Monday, June 20, 2011

It's Always Wine Coolers

I think the liquor companies invented wine coolers just so guys could get women drunk. When you are drinking tequila or whiskey or one of your more adult tasting beverages you really need to disguise the taste well to make it go down easy. Wine coolers taste like kool aid and when you drink them you don't really feel like you are actually drinking alcohol. Bristol Palin learned what so many people learn, alcohol is alcohol and Bartles & James has been responsible for taking the virginity of lots of people.

Bristol says in her new book she lost her virginity while she was drunk, in a tent on a camping trip. While I have no doubts she was she drunk, I find her explanation that she remembers none of it not so believable. I guess she says it like that so people will realize if she had been sober she would still be a virgin because she is not married. Of course then we also have to believe that every other time she and Levi had sex was because she was drunk too. Bristol also now says she was on the pill for cramps and is shocked she got pregnant. Considering that is about the 4th version of how she has got pregnant that she has shared, I am guessing they were going unprotected most of the time.

In the book, she also calls Levi a gnat and that the last straw was when he got another girl pregnant and took that classic Teen Mom name Bentley for himself. Have you noticed no one calls their kid Prius.


  1. Did she get roofied too?

  2. They all need to go away. Far, far away.

    What was she thinking was going to happen when camping with her boyfriend?

    Too much information being shared. I do feel bad for her son.

  3. Just like her mother, it's ALWAYS someone else's fault for everything that happens. The Palins truly are famewhores incapable of ever taking personal responsibility for any of their stupidity and transgressions.

    And please, wine coolers have like 3% alcohol in them. That is hardly enough to get drunk on. It's not as if she was chugging down Four Loko. Besides, there have been pictures of her drinking harder liquor all over the internet for YEARS. Again, screw the Palins and their finger-pointing bullshit. Levi is a douche for sure, but the apple don't fall far from the tree when it comes to Bristol.

  4. Can't wait to hear Levi's version of events next month.

    Two horny teenagers having sex, totally unheard of.

    I guess she has to spin it the best she can so she can keep reaping in those paid speaking events telling kids not to have sex before marriage.

  5. Is it just me or did she lift this entire lost my virginity while drunk on wine coolers story from the first season of Glee?

  6. I don't know - I've gotten pretty drunk on wine coolers before - and I'm an adult. I'm also not going to knock someone for makjing stupid choices of men to sleep with - there are very few women who don't have one or two jerks they've slept with. And teenagers are much more prone to making stupid mistakes with men.

  7. lol RQ! well at least she didn't say she got pregnant from a hot tub.

  8. what is her excuse for underage drinking?

  9. ^She'd probably say someone spiked her grape kool-aid while she sat around the fire singing kumbaya.

  10. Wine coolers put me to sleep.

  11. Wine coolers are so sugary they totally make me sick. Yuk.

  12. Is it just me or does Bristol look about 45 years old?

  13. Color me uncaring and bored with whatever this Alaskan trout has to say.

  14. haha, wine coolers. yup, i've been there. yeah they have low alc content, but alcohol is still alcohol and at 14 it was enough to get me hammered. mostly, since you don't realize how many you're drinking.

    in a way i do feel bad for her after hearing this. we've all done stupid stuff drunk (esp. as a teenager) and most of us have had an annoying ex we're ashamed of. if she'd just shut her face, quit being a hypocrite about everything else and just be a mom like she claims to be, i'd hate her a little less.

  15. I've been on the pill for more than 15 years. I have also done drugs, been drunk & had sex without condoms during those years. Hell, I've even missed a pill, taken one late and/or thrown one up. Yet, I've NEVER gotten pregnant. This just makes no sense to me.

  16. Enty you missed the part of the story where she told Levi (I really cant with that name ugh) she was preggers and his response was something like 'Well, it better be a fucking boy!'
    I actually could care less what Levi's response to this is in a month.
    In cases like this (especially when we know a little of Levi's personality now thanks to his media whoring) I am siding with the woman.

    And that last bit about the kid never being named Prius is FANTASTIC. Yeah, what up with that? Also, and stop me if I'm sounding judgemental here :P, but if you name your kid Bentley that automatically puts you in the asshole cateogory to me. Yikes.

  17. It really offends me how she thinks there are enough people out there who actually CARE how she lost her v-card.

  18. LMAO @Rickatoo....didn't even think about that!

  19. I've done many stupid things whilst drunk, but thankfully, letting Levi Johnston poke me isn't one of them.

  20. Wine coolers...BLECH. But I definitely drank them in middle/HS & you most certainly can get drunk on them if you drink enough.

    But I think Bristol would have probably would have been having sex with or without Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill.

  21. I have drank a lot of booze over the years and I've NEVER not remembered what I was doing. I may not have cared but I was always aware of what I was doing. I guess I'm just lucky. Bristol needs to stay away from alcohol from now on. And camping trips.

  22. AHAHHHHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!! I lost my v-card the SAME EXACT WAY except it was Boone's Farm, not wine coolers.
    ughhh, the end is near.

  23. To follow up w/Rickatoo -- Not too sure what the Palins' religion requires, but i would think minors are to abstain from underage drinking as well as premarital sex. Next we'll be hearing that she's gambled, smoked and danced. Oh, wait....

  24. I loathe Sarah Palin...and the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

    How stupid do they think people are?

  25. My parents have only one story about how I came to be, and it's not on the Internet. I like that quite a bit.

    Also, she was a lot cuter before her face adjustment.

  26. While I do think Levi is a tool, Bristol just sounds like she's making excuses, and is scared to have anyone think she's a slut for having premarital sex. Get over yourself, girly. You had sex, and you got pregnant. End of story.
