Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Flavor Flav Spent $6M On Drugs - Lost Virginity At 6

Yes, that headline is correct and I know the first question you are all asking yourself is not how is Flav alive after spending that much money on drugs, but how exactly does Flav manage to have enough disposable income to spend $6M on drugs? Flav has a new book out and during his press tour says that for a six year period he spent $2600 a day everyday for six years on drugs. That works out to almost $6M. I can't believe he never had a day where someone bought him drugs? No birthday specials? If you were Flav's dealer, you really had no need to ever sell to anyone else or take any chances on getting arrested. Focus on customer service. I would have lived next door to Flav to make sure he never went looking for another dealer.

Flav also discusses how he lost his virginity at 6. How the hell do you even know what sex is when you are six. In case you think it was molestation or something, it was not, it was another 6 year old girl. Seriously?

Did you know Flav has three grandchildren? His oldest child is 25 and the youngest is 4. I hope it is the 25 year old who has kids.


  1. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I call shenanigans on the whole "sex at 6" thing.

  2. This is the problem when you're deep into drugs - you get hangers on. If you have the cash and you like blow, you end up buying for everyone else.
    Is it weird of me to always imagine what his breath must be like?

  3. i'm with Texshan. my son was still a baby love at 6, and at 7 now, he has no clue his weiner is for anything but peeing out of...and i'm ok with that.

  4. Unrelated, but I have to spread the word...


    I've never experienced worse customer service in my life. They have charged me hundreds of dollars for services I never requested, and now don't want to work with me on a solution. I've spent over 10 HOURS on the phone with their reps and nothing has been resolved. I'm so outraged by this treatment that I just want to get the word out...

    Also, found a TON of complaints online that say many people are having the same problems.

  5. Man, life is not fair. How can guys like this keep surviving, and Heath Ledger be dead? Not that I wish him harm or anything, it just seems like some people get all the near-misses the universe has to offer and others are just S.O.L.

  6. And Whitney, why isn't she dead by now. I don't understand either. But, unfortunately, there was a 7 year old in my old neighborhood years ago that did rape a 4 year old. The 7 year old was a boy and there was penetration. Go figure. It's a sick world out here.

  7. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I worked at a school in the 'hood for a short time-three girls took a boy in the bathroom during recess and gave him a BJ. He was not into it and was crying and told his teacher. All of them were in kindergarten. Gross but true.

  8. Although this is not the proper forum for it, PM, I totally hear you! They're HORRIBLE..I had it on my leased vehicle for the first year then it expired and it became an endless nightmare of phone call after phone call..sometimes 5+ times a day for months. I hope you're able to recover all of the charges.

  9. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I call bullshit on everything that drips out of his disgusting looking mouth. He'll just keeps saying weirded and dumber shit until people pay attention.

  10. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I've had sirius for a few years and have never had a problem with them. Even when my radio goes out on me never had problems in the charges or anything.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. RE: the XM comments...
    I need to call them to change the card I use for billing. The current one expires this month. I've entered a new card a couple years ago on-line and it never switched over.

    And has anyone noticed today that some stations have are broadcasting actual radio stations?? I have MIX preset in the car and today it is reading as K100/NY. And Disney (for child, not me) is reading as some W_ _ _ station.

  13. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Pookie, Zack from Rage is one of the biggest tools on the planet. Seriously, bitching about capitalism while making millions on music? Hypocritic asshole.

  14. I didn't know that Zack de la Rocha was such an a-hole. I rediscovered them this week when my Pandora gave me a few tracks from Evil Empire and was thinking about how I used to like them. Another dream shattered...

    Flav on the other hand has never had the slightest appeal for me. Too much crazy going on there.

  15. Odd, we've had XM for years and never had a problem.

    @Pookie - That's quite a story!

  16. @Pookie -- I LOVE celebrity encounter stories -- good or bad -- and yours was a great one. Foofy Foof really *does* strike me as the kind of person you would NOT want to have to spend any time around.

    Still, though, I attended the Zoo T.V. tour (MacNichols Arena, represent!), and I WISH Public Enemy had opened for U2 instead of RATM.

  17. Well, that would explain the gold teeth.

    Fight The Power is one of the best songs ever, though.

  18. Note to IRS - please confirm that the drugs were bought with $6MM in "after tax" income. Thank you.

  19. Pookie - best story ever! And I've met Zach de la Rocha too and he is a douchenozzle of the highest degree.

  20. @Pookie - Not shocked at all. Tom's a stand-up guy, though. Then again, I'm biased....very biased.

    *looks at two autographed guitars & a personalized RATM poster*



  21. Pookie's got some GREAT stories ;)

  22. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Awesome story Pookie. Share some more when you get the time.

  23. Coke and tongue always makes me feel better. :P

  24. Oh, and in case I was unclear - that was a joke. I have never been consoled with a tongue and some coke, and I am pretty sure my reaction would be absolute horror, too.

  25. Michelle, something similar happened at one school in our small town. It was very hushed up. Both parents were called. The little boy happily said "It didn't hurt!" The little girl explained she saw Mommy doing the same thing to Daddy and she saw how much he enjoyed it. Her parents were mortified.



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