Friday, June 10, 2011

E! Is Trying To Protect Their Investment

You know how TMZ has been pro Mel Gibson from day one of the whole Oksana thing? Doing everything in their power to help out the parent company protect their huge Mel Gibson library. Well, E! has gone the same route with the whole Kim Kardashian and whether she cheated mess. You have to understand this wedding is going to happen on their network. They had the engagement and they want the wedding. They want specials and to sell ads for a stupid amount of money because they think people will be stupid enough to watch. Unfortunately they are right.

So, to protect this gold mine, and to make sure the couple at least gets married even if they divorce a week later, which would be ok, because that would give them story lines for another season, E! will say or write nothing bad about Kim.

They have a piece up on their site which combines and interview with Khloe who said almost the exact words that Kim has said which means they were all coached. E!, not Khloe then went on to say the NFL player was crazy and trying to do everything in his power to get attention because he is starting a rap career and that Kim has sent out several letters from her lawyer.

There is not one word that is not totally pro Kim. Hey, look, I know you have an investment, but the byline is supposedly E! News. That is not news. It is a PR piece. It is an ad for the network. Please don't disguise it as news.


  1. DUDE. CHILL OUT. It's frickin' E!, not CNN!! You are being a BIG ol' drama queen this time, Enty. ;-)

    Your indignant tone is hilarious, though. <3

  2. When will we see the last of this family ? And I though Paris Hilton was bad........these parasites take it to a new level...

  3. Is it just me or does the video automatically start playing when I click on this site? Really annoying - especially since I wouldn't click on the video anyway.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I had to put my computer on mute because some Dove ad was playing along with the video... probably just as well, since the Kardassians are best appreciated in silence..

  6. When is this dude going to produce the evidence of their relationship?

  7. I honestly don't think anyone cares.

  8. @ Susan - it's not just you. It's happening to me too and I HATE it.

  9. I fucking HATE the K! channel. Of course they won't say anything bad about Kim, they have 14 Kardashian shows running.

    Kim cheated- she was playing them both to see who'd be stupid enough to want to marry her.

  10. ok, have to laugh that anyone thinks that TMZ is pro mel. I will say at least they did tell both sides of the story which ROL absolutely wouldn't do.

    TMZ likes the money that the Mel and Ox saga brought in. They don't necessarily love mel, unlike some of us in the world.

  11. I know I am going to be unpopular for this but... I just love the stupid Kardashian drama! I hope E or Mama Kris will pay to keep this dude quiet until after the wedding, collect on the big pay day, then he can do whatever he wants. I feel no pity for Kim or her fiance at all. I am engaged, and trust me if there was even a whisper of stuff like this, my fiance would hit pause right quick. They're both dumb, and I am going to be entertained by it.

  12. Jordan- unpopular? If you watch their shows, I think people here will line up to punch you in the face! (Get behind me everyone, I am first)

    If you are just laughing at the internet and tabloid mags, then I take it back. :)

  13. Another day, another headline for these famewhores. I feel dirty.

  14. I HATE when sites play video's automatically! Last time Enty had those ads playing i stopped coming to the site til they were gone. Does anyone know if there a setting where you can turn off auto-play?

  15. I use google chrome and there's a setting to stop autoplay. Silence is golden :)

  16. Well Azlee from TMZ is back. Is there an automated search that pings Azlee's email anytime Mel Gibson is mentioned so Azlee can rush from TMZ to post here? Yes Azlee, TMZ is laughably pro Mel. And TMZ appreciates all the clicks you and your little gaggle give them.

    E! Can have the Kardashians. I'm proud to say I have never watched a Kardashian anything. Well...Robert Kardashian but that's another story.

  17. @parissucksliterally - totally laughing at internet and tabloid mags. I just can't believe people would waste a whole lifetime on this type of life. I simply am admitting that I look forward to the latest horrible publicity stunt.

  18. whew Jordan, you had me worried for a minute. :)

  19. now now Elizabeth. You are everywhere too, so you need to look into the mirror.

    I don't know if E has the same reporting "code" but TMZ does try to get both sides. I still disagree that they are pro mel though.

    I never got this Kardashain thing though. Years ago (when they started big brother USA) I was talking to one of the Shapiro's and was told the future would be reality tv. I said no way. I was wrong and he knew what he was talking about. I guess he would know since he was producing them. lol

  20. i call pr'll just be a drawn out process (and a tie-up of the court system--GRRRR)...before his 'evidence' is brought to life. it all appears too scripted to be anything else. it might've worked if they were actors who could pull it off, but e! is putting way too much faith in the acting prowess of the kardashian klan. one sex tape does not a method acting make.

    ok so why are posters sharing their email addys in this thread? is it an ivitation to spam? wth.

  21. Last night at the checkout line in the grocery store there it was - Kneepads big "Kim Is Engaged' Mag.

    Kneepads might be invested too. For big money.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. This is why Chelsea Handler isn't making Kardashian jokes anymore? In fact when's the last time "The Soup" or "Fashion Police" made a Kardashian crack? Oh, sorry. That should be Kardashian Krack.

  24. @Pookie - initially I thought so, too...but why would Kris Humphries agree to that?? He looks like a cuckold!

  25. ParisSucksLiterally is hilarious. That is all. :)

  26. I will not be surprised if the Kim and Kris thing implodes. She is a fame whore and he is a dumb as rocks NBA player. Most jocks are pretty much low functioning mentally, spending their entire lives just learning how to kick and pass a ball around. They were just lucky enough to be good enough to get scouted not end up bagging groceries at the local market for the rest of their life.
