Friday, June 17, 2011

High School Yearbook May Be Child Porn

Big Bear High School students were asked to return their yearbooks to the school, and if they are not fast enough, the Sheriff will come knock on their door to get it. Why? It turns out that in the background of a picture of a dance, there is a 17 year old boy doing something under the skirt of a 15 year old girl which is sexual. Not only is the 17 year old possibly facing criminal charges, anyone who keeps the yearbook could be facing charges of possessing child pornography, which is why the Sheriff is trying to collect all the copies.


  1. A classic photobomb. This is a stupid story and makes me think that wherever this school is located is populated by a bunch of idiots.

  2. Why couldn't the sheriff just collect that page of the yearbook?

  3. I kinda think its funny. Not the porn part, but that fact it made it into the yearbook..... Nice proofreading/editing ;)

  4. I worked on the yearbook committee in high school (1969 - yeah, I know, a LONG time ago!). The editors tried to get several subtle risque pictures past the faculty but the faculty caught them. I'd be willing to bet the yearbook staff knew, and managed to slip it by the faculty advisor.

  5. I was on the yearbook committee too, and it *is* funny, unless you're one of the poor kids who has to scan EVERY single photo for a middle finger or whatever. Or worse, apparently...

    If I were that kid, I'd be more scared of the 15 year-old's dad!

  6. ^^ Very true Ida!!

  7. I was on the yearbook committee, too! We had good photo editing, but apparently not copy editing. I spoiled it for the next graduating class because they weren't allowed to say what they would be doing 10 years from now (something we had hoped would be a tradition). Because I said I'd be "devirginizing men in my office" (I thought it was funny). I heard later that some parents complained.

  8. So funny! But returning the yearbooks won't stop the picture from spreading... what teenager doesn't have access to a scanner and internet?

  9. Big Bear High School, Big Bear Lake, California. It's a ski resort/lake town in the San Bernardino mountains in Southern California, about 70 miles east of LA (maybe a bit more). Lake Arrowhead and Big Bear Lake used to be resort towns for the Hollywood set, back in the 50's and 60's, but not so much anymore.

    I agree, just cut the page out of the book, don't make the students return entire books that have already been signed.

  10. Iam with SkittleKitty --I'd have showed up to sheriff ripped the page from my yearbook and handed just the photo in.

  11. I've eaten in the Andy Divine room of the local restaurant many times. I guess old westerns were filmed there. Oscar de la Hoya used to live and train there because of the high altitude. It's a tiny resort village. I'll have to check on the yearbook thing.

  12. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Our yearbook staff managed to catch a candid shot of the teacher with the cheerleader he got pregnant.

  13. I think it's funny that Cali has such a restrictive age of consent. A 17 year old in trouble for sexing a 15 year old? Gimme a break.

  14. I remember a photo (this was about 33 years ago) in my friends yearbook of the football team in their casual shorts and a guys yingyang was hanging out the side of his shorts!! Too funny!!

    As for Big Bear my sister lives there and I was just there this past weekend for a fishing tournament.

  15. Roseanne had an episode where all the kids in the class picture would try to shoot the finger creatively. HYSTERICAL!

  16. @shakey - That is hilarious.

    I was on the yearbook committee too! And was the co-editor senior year. Ahh, memories. I can say with no uncertainty that the picture making it in was no accident.

    Crazy kids! :)
