Tuesday, June 07, 2011

I Need A Party Like This

A teenager in Germany decided she wanted to throw herself a party to celebrate her birthday. So, like any teenager these days she posted the invitation on her Facebook and thought she was only sending it to her friends. Umm, no. It turns out she sent it to every single person Facebook and 15,000 people confirmed they would be there even though they did not know the girl. Luckily she told her parents who told the police who told news organizations who told Ferris that the party was canceled. Well, about 1500 people still showed up to party. 100 police officers also showed up, but presumably not to party. 11 people were arrested, several people were very slightly injured and there were two small fires. Damn, I need to throw a Facebook party.


  1. Tee hee! And this chick isn't even in college yet. Awww.

    When I was in high school, my dad traveled all the time on business. He told our neighbors that if any of them ever saw more than three cars in our driveway during his absence, they should call the cops immediately to break up whatever party I was throwing.

    Smart dude, really.

  2. I don't understand how people on Facebook can be so lax with their privacy. My favorites involve people who've lost/broken their phones and sent out invites for numbers, all the while not knowing that their content is 100% open to the public. It cracks me up how stupid people can be.

  3. How bored are people they have to crash a teenagers party. I see a few balding dudes in that picture looking for some jailbait.

  4. @Treesap -- personally, I love it when people enable their settings in order to inform you exactly where they are at all times. People who are *that* stupid should just spraypaint BURGLARIZE ME! on their front doors.

  5. This is why parents need to be more involved with their teenagers internet lives...

  6. I love stories like this. I actually find them a little cute & heartwarming in an 80's teen movie sort of way.

    And I have my FB set up to where you can't search for me and none of my personal information is viewable. She should have been a little bit more careful...but hey, at least got an epic party out of it.

  7. Paris Hilton WISHES she had that kind of pull for new reality show, T.W.A.T. Pee!

  8. Anonymous12:00 PM

    NC, I would like to have that set up the same way. Can you tell me how. I thought I had it that way but I think I did something not right.

  9. I don't even understand how this could happen because I don't Facebook and Twitter. I did try Facebook for awhile but was disturbed by the fact that I had to use my real name, so I made up a persona. Still, it was deadly dull, even though I was on numerous friends lists. It just seems like too much work, so I bailed.

    Even keeping up with CDAN is hard for me with my schedule. Sheesh... how do you folks do it? Seriously.

  10. sorry there is no way to message ALL 500M users, Enty.

    unless your name ends in Zuckerberg.

  11. @Sylvia - Go into privacy settings. Then go to "customise settings". Set EVERYTHING to "friends only". If you really want to make sure that someone can't see your page, go to 'custom edit', go to "make visible to" and set it up to your liking. Contact Information...set everything to "Only Me". As for making yourself unsearchable, I actually forgot how to do that. Check back later and I might have the solution...unless someone else knows.

  12. @Ida - only a problem if people know where you live ;) I am continually amazed by people who provide their full addresses in their profile. For WHY?

  13. I'll so come to your party, Enty.

    Any celebrity clients attending? No? Then F Em'.

    Us CDAN posters can make fun of them all night.

  14. A friend of mine was involved in organizing the infamous London Mayfair Squat Party of 2010. Facebook is kind of awesome that way. :D

  15. If you have your Facebook set up for Friends Only and everything else private, you are in pretty good shape. Don't put your birth year and don't tell anyone where you are by checking in. A Burglar and Stalkers delight I am sure. Think of the worst thing that can happen and protect yourself. Then you are prepared for anything.

  16. Hi Mango,
    The only way I am able to do Facebook is I do a weekly update. Once a week I get on and let people know what I got up to. Make some comments on other people's posts and away I go.

  17. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Thanks NMC!

  18. @jax - it doesnt say that she messaged all of Facebook, but that she invited them to her party. If you create an event, I am pretty sure you can make it public and anyone can view it and RSVP to it. Don't know why you would want to do that, especially after this story!

  19. thats true. it sounds like it was just a public event

  20. I think she made it a "public" event, which means that it would show up in her friends' timelines if they clicked "attending," and then their friends could spread it to other people, and so on, so probably everyone that showed up is just a few degrees of separation away from her.

  21. @Enty you throw the party -i'll be there - ROADTRIP...Jax i'll swing by VANC and pick you and RocketQueen on the way LOL

  22. This story is hilarious...reminds me of a party I threw once at my very uptight friend's house in high school. It was supposed to be a small gathering from our school and somehow, people from several other area schools started showing up. I'll never forget the look on her face when she walked outside and saw everyone pulling up. Good times.

    @bluebonnetmom - I use Foursquare and all those other check in things. :-/
