Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Apologize For Not Posting This Sooner

So many of you have sent me the Whole Foods Parking Lot Rap video and for some reason I never got around to watching it until now. I'm sorry I missed the crest of the wave which you tried so hard to get me to ride, but if you have not seen it, you owe it to yourself to watch. Was that a surfing metaphor? I did not know I had one of those in me.


  1. Too cool! Why did you wait?!?!?!

  2. Boo no sound at work! Can someone give me the gist? Is it about their prices? ;)

  3. Ha! Everyone has been sharing that on FB but this is the first time I watched it. Very funny!

    For real.

  4. Hilarious! So true.

    RQ -- it's about how difficult it is to find a space in the parking lot, the snobbery of the other patrons, the food and the prices.

  5. Please tell me you have all watched the unofficial Trader Joe's video on YouTube....because it's amazing.

  6. Thank you Miss X :) I can only imagine then...

  7. Love it, welcome to my life, I'm headed there in 10 min.

  8. Too funny! I had to share with my boss. She's an organic person who drinks Kombucha every day so she totally cracked up.

  9. "... I'll pay my $80 for the 6 items I just bought ..." LOL

  10. OMG, sad but true. I sorta hate WF, but the truth is that I end up there at least twice a week. Buying kale. And I drive a prius. For reals!

  11. Whole Foods kind of pissed me off. They bought out the Wild Oats Natural Market chain and promptly closed the one in our county. I guess they don't deem the market big enough to have one of their stores here. Me, I prefer Trader Joe's but they don't have any plans to open stores in Florida. Boooo!

  12. Never been to Whole Foods or Trader Joe's.

    I usually hang out with Enty at the Super Wal-Mart deli and bakery.

  13. I love this song! I heard it yesterday on some talk radio and only caught a second of it so I am so glad to get a link ..thanks!

  14. @Mango
    Florida has been tough for Tj's, but they're working on it. I think that is all I can say for now. :)

  15. I'm getting excited about the opening of Whole Foods where I live next year. I know they'll be expensive but at least they are offering an alternative to the other processed garbage called "food" and people tend to overeat anyway.

  16. We don't have Whole Foods here but we have Earthfare and Greenlife, which are essentially the same thing so I TOTALLY identify. :)

    LMAO @ "Can you please move, you’re right in front of the quinoa."

  17. G-to the E-to the N-I-OUS!
