Thursday, June 23, 2011

Elisabetta's Contract Is Over

It is that time of the year. The beginning of summer, the tourists are headed to Italy, and George Clooney has ended another contract. George Clooney has ended his relationship with Elisabetta Canalis. You could see this one coming. When the girlfriends go the distance on the contract you will notice that just prior to the official announcement, the women will suddenly start appearing everywhere on red carpets for the last two months of the deal. I mean they are everywhere. But, if you will notice, they are always alone. The reason for the last minute publicity push is to give them a boost for the future and to hopefully allow them to meet someone else who will want a similar deal.

Everyone always assumes there is something else going on with the never ending girlfriends. Even if George liked playing for the same team sometimes, he loves women and he gets bored and likes to change things up. I bet the next girlfriend is a blonde. If she lasts longer than a month or two, it means she is along for a one or two year ride.


  1. The second she said that she wanted to get married (or something to that effect) I knew her time was nigh. Nothing makes a lifelong bachelor scatter like talk of marriage.

    I wonder if Sarah Larson can get her a job?

  2. 2 years sounds about right for Clooney. Meh. More power to him, I say. At least he's not a jerk about it.

  3. I would like to submit my resume, I love Italy, like to dress up, have no desire to marry....and George I can cook...

  4. Oh yeah, one more thing. Her tattoo is tacky as fuck.


  5. Anonymous9:49 AM

    By all accounts, Clooney is generous with his girlfriends and doesn't seem to badmouth them after the relationship ends. Being with him for two years with him picking up the tab is much better than what many of these women would get with another celebrity.

  6. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I too would like to submit my resume and I'm blonde!

  7. He loves women and he gets bored? This sounds as if you were talking about toys. Nobody forces this man to have a steady girlfriend. Just f**k around and own up to it. And if he wants a monogamous relationship and can only be with a woman for two years until he feels his balls itching again then he's even more of an immature depp than I thought.

  8. I would also like to submit my resume. I have, uh, experience with Italians.

  9. @Mina - I don't get your anger. You are upset because he's not a skank sleeping with a different woman every night? He seems like a guy that likes having a girlfriend, but has no interest in getting married. Why is that immature? No hating, just curious where you were going with that?

  10. I agree, MacVixen. It's not as if he's dishonest or anything. He's made bets with several people that he'll never marry or have kids. It's all out in the open. If you don't like it, that's your issue, not his.

  11. He has always been very direct with his intentions, so anyone that hooks up with him should also know what they are getting into. It's not like he's giving the "I'll get married if it's the right person" message. It's not the way I would live my life, but these are adults & it obviously works for them on some level.

  12. Why do you have to be a 'skank' if you have changing sex partners? As long as you're not cheating, everyone should have as much sex with as many people as they like. I was ticked off by the 'he gets bored' remark. I know it's what Enty said and not Clooney, but to me it would be more sincere to have affairs or one-night stands where both sides usually know where this is headed and that this is not going to last long instead of having a relationship with someone and then end it when you realize that the person wants more. If Clooney knows that he doesn't want to get married anymore, he should probably start looking for women his age who aren't likely anymore to have a wish for a child and/or for getting married. I don't know it's just that I think that he's leading them on.

  13. I don't see why women who would want kids and want to get married would hook up with him. I too think he's pretty open about what he wants. They should just move on with their life and leave George to others instead of spreading their misery. Pathetic gold diggers, all of them so far.

  14. You know, I don't think that George treats women *poorly*, but I question his motives for getting into and out of relationships in such a predictable way. Plus, his girlfriends all fit the same mold: bony, brunette, dim, and mired in the service industry before he swoops in on his magical steed to rescue them. Until he gets bored, that is.

    I've honestly lost a lot of respect for Clooney. I just wish he'd hook up with Sandy Bullock or Cammy Diaz for a while -- a relationship with a hardworking lady in the same profession would enhance his image in my mind, at least.

    Anyway, Jon Hamm has definitely supplanted Clooney as my personal favorite Tall, Dark, and Handsome Guy -- and it's largely because Hamm is seemingly such a loyal and respectful mate to his lady.

    Sidenote: The American was TERRIBLE. Seriously. Clooney, what WERE you thinking?

  15. Mina - I submit that a man in his position needs to be more discrete about who he effs around with. He needs to trust that a woman isn't going to blab all his secrets (see Tiger Woods), so randomly screwing around is probably a riskier proposition than having a rented galpal where contracts are signed and lawyers are involved.

    George, I'm fronting as a blonde, but I'm Italian to the bone, willing to adjust my tresses to your latest whim.

  16. Mina - there are women out there who are like Clooney too...they get bored. Are you going to be just as disparaging of them for the same behaviour?? Geez.

    Ida - I was thinking that yesterday after Lainey going on about him hooking up with Sandy - never happen. She's too old. He likes 'em just as you described. The bf and I watched The American this past weekend...he's definitely moved into "old man body" territory, and I'm one of those weird people who never found him attractive to begin with. I blame Facts of Life. Anyway, that movie was okay, but the bf cursed the ending. Weak.

  17. His routine is or should be well-known by now and seems to be beneficial to all involved.

    Hmmm, let's see... if I had the choice of working my ass off as a cocktail waitress or walking the red carpet with one of the world's biggest actors, which would I choose?

    Good for him and good for anybody else he hangs out with(male or female).

  18. @Rocket Queen: Yes, I would. So what's your point?

  19. Mina - my point is, not everyone has conventional relationships or relationships that work they way you think they should. Everyone is different. As long as the partner in the relationship is aware of what he or she's getting into, who cares? That's my point. I wish them both the best of luck.

  20. Maybe it's because she's shrugging, but it doesn't look like there's anything holding the dress up.

    And, like Jen A., I could care less about him and his relationships.

  21. there is no blind item actually but Enty outs every one these days (Dicaprio,McGuire,Sean P/Leo D/Lilo)

  22. What a horrible picture. Her arms look like LiLo's arms. She may be Italian, but she's not very classy.

  23. Anonymous11:05 AM

    What Ida said! Exactly! All of it.

    "Plus, his girlfriends all fit the same mold: bony, brunette, dim, and mired in the service industry before he swoops in on his magical steed to rescue them."

    Why? Why does he pick these women. I can't figure it out.

    Oh, and I lurve him.

  24. My only question is; if there was an actual "contract", why would she be talking about marriage?

    But anyway, dear George, if you need a travelling companion for the next couple of months, look no further! It will be a bit of a change for you as I do in fact have steady employment (but no worries; I don't make a lot of money and will certainly be depending on you for finances, perhaps even while giggling girlishly at your jokes), am blonde, and of average intelligence. I have no delusions of becoming a famous actress, but I could use a contact in the film industry for a project I would like to be working on. E-mail me, George. We will only have sex with each other if you absolutely insist.

  25. He does nothing for me. But if he is honest about his intentions then no foul, IMO. I read last night she was not taking the news well and will speak publicly in a few days about the break up - that's kind of weird if it was a contract.

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  27. I wonder what bar HE frequents that is hirng..I do need an extra job for a while.

  28. I think if you accept that this is a contract, and that's she's in on it, the interview had to be a plant as well.

    They knew when the article would come out (give or take a month) when she was being interviewed. I think it was planned as a "reason" for them to break up. At least as something for other people to point to as a reason (She wants babies! He's a rolling stone! instead of Contract's up!).

  29. With use of the words 'contract' and 'playing for the other team', is this an insinuation that he is gay or bi-sexual? This is not something I've heard before. I have a friend of a friend who dated him and said he was a raging alcoholic but definitely not into men. He likes to drink and hang with his buddies and likes a nice looking lady on his arm.

  30. @john - yes, there's been speculation over the years he likes both women and men, from time to time. And that he's got some serious kink issues. Like "shows up to work bruised and broken" kink.

  31. Dear George,

    I am traveling to Amsterdam tomorrow evening. Meet me at the square in Bruges on Saturday evening. I'll be the one with the... husband and kid. Damn. That's not going to work.



  32. He was with that one pretty blonde chick for years I think. I thought that was his 1st long term girlfriend and she wasn't always papping herself. Didn't seem to be interesed in publicity and quietly went away after it ended (probably with a healthy bonus).

  33. lol Kristie that was my issue (sans kid). I never knew he was an alcoholic though, but I heard the rumors he liked to play with both teams. I think he's handsome and if I were single, in hollywood and a waitress yeah I'd do him lol but alas I'm a happily married woman who loves her rugged, sexy husband.

  34. I find neither George Clooney nor Brad Pitt to be attractive. I would, however, if I were single, love the opportunity to do the horizontal tango with Alec Baldwin. To each their own.

  35. I think talking about "marriages" was part of the contract, i.e. this is what you are to say in public/interviews when we break up, etc, etc.

  36. Supposedly, Clooney has a thing for slim, African American guys...but keeps it on the DL. He's a true bi.

  37. I would never date a bisexual guy.

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  39. I think George is cute. I like his smile and the way his eyes get crinkly and twinkly when he smiles. He seems fun. He needs to find a girl who isn't interested in the biz. And maybe if he looks for someone a little bit older, he'll avoid the "I'm secretly hoping we'll get married and have kids someday" mind-set.

    I watched Up in the Air a few months ago. That seemed like a Clooney love note to all the women who want to be the one to make him realize he wants to settle down.

  40. Didn't enty have a blind a few months ago that most of you thought was him? I think it was an actor in a hotel room in england sneaking men in despite his well known girlfriend?

  41. Clooney's girlfriends are usually spectacular (remember that gorgeous French blonde Celine something-or-other?) but Elisabetta photographs oddly. One minute she looks beautiful and next minute she has man-shoulders and a busted face.

    @ KLM: I thought Bruges was in Belgium?

  42. @mango - yep, it's in Belgium but not a far drive from Holland. We are going to see the in-laws in the Netherlands and then all of us driving over to Bruges / Ghent for a couple of nights.

  43. Lainey always he hinted that Clooney had a thing with Cindy Crawford and her husband. This last chick looked like a funkier version of Cindy Crawford.

    I don't know if he is gay, but the predictably of his breakups is pretty strange. As soon as the "M" word is mentioned, there is a statement stating they broke-up. This is the way Sarah Larson was handled too.

    I think his taste in women is kind of gross and does not show he has much upstairs, but over all, it is his life and at least he is not having kids. Now when he gets into the Hefner age bracket, it gets creepy.

  44. I don't understand the use of "contract" either, unless that is just like a confidentialty agreement for any kinkiness they may be privy to?

    I have zero problems with George Clooney's lifestyle. He's good looking, single and loaded. Much more respect for him than those that constantly cheat on their spouses or have kids with 15 different women.

  45. I like this (Clooney's thing, whatever it is). I'm sure waitresses all over the world are jumping with joy and anticipation right now, LOL.

  46. Some commentators appear not to like the idea of contracted relationships, but what is a pre/post nup?

    Hetaera were independent women, think Cat woman in Cheri, who sold their favours for money.

    Both parties were open with each other and it really is not anyone else's business? I think CDAN does us all a favour by pointing out these relationships, though.

    They do miss out on the weddings! Keep it up George!

  47. @RQ - I have never heard this. Wow. I would never have thunk it.
