now Aniston decided to be a homewrecker....Hmmm I still don't like her. She is a not that great of an actress and so far her movies have been flops. She only has a few so-so movies.

  4. ok...msgirl....
    I'm in a relationship for a long time also, but I wasn't 20 years old when we met...
    There's way more here...and I don't believe Jen is the first one he cheated with.

  5. I am bemused by the assertion that Heidi has no right to be upset because she and Justin weren't "official." THEY LIVED TOGETHER and were a couple for OVER A DECADE. Would you be on this girl's side if, say, she and Justin dated for two months, got engaged immediately, and were married for about a year or so before he began cheating on her with Aniston?

    Fourteen years is a longass time, people. There are VERY few Hollywood marriages that last so long. In fact, I'd say that Justin and Heidi's relationship was probably more "valid," in that sense, than Brad and Jen's ever was.

    Aniston blows. I doubt her fanbase will turn on her, though. The people who line up to see her movies aren't exactly discerning.

  6. i'm with ida--again. 14 years and living together is a fucking RELATIONSHIP no matter how you cut it up.
    to poo poo this whole thing because they hadn't gotten married is extremely unfair and mean.

  7. I think Angelina Jolie did prove it when she said in an interview that going to the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith was great becuase she was falling in love with him. and Jen got all huffy over it.

    Clearly the lines are blurry here but i'm sure Jen's PR is going to make sure she looks innocent flower. This is one time Jen not being on twitter will help her. LeAnn is her own worst enemy tweeting her affair at first.

  8. Isn't common law 10 years?

    Whatever, it sucks for this woman. They were shot together just a month ago at a family function. Even if he did cheat on her before, this is crass behavior from both he and JA. And don't give me shit that she didn't know. She's using him and he's using her.

    But I'm sure her PR machine is working overtime and there will be a statement very shortly. This will be interesting, can't wait to see the spin! America at it's finest.

  9. I'm not blaming Jen Aniston here...and yet I'm not a fan of hers at all. She wasn't the betrayer...she was the catalyst. He's the bad guy, not her. Besides, no one is really the bad guy here. He wasn't married to the girl. Did he have kids with her? In 10 yrs if he didn't propose, he wasn't going to. It also is difficult to just up and move out. I'm also sure his girlfriend saw the signs, prior to him leaving. I also believe it was over with the girl long before Jen came along.

  10. I've met a few married men who are looking to cheat on their wives, they say the marriage is over but I have to wonder if their wives feel that way or even know the marriage is over. We will never know what goes on between 2 people, it's a case of what he said, what she said and the truth I think.
    Just throwing it out there but what if Justin's ex wasn't getting the hint that the relationship was over? What if she was hanging on and wouldn't move out so he pulled this stunt to make her leave? Ya never know....

  11. @msgirl NY does not recognize common law marriages. My freind learned the hard way when her live in boyfriend of 20 years died of a heart attack and got nothing and his mother took everything.

  12. Still don't give a rat's ass about Aniston, don't like her but don't hate her either. What I want to know is how the hell she keeps looking younger and younger without any obvious signs of having had work done. Her skin is flawless, it makes me sick with envy.

  13. Married, not married - really, who cares? They were clearly committed to each other, living together and appearing as a couple at family functions.

    I remember reading about a week ago that her mother said they were still together, and that everything with him and Jen was a big misunderstanding ("he said so himself!")


  14. @crila16 -- "Besides, no one is really the bad guy here. He wasn't married to the girl. Did he have kids with her?"

    Smacking. My. Head.

    Yes, because children REALLY make a relationship valid and true. Heidi didn't squirt out a kid or two, so eff her! If she had done her proper, womanly duty, she'd still be living with Justin and he wouldn't have *wanted* to cheat!


  15. JA is a bitch just like the rest of em, what a shock!

  16. Well what makes this clearly gossip is that JA has always been the victim. Because Brad left her! So it's quite ironic that now people are saying "clearly the relationship was over" between Justin and Heidi.

    The irony!

    Having never watched Friends I'm clearly ambivalent about her, except for her PR machinations which I am shocked that people fall for.

  17. I will be in the minority, maybe the only one, that thinks Jen Aniston was done wrong. I think she loved Brad and I don't pretend to know what their progeny plans were. I think Angelina was reinventing herself and met Brad at the right time. Brad certainly complied. I think about two things during that breakup. The gossip that Angelina would call Brad at home and even at Courtney's house, looking for Brad on the premise of some aspect of the movie and Brad wearing that TRASH t-shirt. Then the pictorial in W of Brad and Ang with six boys. Ick. No girl would want to be humiliated like that and I think Jen was humiliated.

  18. I wasn't a fan of Friends, I watched in the beginning but it too stupid for me. I had no idea why it was so popular. I had hoped Jen would go after meatier movie roles after Derailed but she seems to be in the same kind of movie and plays the same part over and over again like a one trick pony.

  19. @Elizabeth -- oh, I *totally* think that Jen was done wrong. I think that Angelina IS a lying homewrecker, and I still hate it when people use Angelina's beauty as some legit excuse for Brad to have cheated on Jen. He was a total spineless dirtbag in that situation, and always will be. End your relationship, and then proceed with the next one. It's just callow as hell to cheat on someone -- married or not.

    It only makes me dislike Aniston MORE. It's the Sienna Miller thing -- shouldn't she know exactly what it *feels* like to be humiliated like that? Why would she want to put another woman through the same misery?

    And on a very shallow note, Justin whatshisface isn't even HOT. Talk about bottom-of-the-barrel material. She could have had more fun just boinking Mayer again.

  20. I think common law in Canada is like one year or something. And btw, not everyone wants to get married.

    I'm on the fence on this one - it could very well be that Justin led Jennifer on and she didn't know he was living with someone. Obviously HE'S the big douchebag here, whether Jen was, too, remains to be seen.

  21. Regardless of what happened with Jennifer and Brad and Angelina... and regardless of what happened with Jennifer and the new dude...

    What irks me is her whole post opinion on the Brad and Angelina thing and her behavior after finding out about her new bf and his now/was/whatever Ex.

    If she hates cheaters period... why are you continuing to date one?! She can say whatever she wants about BEFORE she found out about Justin, but now that she KNOWS she's not sticking to her prior detailed ad nasuem morals...

  22. Ida, I don't know the story on Justin so no idea whether the blame lies with Jen or not. Justin sure doesn't look like the Justin from Mulholland Drive, that's for sure. I liked Jen with Vince Vaughn myself. He started making bad movie choices after they broke up or maybe Wedding Crashers was an aberration. I cannot even look at John Mayer now and I blame that on Enty :)

  23. @Elizabeth -- "I cannot even look at John Mayer now and I blame that on Enty"

    Me, neither -- but I blame it on Ted C's poopy blinds.

    If you don't know, you don't WANNA know.

  24. I think comparing this to the Leann Rimes-Eddie Cibrian relationship goes a bit far.
    Evidence: We don't know what Justin told JA about his relationship, if he mentioned it at all, nor what JA knew of it. Eddie's marriage and children were probably listed in his IMDB profile for the world (including Leann) to see. Eddie and Brandi had kids, too--also probably within Leann's knowledge.

    To me, marriage IS different than a 14-year relationship. Of course, I've been married for over 16 years, but I cannot imagine living with someone even a year without making a formal (legal) commitment unless I really did not think it would last. I'm sure those in long-term committed relationships would not agree, but I know I would not feel secure.

  25. Don't care...

    She still sucks as an actress

  26. see people, this is why your crap needs to be legal some way, some how. 14 yrs and nothing to show for it. how can we call it a committed relationship when the guy so blatantly stepped out? you really think he'd never done this before...cuz if so, i have this bridge that connects to brooklyn...

    as for aniston, i don't think she deserves the heat she gets for playing the pity card. ok, so she doesn't have much range and isn't the world's most eloquent...but i know media manipulation and from what i've seen it's pretty much 15% aniston, and 85% bored media taking an easy pot shot. jmho.

  27. Ida, Exactly and I only read Ted C's poopy blinds here.

  28. If he started his relationship with JA while living with his girlfriend, then that makes him a big ol' douche. And I don't think Jen plays the pity card. I think it's played for her by the tabloid press.

    I have no interest in seeing any of her movies but I will always love JA as Rachel, my favorite Friends character. She'd pretty much have to blow up a school bus for me to hate on her the way Ida does. Or the way I hate on Goopy.

  29. Based on Jolie's track record (Billy Bob Thornton/Laura Dern breakup) I agree it's likely she went after Pitt like a barn burner, but this current situation is distasteful. I had *no* idea this couple had been together for 14 years. That's just awful.

  30. Ida - I'm so with you on your response to crila16...

  31. Remember 2-3 years ago when Jennifer gave that interview to GQ where she said what Angelina Jolie did when she stole Brad Pitt away from her "Was not cool?" I guess now we can expect a similar statement from Bivens:

    "What Jennifer Aniston did was not cool. And I don't just mean stealing my man. I mean making Life With Polly, Management, The Break-Up, Derailed, The Switch, The Bounty Hunter and Just Go With It. Have you seen any of those pieces of unholy shit? Not cool, Jen, Not cool."

    By the way - have any of you seen Heidi Bivens:


    She's F-ING HOT!!!

    You're an Idiot, Justin.

  32. @Jason Blue Eyes -- LOL! Don't forget to add the brilliantly-titled "Love Happens" to that esteemed list.

    And I think Heidi is WAY more attractive than Jen, too. But when it comes to cheating, looks don't seem to be a factor. If it can happen to Elin...

  33. @Elizabeth - That is pretty much my take on their break up as well (your original post). The W spread was something that bothered me the most. But whatever, it was almost a decade ago and obviously Brad & Angelina have stood the test of time (so far).

    I have always liked JA, but not for all her "amazing" movie choices. She has just always come across as nice/relatable/funny in interviews. More relatable than say, AJ. I think that is partially why so many people (aka. fans or people obsessed with celeb gossip, like myself) turned on AJ after the JA/BP break up vs. focusing on Brad. AJ got more flack about it than BP.

    JA has really terrible taste in men but I'm still a little surprised that she would disrespect another woman like that. It's a pretty shitty thing to do.

    @timebob - That is really sad and horrible. :(

  34. To me, to say the marriage or relationship is "over" = moved out and moved on. To continue to live with someone otherwise tells me it's not at all over. I think people just try to feed themselves this line of b.s. to make themselves feel less guilty. If it's truly over with someone cut the ties and move out before you move on. I hate these spineless p.o.s. people that string people along until someone they perceive as better comes along just because they can't be alone. Ridiculous and frankly, cruel.

  35. ChasingHeaven -- you're being too kind. These POS stay because it's comfortable. It's safe, familiar. The chick is running the household, making sure the laundry and cleaning are done and the fridge is stocked, balancing the checkbook, paying the cable bill. Nice life.

    BTW, why did *Heidi* have to be the one to move out?

  36. Just an old piece of advice from a friend. Remember. Your gf does the blow jobs. Your wife cleans the skid marks.

  37. If you really want to leave, no piece of paper can make you stay. Marriage is bullshit. If you are w/ someone and there is a commitment, however long or short, have the decency to end things before moving on. It's just the respectful thing to do. Interesting how this has played out. Wonder if the gf will talk.

  38. Well, he certainly hasn't been trying to keep his "affair" with Jen private or secret so that kinda makes me think it wasn't an affair, but that the relationship with his now-ex was already over. Two of my friends got divorced recently, and continued to live together for a year afterwards, simply because of issues surrounding the sale of their house, and the fact that neither of them could afford to live elsewhere at the same time as paying a mortgage. It was a little awkward when she got a new boyfriend, but they managed to make it work, staying pretty civil. Now I'm sure that's not the situation here (that she couldn't afford to move out) but there are plenty of reasons why someone would not move out straight away, obviously it takes time to find a place, and you don't want to lock into a lease if it's not the right place or whatever she might have been thinking. Or maybe she was holding on to the relationship hoping they'd work it out. But I think it's pretty obvious that he wasn't worried about a relationship at home when he started dating Jen or he wouldn't have let it be so public. In his mind anyway, his relationship was over. And obviously that would be what he told Jen, though I'm sure if she wanted to save face she probably should have made sure the ex had moved out BEFORE they were seen in public together.

  39. Oh and I don't think whether or not they were married has anything to do with anything in this situation. The issue is whether the relationship was over before he started dating Jen, and I'd say from his behaviour that it was.

  40. Agree with Char, I was going to say something like, just moved out doesn't mean just broke up. It could have taken her a month to find an apartment and three months to close on it. Jen knows how to keep a relationship secret and she hasn't done that.

    I also seem to be the rare one that doesn't care that Brad left Jen for Angie. People leave marriages every day, especially Hollywood couples. Brad and Angie have been together for 6 years now. In Hollywood that's a lifetime, yet people cant get past it. Its as if it happened last week, and they're the first couple its ever happened to.

  41. He is ugly, gross and creepy. Come on ladies, we are seriously fighting over him???? There are plenty of great men to go around, why fight over these douches/

  42. Karma is a bitch
    Hi Jen!
