Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Gene Simmons And Shannon Tweed Faking It For Reality TV?

Did you see Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed on The Today Show yesterday? When I used to watch all of those soft porn Shannon Tweed movies on cable 20 years ago, I had no idea she was this good of an actress, but she had me fooled during the run of her reality series with Gene Simmons. Apparently though, the last few seasons of the show took place amidst a never ending battle between the couple about how Gene would constantly cheat on Shannon, not to mention he never asked her to marry him. During the current season you actually see the battles though. Shannon said yesterday on the show that the only reason she stayed with Gene was because of the kids and now that they are gone she is too. Of course this could just be them trying to get you to pay attention to them and their show, but it looked pretty real to me.

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  1. UK's Hello magazine must have paid the big fat dollars. They have an interview with Arnie's babymomma, Mildred Baena. It's just out.

  2. I never understood how such a froglike man landed such a pretty lady in the first place. I don't watch this show, though. I think I watched about a minute via Netflix streaming and got really bored. The Osbournes did it better, honestly.

    Oh, and KISS totally, completely sucks. Just had to get that out.


    goddamn I fucking hate men like this. Look at his face in that video still- he looks like he'd be insufferable. I wonder if he son is the same way? He already looks like a little asshole.

  4. I really liked Shannon, I only watched because of her wit but when she had the plastic surgery it was a turn off when she was so stunning to begin with. She doesn't need him if he is cheating on her.

  5. ^^!!!!!

    Kiss DOES suck and is TOTALLY overrated.
    Thank you Blankenship for being the first brave solider to say so :>

  6. I think it is just for the show, they are a middling success I would say, and she is just looking for some heat for the show.

    She isn't leaving him or the financial security he affords her.

  7. @Jasmine -- you're welcome, m'dear! I don't think I was being brave. Just truthful.

    Journey fucking sucks, too. :-P

  8. Oh my god, Ida I love you. I couldn't agree more, KISS and Journey are both so completely overrated.

    Gene Simmons is and always has been a douchebag of epic proportions. I don't understand how such an unattractive, misogynistic a-hole has so much appeal for some women.

  9. His body language in tht clip said he was totally uninterested in the conversation. He is such a troll...really, there is not enough money in the world....

  10. Saw the clip on Today and wondered the same thing. Never watch their show. She's Canadian so I have to like her but he needs to get rid of that dead animal on his head. And if he had plastic surgery -- it didn't work. He's repulsive.

  11. I have never understood how this troll gets his share of gorgeous women, he dated Cher and Diana Ross (and was rumored to have had a 3some with both ladies at Studio 54). Furthermore everyone knows he is a womanizer so for Shannon Tweed to go into this relationship thinking he was ever going to change is dumb on her part, that is why I find it hard to believe that she is out.

  12. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I never liked Gene Simmons always felt he is an ass. His attitude speaks volumes.

  13. Well well well...looks like we have an answer to the blind from last week about the reality show star who cheats on his wife and throws it in her face all the time - and they never did marry, did they?

    She has Courtney Cox lips now. Yuck.

  14. Gene Simmons is an ass.

  15. typical musician...complete and total ho, but horn-dogness aside, all-around great guys (generalizing here). i can't pity any woman who chooses to get involved w/ them...they know what they're in for...and even if they don't, they find out real quick. if you choose to stay, that's on you.

    i've spent just a wee little bit of time around him, so i can't make a full judgement call...but he's a sweetheart. there's no douche factor there. i get that people label him an asshole for his politics and such, and i may not agree w/ him or care for his music, but that doesn't make him necessarily bad in my book.

  16. Anonymous11:31 AM

    You know I looked at the video and it looks like just a promotion for the next season. If she was pissed at him she wouldn't be that closed to him.

  17. I watched a few times--the kids came off as pretty well adjusted, and funny and sweet. I know, it's a reality show, lol.

    But, I agree, he's gross.

  18. Oh no Ida, not Journey. I love that crap; with Steve Perry or without.

    I've watched the show a few times and Shannon and the kids can be hilarious. I tuned out though when they camped in Big Bear and a REAL bear came to their campground. That was total B.S.

    I know, I know, how shocking that a reality show isn't real.

    I've always thought he was all tough talk on the outside and mush on the inside. Their couple's plastic surgery was unfortunate though.

  19. califblondy, Journey fan too!

    That family is funniest when they are making fun of Gene.

  20. @califblondy -- okay, okay. Journey isn't as sucky as R.E.O. Speedwagon. ;-)

    I love Styx and Toto, though, so I realize I have no room to criticize.

  21. I saw this and couldn't decide what the heck was going on. Any time I've seen them talking about his infidelities he acts like a 15 year old trying to deflect attention to something else. I want to like Shannon, but can't get my brain wrapped around her staying w/ him when she has to know how he is and who he really is. More than half of me wants to believe it was all for ratings... but maybe not.

  22. Journey was awesome in the Steve Perry days. Not so much since then. Loved Toto as well. Never got into Styx, REO was ok and KISS has ALWAYS SUCKED. I would not let Pubic haired Gene Simmons touch me. Just butt ugly, gross and he must have one hanging down to his knees to get women. Complete Asshole from his body language.

  23. I haven't read the comments yet, but I'm gonna say, 'Yes'. I've watched this show before and it's one of the more easily spotted fakes amongst reality shows - though I do like the family and all.

  24. She can barely move her face...

  25. Yeeshy, Shannon is so botoxed she looks as if she's had a stroke or something.

    I've watched the Gene Simmons' Family Jewels show and I really, really loved their son, Nick. He is very funny and I loved how Gene let his guard down and showed how much he loved his kids, however the show was obviously scripted.

    As far as Kiss or Journey or Styx are concerned, I think they all suck. My b/f thinks that Kiss is the shit (he's European and also thinks ABBA is great) but UGH. Despise all their music.

  26. Anyone else remember her as "Savannah" on Days of Our Lives? I was just a little kid then but I thought she was so beautiful. I wanted to hang out with her and Chris Kositcheck at Shenanigan's.

  27. The Simmons kids are obviously very well adjusted, especially given where they were raised. That speaks well for both parents. The vibe between Shannon and Gene is pretty relaxed and they seem to like each other a lot even when they're fighting. She's not stupid - she knows who she (didn't)marry - and she's not great actress either. He's not evil -I think he cares for her a lot, just not in a conventional way.

    Kiss had some good songs. More a nostalgia band at this point.
    Don't stop believin'
    Hold on to that feelin'

  28. I think this was completely staged... I watched it yesterday and immediately thought that. She even says something to the effect of "we're not giving it all away" as in, TUNE IN. Gag.

  29. @Mango -- Aw, "Gimme Gimme Gimme a Man After Midnight" is genius. C'mon. ;-)

    I blame my intense love/tolerance for ABBA on my Scandinavian heritage, really.

  30. Anonymous1:05 PM

    This thing between Gene/Shannon is a "work". Every show is scripted. Gene and Shannon are simply acting. They are solid as a couple. Show needs a new twist to keep it fresh, and here it is. The eventual follow-up will be their reconciliation, perhaps some 'commitment ceremony' that's sold as "Gene finally ties the knot", and that will wrap up the show for good.

  31. chopchop.... I do, I do! Savannah and Chris were hot stuff. Didn't a police helicopter a la Miami Vice swoop down and arrest her? Those were the good old days' Days.

    Ida, I've got Toto's greatest hits CD. Who knew they had enough hits to fill a CD?

  32. @califblondy. You must know that one of the guys in TOTO is the son of Star Wars/Indiana Jones/Harry Potter composer John Williams.

    I just find that totally awesome. LoL.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. I will forever love ABBA. Gimme Gimme Gimme...Lay All Your Love On Me....Chiquitita...oh I could go on and on.

  35. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I used to know a guy who thought Kiss was more talented than Zeppelin. Idiot. I hate Kiss, Journey, Styx and ABBA. I've never seen Mamma Mia and never will.

    The kids are really attractive for such an ugly father. Did you see the episode where the son's band performed? So so so bad. I like the kids, the rest I hate. Everythin is so obviously staged.

  36. I think Shannon and her sister together are funny, the kids seem well adjusted, the son seems a little egotisical (to me), but I cannot stand his hair and Shannon barely moves her face, definately scripted.

  37. Well Chopchop, I actually met Shannon a million years ago around the time of her Playboy debut. She was managing a bar and her celebrity was the draw to bring in customers. This guy I worked with wanted to go there after work one night to see this Playboy creature in real life. I was very young and this was back when being in Playboy wasn't something "nice" girls did so I really didn't want to go. But another girl I worked with wanted to go and I was desperate to go somewhere after work so I tagged along when they said we could go somewhere else afterwards.
    We got to the bar and it was almost empty, the guy asked our waitress if Shannon was working that night and the waitress thought she might be in later. Halfway through our drink she arrived without fanfare, she just walked in and didn't seem very happy to be there, bored almost. The waitress spoke with her and they both looked in our direction which was mortifying to me at the time but the other 2 I was with were pumped. She kind of putzed around shuffling papers while my 2 companions chomped at the bit with anticipation but eventually she came over. The guy I was with was beside himself with joy and I just sat there like a stone. Shannon was being polite but she came across to me that she had a bit of an attitude about her, like she was getting tired of having to play nice with complete strangers and being on display - which was very odd to me considering she had been in Playboy after all.
    She could tell I wasn't impressed and I think she got the wrong impression because she thought the guy was my boyfriend and I was jealous. Then she told me if I wanted she could give me some contacts to be in Playboy possibly, which I found insulting at the time LOL I remember asking her why she did Playboy and she said it was a number of reasons but money and getting noticed mostly. I asked her if she regretted doing it and it took her a while to answer. I kind of pointed out where she was working after all, not just in a bar but my hometown isn't exactly an entertainment mecca and she said she was working on doing something else in Hollywood and the bar job was just biding time. It just didn't really make sense to me but I guess it takes time between doing the shoot and having it published but why not hang out biding your time in California? She had a plan, that much I could tell and being a Playmate was just a stepping stone.

  38. How ANYONE could be attracted to Gene Simmons is one of the mysteries of life.

    And while I've always liked Shannon, I can't believe she was SO naive as to believe he wasn't cheating on her from the SECOND they decided to become a "couple".

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Sorry, I find ABBA very dorky. I was dragged to Mamma Mia by a friend and I thought it was kind of embarrassing, despite the fact that I do appreciate schtick.

  41. I liked them as a couple. I could see Gene really loves her. I always thought Gene Simmons had a very sick sense of humor and he was always honest about being a douche. I agree this was probably just a ploy for ratings. Would love to know what really went down with Paul Stanley. Shannon and him do not like each other.

  42. Their son is too cute to be Gene's bio-child. I vote his daddy is really Paul Stanley.

  43. I think Shannon is deep in Empty Nest and Early Menopause Syndrome. Love their show, but it's obviously one of the most "scripted" reality shows. Though it seemed to me tonight to be genuine moments of emotion in both of them.

  44. Er... Shannon is in her mid-50's, I don't think the term "Early" would apply to menopause here.

    Anyone that can put up with Gene Simmons for 20 years can put up with him for another 20.

    I like the show, I like the family, the son's far too cute, the daughter is way sweet. I've never liked Gene Simmons or his band, but he's done well in the daddy department. That may be his best legacy.

  45. Ardleigh, I always thought the son looks just like Slash.

  46. And she walked off when they were being interviewed by Joy Bahar. Please this is ALL about setting up their very much not reality show. Why anyone would care about their relationship let alone want to watch a TV about it is curious. Funny how the two dimwit hostess played along so well.
