Thursday, June 30, 2011

Jonathan Rhys Meyers Attempts Suicide

Police in London were called to Jonathan Rhys Meyers' home on Tuesday because the actor and frequent rehab patient took a bottle of pills in an attempt to kill himself. He was taken to the hospital and released yesterday. First of all, I thought he was back in rehab so to know he was home when he was still not feeling 100% disturbs me. The guy needs time to get better and if his agent or manager is the one pushing him to work instead of getting better, then they suck. Second, why did they let him out of the hospital less than 24 hours after a suicide attempt? Don't they want to watch him for a few days and make sure he is not a danger to himself or to others? You just let the guy out? If he kills himself in the next few days, how are the doctors going to feel who said he was fine?

My thoughts are with him and hope he takes the time and gets the help he needs to get back to acting. The guy is brilliant.


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