Thursday, June 09, 2011

Jennifer Aniston's Boyfriend Has A Girlfriend

Jennifer Aniston sure can pick them. Her new boyfriend, or at least guy she likes to make out with in public has been dating a woman for the past several years, and according to The National Enquirer, is still very much his girlfriend. Justin Theroux has been dating a stylist for awhile and her mom was the one who told The Enquirer the couple were still dating. Maybe mom just has not heard the news yet, but she says she actually talked to Justin and he told her it is all just a big misunderstanding. So, when mom walked in on Jen and Justin having sex it was just two people who were tired, decided to take an innocent nap, were hot so took off their clothes and the next thing you know they were having sex.


  1. Oh this is silly. This Justin dude obviously dumped his last girlfriend in a shitty way - not Jen's fault she didn't know the girl existed, and I'm generally not a Jen apologist. This guy's a creep, period...but then that's her type (Brad excepted :))

  2. This woman seems smugly obsessed with herself, so it doesn't surprise me at all that she doesn't care if that douchebag already has a longterm girlfriend. She's a classic narcissist: completely unable to empathize, even when she's been in a similar situation in the past.

    Aniston ONLY has a career today because she's spent nearly a decade sniffling and pretending to hold back tears in magazines while alluding to the Brangelina situation. Her career pretty much runs on sympathy, at this point. I hope the housewife contingency turns against her for good after this, because I am SO SICK AND TIRED OF HER FREAKING FACE EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME!!!!

  3. I have noticed that typically the world will blame the other woman when a man cheats on his wife/girlfriend. If a woman cheats on her husband/man she gets blamed not the boyfriend. Kinda mixed up

  4. Two women fighting over a man I wouldn't look twice the world crazy ?

  5. @Misch - I don't know, he was kinda hot in Charlie's Angels 2

  6. Fire that stylist-he looks terrible.

  7. OK, 2 things: MOM walked in on them having sex??!! Where? At a place that he still has with daughter?? Eeewwww or total BS!
    And dontcha think Jen looks like she's with Jason in that photo? (maybe wishful thinking on her part?)

  8. I bet you he's not really with Jen and is just doing her a favor by dating her so she can get some publicity and people will stop thinking she only dates co-stars. I bet he's still with his girlfriend and the girlfriend is probably in on it.

  9. Where were they having sex that the mom just walked in on?

    I'm not a big Jen fan, although I love Friends, I hate how she can't ever get a break. Everything is her fault, she manipulates everything, she wants sympathy, she dates only for PR. The girl just can't win.

  10. Like usually blame the woman. She might not even know about the girlfriend, but the Jennifer insults are already in order. People don't even give her the benefit of the doubt. And National Enquirer, the most credible news venue ever, a TABLOID, publishes this, we don't even know if this is really true and people already have the rocks ready. Phew.

    People hating on Jennifer Aniston is so old and annoying. If you don't like her, skip the articles that mention her, don't buy the magazines she's in it.

  11. the guys always have a girlfriend!

  12. He looks like Carmen Ghia from the original film "The Producers" So very, very gay.

  13. I still say he looks like Daniel Plainview there.

  14. Did she actually ever come out and say that she was dating him????? Or was this just media speculation b/c of the photos? She dates a lot of dudes but those relationships never go anywhere so...???

    Also, why is the mom in his apartment in the first place?

  15. I kinda like aniston, but you have to admit that she is a PR girl. Lainey's article explains it very well:

  16. @BigMama so TRUE. the woman always loses :P
